Here is a carving that provides a Codex entry for "Dwarven Faith".
Also nearby by is a Grey Warden, Duncan, who has apparently taken an interest in the Provings. Speak to him, and he'll relate in rather vague terms why he's here.
Here is Mainer, the guy that Beraht wants you to drug. Either you can drug Mainer while Leske distracts him, or vice versa, or you can omit this part altogether.
Here is Everd, the guy Beraht wants to win. Problem is, he's so drunk that he can't even stand up straight, let alone fight. So it boils down to either you or Leske donning Everd's Armor (Grey Iron), as well as your choice of weapon(s) from this chest, which includes an axe, a mace, a sword, and a large shield, of the mundane sorts, and then stepping into the arena disguised as Everd. Simply speak to the guy at #5
Here is the Guard. When you or Leske are wearing Everd's Armor (Grey Iron), simply speak to him and let him know you're ready for the Proving.
Here is the fighting ring. The key to winning is to make generous use of your powers whenever their cooldown periods elapse. For a rogue, Dirty Fighting and Below the Belt come readily to mind. For a fighter, knockdown talents with a shield or abilities that knockdown or stun with a two-handed weapon are also commendable, that is if you've developed your fighter accordingly. Win enough fights and you'll be just a hair short of being declared the champion. Problem is, Evard stumbles out into the arena. He's still drunk, but at least he can apparently walk and wonder what's going on. This means of course that the jig is up for you. The Proving Master has guards surround you and orders you to take your helmet off. In the cinematic, you oblige. This means you're forced to reveal the tattoo on your head that gives you away as casteless. In Dwarven society, it is a capital crime for a casteless to impersonate a member of the Warrior Caste during a Proving. However, instead of winding up in the official prisons of Orzammar, you somehow wind up in a jail cell in Beraht's Hideout.
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"*LET my WORDS carry you. JUSTICE is a teacher. IN your PUNISHMENT, find STRENGTH. Through punishment, you will achieve PERFECTION.*" -Vhailor, Planescape: Torment