Video-Based Walkthrough for NWN2: Mysteries of Westgate
Mantides, M NG Human Fighter 8
- Str 17
- Dex 14
- Con 14
- Int 10
- Wis 12
- Cha 14
12th level: +1 Strength - Will merge seamlessly with his starting Strength of 17, and is a natural choice since he's my main warrior.
Mantides starts off emphasizing:
- Intimidate
- Lore
- Parry
- Taunt
However, I don't really use these skills much as they don't factor significantly, and Mantides is good at what he does (fighting and killing) regardless.
Starting Feats: Combat Expertise
Great Cleave
Weapon Focus (Greatsword)
Weapon Specialization (Greatsword)
9th level: Monkey Grip - Mantides is going to be the only companion left once Selene decides to become a Vampire, so I design Mantides to be a tank instead of a damage dealer during the evil playthrough. Selene will be the damage dealer. However, Mantides will receive a Greatsword named Darkstar. So the Monkey Grip feat is a way to accommodate both so that Mantides can wield both Darkstar and the Tower Shield +2.
10th level: Improved Critical (Greatsword) - Improves Mantides' chances of landing critical hits, which will certainly be useful during a lot of fights in MoW.
11th level: No feat selected.
12th level: Greater Weapon Focus (Greatsword) - It's all about enhancing Mantides' prowess with his Greatsword.
Greater Weapon Specialization (Greatsword) - And his damage as well.
13th level: No feat selected.
14th level: Blind-Fight - Allows Mantides a second chance of hitting a concealed opponent or striking again if he himself is blinded.
15th level: Power Critical (Greatsword) - A natural choice.
- Primary Weapon: Darkstar (Greatsword +3, Level Drain DC=18) - Awarded by High Priestess Velisha in the Dark Lady's Promise if Mantides converts to the worship of Shar at the conclusion of The Fate of Mantides quest. Clearly the best weapon available to Mantides during an evil playthrough.
- Shield: Tower Shield +2 - Purchased from the Armor Merchant in the Market Triangle. The best shield in the game, and it helps Mantides fulfill his tank role during the evil playthrough.
- Helmet: Helmet: Helm of the Horselords (immunity to fear, +1 Concentration, +5 Intimidate) - Purchased from Okuzo's Imports. The immunity is the key perk for Mantides.
- Amulet of Natural Armor +2 - Purchased from Mintassan. All part of Mantides being the tank during the evil playthrough.
- Armor: Night's Embrace (Full Plate +3, Darkvision, +15 cold resistance) - Awarded by High Priestess Velisha in the Dark Lady's Promise if Mantides converts to the worship of Shar at the conclusion of The Fate of Mantides quest. Clearly the best armor available to Mantides during an evil playthrough.
- Cloak: Cloak of Resistance +1 - Purchased from Mintassan. About as much as I can do with this slot.
- Gloves: Gauntlets of Ogre Strength (+2 Strength) - Purchased from Mintassan. Strength is crucial for any Damage Dealer character.
- 1st Ring: Ring of Protection +3 - Looted from the Grand Whisker during the Brotherhood of the Ferret quest. Mantides' source of a deflection bonus to armor class.
- 2nd Ring: Malchor's Punch (Knockdown) - Looted from the Duergar High Priestess during the Knot of Shou Lung quest. Gives him the option of knocking down his target for a round.
- Belt: Swordsman's Girdle (slashing 20/-) - Looted from a chest in the Bent Mermaid Inn. Since Mantides gets his Strength Bonus from the Gauntlets of Ogre Strength, it makes sense to add a belt that provides damage reduction.
- Boots: Boots of Hardiness +2 - Puorchased from Mintassan. All part of Mantides being the designated tank during the evil playthrough. More hit points and a dodge bonus to armor class to boot.
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