Around here, there are a lot of Hurlock and Genlock soldiers, and also quite a few Genlock Archers around the bend to the west. The drawing out technique should work to at least get rid of the foot soldiers. Once they're gone, if you have a mage, you can then hit the Archers with an area effect spells. If you don't, you can try nailing them with the Ballistas that are nearby.
Here you'll find a book that gives you the journal entry for History of the Chantry: Part I.
A crate in this room has a random item.
Crates in his room have random items.
Again, the Darkspawn will be packed into this small room, so if you have area-effect spells, use them.
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"*KNOW THIS: There is nothing on ALL the PLANES that can STAY the hand of JUSTICE when it is brought against them. It may unmake ARMIES. It may sunder the thrones of GODS. Know that for all who BETRAY justice, I am their FATE. And fate carries an EXECUTIONER'S AXE.*" -Vhailor, Planescape: Torment