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Obsidian Entertainment

Video-Based Walkthrough for NWN2: Storm of Zehir by David Milward

PROLOGUE  |  ACT I  |  ACT II  |  ACT III  |||  MotB  |  SoZ  |  MoW  | 
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Prologue  |  Act 1  |  Act 2  |  Act 3  

Prologue:   The Vigilant  |  Omgar's Teeth  | 


Gzermhag the Wild

The game begins with the ship wreck in a spot called Omgar's Teeth. Despite Volo's best efforts, I will soon have to fight a LOT of Batiri Goblins that will come in several waves. Oh, and there's no opportunity to rest in between fights. Quite the rude awakening for any first time players of SoZ.

A dialogue will ensue with Volo and some of the other crew members. At some point, a dialogue option will come involving trying to convince a Dwarf to lend me his Longsword. *Note* You can change who speaks on behalf of the party in the middle of the conversation. I therefore have Logan take over, so that he can use his Intimidate skill to get the sword, which will be a decided improvement over the ship planks and bottles that are the default options.

When the option of bow and arrows come up, I let Janette take over so that she can use her Diplomacy skill to get the bow and arrows.

Volo begins his negotiation with the Batiri. I have some time to scrounge the nearby debris piles for any useful items. My approach is to set the party in position with a 'stand your ground' command, with Gallard at the forefront, while having a single character do the scrounging. Of particular note will be the debris pile at 4:28 of the video. A low Spot level check, even a character with a Wisdom bonus who has no skill points trained in Spot, can get a few Shortswords from the pile. The Shortswords will be an improvement on the bottles and planks that are usually what can be hoped for from the debris piles (dmc notes he managed to score a spear from the pile).

The first wave of Batiri come on, led by Gzhermhag the Wild who packs a big two-handed axe. I have Gallard hold up several Batiri by himself while in Parry Mode. Note that even at a low level, the Militia background and the Skill Focus (Parry) feat make Gallard quite effective at holding up several enemies.

Logan meanwhile swings away. Great Cleave can become really effective during lower level fights against several enemies that have fewer hit points.

Vandala meanwhile pecks away at Gzhermag the Wild with repeated use of Draining Blast, both to peck down his hit points and also to keep him slowed down.

I have a certain objective in mind, not just to win the battles but also to keep all of the crew members alive as well. Janette will therefore use her Healing Kits and healing spells not just on her party members, but on crew members as well when they get wounded. I manage to fend off the first wave with a minimum of concern.

Clawkeeper Kzheernoc

I hold position and let the next wave come to me, which is led by Clawkeeper Kzheernoc. The battle ends quickly, and with much the same themes.

Shoudul of the Skulls

Again, I let the next wave come to me. This time it's led by Shoudul of the Skulls, who is capable of minor level spells. Otherwise the battle pretty much follows the same themes.

Another wave comes around the corner after I bring down Shoudul, demonstrating the wisdom of letting the enemy come to me instead of rushing them.

Under Arrest

I've managed to defeat all of the Batiri, and with every crew member still alive, so everyone in the party gets the Protector feat (+1 Survival).

A Samargol patrol shows up and places the party under arrest. I won't be carted off to Samargol right away. That won't happen until I speak to one of the patrol myself.

That means I have time to milk the area for any other items that may be left. In particular, Vandala is able to use her Craft Alchemy skill to extract some Potions of Cure Light Wounds from the Shrubs. Logan now equips the Greataxe that Gzermhag the Wild left behind, and hands over his Longsword to Janette.

Once I do speak to one of the patrol members again, that's when I get taken to Samargol.
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