The door to this room is trapped. Inside are the Bandit Sergeant and some fellow Bandits waiting to attack you. Let them follow you out the door since you run the risk of one party member getting caught right at the door and facing the heat alone. This is especially the case since the Sergeant can dish out some pretty heavy damage. The Sergeant leaves behind a Ring of Fortitude +1. A trapped chest in the room contains Drums of Haunting.
Places where you can expect to fight plenty of Bandits.
Here youll fight a Wizard and some Bandits. Needless to say, go for the Wizard first and kill her as quickly as you can. She leaves behind a Robe of Fire Resistance and a Wand of Lightning.
A chest in the room contains Tors Holy Symbol. Bring it back to Tor in Fort Locke for 200 xp.
Along this hallway theres a trap and more Bandits to fight.
The door leading here is trapped. This is where you meet the Bandit Chief. His bodyguard includes a Wizard. If youve already rescued Commander Tann from the Graveyard, then you have a chance to speak with him. You can convince him to either join the ranks of soldiers at Fort Locke or to stop kidnapping people. Either will earn you 700xp. By the way, indicating that you enjoy butchering people and youll continue with him earns you Evil points.
When you return to Fort Locke, Commander Tann will reward you with 500gp. If you convinced the Bandits to join the garrison, you wont get the 100xp reward. If you deal with the Bandit Chief before rescuing Commander Tann, theres no reward forthcoming from the Commander.
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"Pfeh! A dank pool of base corruption, if ever there was one. If not for the Order, the gods would surely smite Man for such sins." -Anomen, Baldur's Gate II