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Obsidian Entertainment

NWN 2: Storm of Zehir Online Walkthrough by David Milward

About the Walkthrough  |  About the Maps  |  About the Author  |  Where to Begin
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The Sword Coast:   Sword Coast Overland Map  |  Alchemist's House  |  Arcane Brotherhood Outpost, 1st Floor  |  Arcane Brotherhood Outpost, 2nd Floor  |  Banite Enclave  |  Blacklake District  |  Cold Iron Mine  |  Crossroad Keep  |  Crossroad Keep Interior  |  Crystal Cave  |  Dragon Caves  |  Forgotten Ruin  |  Forktongue Den  |  Gothaladreum  |  Hideout  |  Merchant Headquarters  |  Onyx Cave  |  Pirate Cove  |  Parrum's Rock  |  Port Llast  |  Priory of the Depths  |  Shadow Cult  |  Temple of Waukeen  |  Thayan Enclave  |  West Harbor

Temple of Waukeen

Temple of Waukeen

  1. Here is the exit to the Black Lake District.

  2. Here is Allana, who is sort of the welcome wagon for the Temple of Waukeen.

  3. Here is Belueth the Calm, who can be convinced to join your party for 5,000gp. A successful Diplomacy or Bluff check can reduce this to 3,000gp.

  4. Here is Manycoins Eramus, who can provide basic healing services for your character.

  5. Here are Jordan Wright and Martin Keller, the representatives of the Fate Winds.

  6. Here is Aster Merris, the representative of the Forgotten Lords.

  7. Here is Jon Archen, the representative of the Circle of Friends.

    These organizations are trade cartels, competing for action in the Sword Coast. You can join one of them for about 200 trade bars, but this precludes you from seeking membership with the others. Once you join, you can inquire about Sa’Sani’s missing associates, Kizu and Il’foss. The extent of the information they share with you, if you can call it that, is vague at best. Nonetheless, this enables you to head back to Sa’Sani and progress with her. You’ll get a Neverwinter City Pass that allows you to pass the city gates for free.

    Meanwhile, the cartels each have three tasks for you. They will have the same general emphasis, though some of the details may vary. They are as follows:

    One is to resolve outstanding matters in Port Llast to the satisfaction of your sponsoring cartel. If you are with the Circle of Friends, this means taking care of the undead problem that is plaguing Port Llast, and the storms battering it, as well as liberating it from Luskan occupation. If you are with the Forgotten Lords, this means taking care of the undead problem, and the storms, so that trade with Port Llast can resume. Whether this means that Luskan or Neverwinter is in control of Port Llast won’t particularly matter to the Forgotten Lords. The Fated Winds want you to take care the undead problem and the storms so that Luskan is left in firm control of Port Llast.

    Once those matters are concluded, your next job is to investigate the shortage of trade goods in the town of Red Leaf, located at #37 on the overland map of the Sword Coast. Enter the common room of Red Leaf’s Tavern, and speak with the Quartermaster. He’s apparently holding something back, but you can’t force it out of him. So leave for outside for now. You’ll now get attacked by a group of Bandits. Their Captain leaves behind a Serpent Figurine. The figurine will glow brighter the closer you get to the Bandits' hideout. Make your way to the Forktongue Den located on #38 of the Sword Coast overland map. Clean the bandits out, and then bring the good news to the Quarter master. Now bring the news back to your patron merchant for 1,800 xp.

    Red Leaf AmbushThe development is somewhat unsettling though, because it means Lord Nasher might suspect all three of the merchant cartels of financing bandit activity and kick them all out of Neverwinter. Your patron merchant suggests that you attend a meeting between all three cartels in the Inn at Conyberry, which is located at #20 of the Sword Coast Map. Attend the meeting, and Jordan Wright (whether or not he was your patron) will stumble late into the meeting. It becomes apparent that he has been under the influence of the Yuan-ti, but has now been discarded by poisoning. Many Yuan-ti assassins will burst through the door and attack. Get your best protections in place, if you haven’t already cast them, then fire away with party-friendly spells. At this point, assuming you’ve done a lot of the side quests, you may be able to cast 9th level spells. Wail of the Banshee is invaluable for situations like this. Once you’ve taken care of business, head back to Sa’Sani to have matters proceed to their climax.

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