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Video-based Walkthrough for Neverwinter Nights 2 by David Milward

PROLOGUE  |  ACT I  |  ACT II  |  ACT III  |||  MotB  |  SoZ  |  MoW  | 
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Act III:   Castle Never  |  Neverneath  |  Merchant Quarter  |  Circle of the Mere  |  Crossroad Keep Basement  |  Crossroad Keep  |  Ironfist Stronghold  |  Mount Galardrym  |  Seat of the Mountain  |  Fiery Canyon  |  Wendersnaven  |  Highcliff  |  Shadow Reaver Camp  |  Nolaloth's Valley  |  West Harbor  |  The War Begins  |  Shandra Jerro's Farm  |  Outskirts of Crossroad Keep  |  Seige of Crossroad Keep  |  Vale of Merdelain  |  Inner Sanctum  | 


Merchant Quarter

Conference at Crossroad Keep

First I have a conference with my companions in the courtyard of Crossroad Keep.

17th Level

I had actually acquired enough xp to advance to the 17th level when I was still in Ammon Jerro's Haven. I was only able to advance Valeria, Casavir, Elanee and Neeshka while I was there. The others had to wait for me to return to Crossroad Keep.

One highlight is that, upon taking her 3rd level in Arcane Trickster, Valeria gains the ability to make an Impromptu Sneak Attack once a day. An Impromptu Sneak Attack allows her once a day to inflict sneak attack on an enemy even if that enemy if facing her head on. This is one of the key targets, and a useful weapon. Note that there is an alternative way for Rogues to get sneak attacks on targets that face them head. That depends on having both the Feint feat and a high Bluff skill. A Rogue with feint can sneak attack without limit as long as his Bluff check succeeds against a DC based on the target's base attack bonus plus its Spot skill ranks. The difference with Impromptu Sneak Attack is that it doesn't require a Bluff check to succeed, but can only be used a certain number of times each day.

The other highlight is Bishop obtaining the Hide in Plain Sight ability, which allows him to go into stealth mode even when enemies are in plain sight. It's certainly not as useful as for Rogue sneak-attack based builds, but it still has its advantages. For example, Bishop is a damage dealer, not a tank. If he finds himself getting swarmed by multiple foes, he can go into stealth, and then take up a more advantageous position that allows him to attack from the flank. Attacking from stealth also will not inflict sneak attack damage for Bishop, but it will still allow him to make an attack that will deny his target its Dexterity bonus to armor class.

Equipping Ammon Jerro

I've been saving up some equipment for Ammon Jerro, which he now equips. They are:

Ammon for his part hands over his Ring of Elemental Resistance (+15 acid resistance, +15 cold resistance, +15 electrical resistance, +15 fire resistance) to Grobnar. He also hands over his Cloak of Blackflame (immunity to ability / level drain) to Khelgar. The cloak is a linchpin for Khelgar, as it frees up his amulet slot for a Periapt of Wisdom. It also allows him to reap the benefits of the Great Wyrm Gauntlets, but without suffering any of the penalties. All he has to do is re-equip the Gauntlets after he's put on the cloak, and then there won't be any Dexterity penalty. Keep in mind this little re-equip trick has to be repeated once you (re)load the savegame, but that's a minor inconvenience. All the frills and none of the spills.

It is here that I also take the opportunity to set up Ammon's quick-bar with the powers that he will use frequently: Retributive Invisibility, Dark One's Own Luck, etc. I also add to the quick-bar the icon that combines together Eldritch Chain with Vitriolic Acid. That will be Ammon's bread and butter attack. Another one is the icon that combines Beshadowed Blast with Edlritch Chain. It will blind anything, undead and crit-immune enemies, which will become very useful towards the later stages of the game.

Lastly, Valeria hands over all the spare spell scrolls she's been saving up. The Warlock is the class best suited to using his Use Magic Device skill in order to cast spells from spell scrolls, due to the higher Charisma ability bonus and the Deceive Item feat. The ability to use high-level arcane scrolls or high-level priestly spell scrolls can add a whole new dimension to playing a Warlock.

Bill Logan

There is a merchant named Bill Logan who can be found at #13 on the map. He sells a lot of magical items of various sorts, plus some unique items. I purchase:

As a scimitar, it's a natural choice as Elanee's weapon for the rest of the game. The scimitar provides handy defensive benefits that are not possible through enchantment. The +3 Constitution bonus melds seamlessly with Elanee's Constitution of 11. The one concern is that the scimitar doesn't provide extra damage. Elanee as a Druid can easily rectify that with an Extended Flame Weapon spell. The fun really begins when she adds Storm Avatar on top for good measure. Of course, I prefer Elanee to fight in Wild Shape whenever possible, but sometimes having her fight in her natural Elf form is unavoidable, so it helps to be ready for that as well.


At #12 is a merchant named Randolph. I purchase:

The video concludes with me making my way towards the world exit.

*Evil* Greycloak Ambush

Zarathos has extra business to attend to in the Merchant Quarter, in addition to visiting the merchants here. That business involves his management of Crossroad Keep and his soon to be former ties to Axle Deivre.

As I mention elsewhere in the Crossroad Keep page, having sided with the Shadow Thieves means that Axle will try to insinuate himself into managing Crossroad Keep through Uncus. Uncus will frequently make demands on me, and penalties to the various measures of Crossroad Keep's well-being (e.g. Peasant Groth Modifier, Civility, etc.) are often unavoidable.

The tension builds up at various times when Zarathos enters Crossroad Keep during his management of it. The first part of the video shows an early conversation with Uncus, whereby Uncus warns Zarathos that he and Axle will likely come to blows. The as far as I know inevitable result is a fight to the death between Zarathos and Axle. I haven't heard or read of anyone successfully avoiding a mortal confrontation with Axle, so I just go ahead and pick options meant to antagonize Axle.

The second conversation is where Uncus informs me that Axle's spies have been placed amongst the Greycloaks. Penalties to Crossroad Keep are unavoidable. The Intelligence check option (which I chose) and the 'leave them be' option apparently involve the relatively least negative effects on Crossroad Keep.

The third conversation is an attempt by Axle's envoy to collect 10,000gp from me. I prefer to just kill the Shadow Thief, because it minimizes any negative penalties for Crossroad Keep, and because it's a sure bet to antagonize Axle. The Shadow Thief will leave behind a pair of Daggers +3.

The fourth conversation involves a Caravan Master who got caught with contraband by the Greycloaks, and wants Zarathos' intervention. I chose the "I won't get involved" option. It avoids taking any Lawful points towards alignment, which the "He broke the law" option would have done. It antagonizes Axle even further. It also minimizes any negative effects for Crossroad Keep.

Fast forward a few visits to the Keep later. Shadow Thieves disguised as Greycloaks attempt to ambush and assassinate Zarathos. Zarathos starts off with Word of Faith. He and Qara then crank out Chain Lightning spells. Ammon spits out Vitriolic Acid / Eldritch Chains. Bishop and Neeshka hack away. The battle is over in short order.

*Evil* Killing Moire

A good deal later, when I come back to Crossroad Keep again, Uncus informs Zarathos that Axle has invited him over to 'talk'. Both Uncus and Zarathos agree that a trap is likely intended..

Now I head back to the Merchant Quarter. The Doorman at #4 on the Merchant Quarter map won't let me through until I get the 'invitation' from Axle via Uncus. Axle wants me to find and kill Moire. I'm not sure if the skill checks mean anything as long as I don't specifically announce an intention to kill Axle then and there.

It's up to me to find Moire. First, I go west along the pathway and find a group of Thieves trying to rob a couple of locals. There won't be any information to be had here, but I do kill the Thieves for the xp and the booty.

Now I go to where I first entered the Warehouse during Act 1. Here, I run into a group of Thieves who bungle their job. I follow one of them back to where Leldon used to live, and overhear the password, 'The whole of Neverwinter'.

I buff up beforehand, although I don't show it in the video. I use the password myself to get in. Moire offers me a chance to side with her and turn on Axle, but it's actually more profitable to kill her and then Axle as well. Zarathos' Word of Faith, plus an offensive spell or two from Qara, suffice to win this battle in short order. Moire will leave behind an Adamantine Dagger, a Padded Armor +3, and Leech (Dagger +5, +3 vampiric regeneration). The Shadow Thieves leave behind plenty of other loot as well.

I continue to the far end of the building. Neeshka disarms traps along the way. I kill off more of Moire's thugs through a combination of a Word of Faith spell, Empowered Chain Lightnings from Qara, and physical attacks.

*Evil* Killing Axle

I then return to Axle, where the falling out reaches its climax. Skill checks and dialogue choices won't matter because I've done too many things contrary to Axle's interests. Two forces will attack. One force, led by Axle while he stands back and buffs himself, will attack Zarathos. Another force will attack the rest of the party just at the entrance. Zarathos casts an Extended Blade Barrier spell, which suffices to kill off the Thugs surrounding him. The rest of the party wins by physical attacks, helped along by spells from Qara and Vitriolic Acid / Eldritch Chains from Ammon Jerro. At one point Qara has to use a Gust of Wind spell to get rid of an Acid Fog.

One of the Thugs will leave behind a Key that can be used to open the door that seperates Zarathos from the rest of the party. But Bishop finds it easier to just bust the door down. The party manages to regroup, but Axle manages to inflict some damage on Zarathos with Bigby's type spells. Bishop issues a 'stand your ground' command so that the party won't dice themselves on the Blade Barrier. He himself carefully steps around the Blade Barrier, and then wears Axle down with physical attacks.

Axle leaves behind:

The chest in Axle's room will have a Ring of the Wood Elves (spell resistance 16), Lesser Robe of Eyes (True Seeing (9) 1/day, +10 Search, +10 Spot), and Anhur's Favored Blade (+4 Falchion, +1d8 electrical damage, Bull's Strength (10) 1/day). I'll eventually just sell everything I loot here.

Troll Hunter

I run into a couple of Trolls, and a very large Troll Hunter, attacking Greycloaks as I make my way back to Crossroad Keep. Physical attacks helped along by Ammon Jerro's Vitriolic Acid / Eldritch Chains are sufficient. The Troll Hunter leaves behind Troll Blood (which can be distilled into a Weak Power Essence and a Weak Water Essence), an Adamantine Battleaxe, and a couple of other random items as well.

Next up is the Circle of the Mere.
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