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Dragon Age: Origins Online Walkthrough by David Milward

Areas in the original game:  
Brecilian Forest  |  The Camp  |  Circle Tower  |  Denerim  |  The Final Battle  |  Haven  |  Landsmeet  |  Lothering  |  Orzammar  |  Ostagar  |  Redcliffe  |  Ruined Temple  
Areas available as Downloadable Content:  
Honnleath  |  Return to Ostagar  |  Warden's Keep 
About the Walkthrough  |  About the Maps  |  About the Author  |  About Playing the Game  |  Where to Begin
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Map of Denerim during the Landsmeet  |  Abandoned Orphanage  |  Arl Eamon's Estate  |  Arl of Denerim's Estate - Exterior  |  Arl of Denerim's Estate - Interior  |  Arl of Denerim's Estate - Dungeon  |  Elven Alienage  |  Fort Drakon  |  Hospice  |  Landsmeet Chamber  |  Rundown Apartments  |  Tewinter Warehouse  

Fort Drakon

Fort Drakon

  1. Here is the front door, which leads to the Map of Denerim during the Landsmeet.

  2. Here is the Waiting Room.

  3. Here is the Captain of the Guard.

  4. Here is Sister Augustine.

  5. Here is the Main Hall. Sergeant Tanna heads the Guards here.

  6. Here is the Colonel's Office.

  7. Here is the Storage.

  8. Here is the Officer's Armory.

  9. Here is the Soldier's Armory.

  10. Here is the Kennel. It will have a Guard and a couple of Mabari War Hounds.

  11. Here is the Prison.

  12. When you first arrive, you'll wind up in the Prison. If Alistair was with you when you rescued Queen Anora, he will also be in the cell with you. You are now faced with a fundamental decision, to either try to effect your own escape, or to wait for two of your companions to come rescue you. Possibilities for each are described below.

    Escaping on your own

    Your first task is to get out of your cell. There's a few ways of going about this. 1) You can Persuade the Jailor to indulge you in a sexual tryst, and then taking him out. 2) You can Persuade him that Darkspawn are nearby, and that he should let you out so that you can deal with them. 3) You can pick the lock if you have the skill for it. You can then play sick, or sneak past the Jailor with enough Dexterity, or knock him out with enough Strength. However you do it, loot the Jailor's Body for the Key to Cell Doors, which will allow you to open the cell door as well as the rest of the cells in this area of the fort.

    At the south end of the prison will be a chest. When you click on it, your character(s) will have their equipment back.

    Now go south, and kill the Guard and the two Mabari in the Kennel.

    From this point onwards, you have choices about whether you can weasel your way out, or fight your way out. What will be described are ways to get out without fighting.

    Go to the Soldier's Armory. Clicking on the chest will result in your once again disguising yourself as Guards.

    Go to the Colonel's Office. He'll tell you to join up with the other patrol recruits and get ready for inspection.

    Go to the Storage. The two recruits will want to get regulation swords from the Officer's Armory. Alternatively, you can simply kill them here, and loot their bodies for the password. You can then simply head for the Main Hall and out the front door.

    Once in the Officer's Armory, convince the officer there to give you and the recruits Regulation Swords. Alternatively, you can come here before visiting the recruits in the Storage. Tell the officer you're willing to relieve him of duty temporarily, and he'll leave after a successful Persuasion check. Then bring the Recruits here. They'll simply help themselves to Regulation Swords.

    Head back to the Colonel's Office for inspection. At some point, the Colonel will ask either you or Alistair what soldiers need. Either 'Discipline' or 'Honor' will work.

    Now head for the Main Hall. You can let the Recruits speak it, or speak it yourself if you already killed the Recruits for the password.

    You can now make for the Front Door, and then head back to Arl Eamon's Eastate.

    Waiting for the rescue

    If you select this route, you can bluff your way part of the way through, but not completely. There are three points that you can bluff at:

    1) The two guards standing at the first door. If your bluff doesn't work, you'll have to fight them, as well as a few other Guards. One of the Guards will drop the Key to the Reception Door. Which lets you get past the first door. You won't however be able to get past the second door. This means having to go the Captain's Room, who will go hostile. He'll leave behind the Key to the Front Hall. However, if you successfully bluff the two guards ...

    2) ... They'll call out the Captain. If your bluff doesn't work, both the Captain and the Guards will attack. If you win, then you can loot both keys and go through the first two doors to the Main Hall. If your bluff succeeds, then you can make your way through the first two doors that are now opened for you and on to the Main Hall.

    3) The Main Hall. Standing watch over the south door is Sergeant Tanna. If you can successfully bluff her into leaving her post, she then leaves and you can make your way through the Main Hall without ever getting attacked. If it doesn't work, you can click on one of the Ballistas so that the resulting noise will distract Tanna from her post and convince her to leave the door. Otherwise, you can also choose to attack her, with the consequence that everyone else in the Main Hall will attack you as well.

    Once you make it past these three points however, it becomes a matter of fighting your way to the Grey Warden's Jail cell.

    Which two companions you pick may be important, both in terms of being able to bluff your way past the three key points, but also for potential entertainment value, if that's what you value. Keep in mind that at various points, you can choose which character will do the talking, so sometimes bringing along a character who can't make it past a given checkpoint can be compensated by bringing along another character who can bluff past that checkpoint. Here's a breakdown of what character is capable of or will try at each of the three points.

    Alistair: In order for Alistair to be able to come to the Grey Warden's rescue, he must not have been in the party when you rescued Queen Anora from Arl Howe's Estate. When he's with the Mabari War Hound, he can bluff his way past the Guards and the Captain by claiming he's bringing another dog for the kennels. With any of the other companions, he can bluff his way past both the Guards and the Captain by claiming to making an unspecified delivery. He will not be able to bluff his way past Sergeant Tanna.

    Leliana: Leliana can easily bluff her way past any of the two points. She can convince both the Guards and the Captain that she's they're to take the Mabari War Hound to the kennels. When paired up with either Morrigan or Wynne, she can convince the Guards and the Captain that she and her partner are Sisters of the Chantry who have come to offer their prayers for the prisoners. When paired up with the other companions, she can convince the Guards and the Captain that she's there to deliver beef bones to the dog kennels. She'll also be able to psych Sergeant Tanna into convincing herself that her responsibility for the door is too much for her.

    Nature's CallMabari War Hound: Whether it involves faking an illness, barking enthusiastically, or heeding nature's call, the Mabari War Hound is a sure thing to get you past both the front Guards, and their captain. The Mabari will not however have any option for Sergeant Tanna.

    Morrigan: Morrigan, when with the Mabari War Hound, will claim to be delivering the Hound to the kennels. This will work for the Guards, but not for the Captain. So it will be better to let the Hound do the talking. When she is with either Leliana or Wynne, she will dress up the part of a Sister of the Chantry. Sisters of the ChantryAnd seeing her attempt a prayer to the Maker for the good of the soldiers of Fort Drakon is indeed one of the funnier possibilities for this part of the game. But she's uncomfortable to say the least posing as a Sister of the Chantry, so it is better to let Leliana or Wynne do the talking. With the other companions, Morrigan can bluff her way past by insisting she's bringing a delivery from the Weaver's Hall. She can also bluff her way past Sergeant Tanna by convincing her that she has a pitiable and lonely lot in life.

    Circus PerformersOghren: Possibly the worst character to bring in terms of practical chances of bluffing your way past anybody, but possibly the best in terms of entertainment value. Whether it's offering to bring the Mabari War Hound to the Kennels, or offering to bring another delivery, Oghren is better off letting somebody else do the talking. Two of the funniest possible moments are when he pairs up with either Sten or Zevran. The partnership with Sten will ultimately fail to convince, while it will work with Zevran if you let Zevran do the talking. In each instance, Oghren and his partner will pose as circus performers ready to put on a show. Zevran in particular plays up the part, announcing Oghren and himself as the famed Broma Brothers from Antiva. Oghren's 'charms' however are wasted on Sergeant Tanna.

    Sten: Sten is all but useless for trying to get past the Guards and the Captain. As previously mentioned, he will team up with Oghren to try and pose as circus performers. While this can get as far as the Captain in a humorous way, it will be ultimately unsuccessful. Sten can bluff past the front guards with the Mabari War Hound, but will blow it when the Captain comes. With any of the other companions, Sten can't come up with anything other than a flat "I'm here to deliver something" that never works, and he'll prove itching to hack his way through the fort anyway. If you want to make it past the first two points, its better for Sten to let the other companion do the talking. He can however talk Sergeant Tanna into standing aside by reminding her that her post is pretty boring by any meaningful military standards.

    Wynne: Wynne can convince the Guards that she's there to bring the Mabari War Hound to the kennels, but she won't be able to convince the Captain. When paired with either Leliana or Morrigan, the pair will try to pass themselves off as Sisters of the Chantry. Wynne will succeed whenever you let her do the talking. For the others, Wynne can successfully present herself as bringing the soldiers scarves from the Ladies of Denerim. She will also be able to talk Sergeant Tanna into leaving her post by insinuating that guarding a door is a meaningless task.

    Zevran: Zevran can easily bluff his way past all three points. With the Mabari War Hound, it involves a delivery of the dog to the tunnels. As previously mentioned, with Oghren, he'll put on the act of being the famed Broma Brothers from Antiva. With any other character, he claims he's bringing the other partner along for 'intimate' services. He can also talk Sergeant Tanna into leaving her post.

    Its then a matter of fighting your way to the Grey Warden's Cell. There will be a few guards past the door with Sergeant Tanna. From that point afterwards, it is possible to avoid the Colonel and the other guards and make straight for the Guard and the two Hounds in the Kennel. After that, head north and kill the two Jailors. Loot their bodies for the Key to Cell Doors. Now you can free the Grey Warden.

    After that, its a way of making your way out. Most of the fights can be avoided, but at the least you will have to fight the guards near the front door. Now its time to head back to Arl Eamon's Estate in order to progress the story.

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