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Neverwinter Nights 2 Online Walkthrough by David Milward

PROLOGUE  |  ACT I  |  ACT II  |  ACT III  |||  MotB  |  SoZ  |  MoW  | 
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Act II:   Docks District  |  Collector's Mansion  |  Bryce Crypt  |  The Vigil  |  Port Llast  |  Duskwood Grove  |  Ember  |  Glowstone Caverns  |  The Trials  |  Aldanon's Manse  |  Tavorick Estate  |  Master of the Fifth Tower  |  Crossroad Keep  |  Blacklake District  |  Ruins of Arvahn  |  Riverguard Keep  |  Temple of Seasons  |  Gem Mines  |  Song Portal  |  Haven Approach  |  Ammon Jerro's Haven  | 


Duskwood Grove

Lorne's Disguise

Now I go to #3 on the Grove map. Waiting there will be Lyssa. I could make a Bluff check to pretend that I'm Lorne, but I prefer not to so as to gain influence with Casavir, even if it means losing it with Sand. Whether or not I pretend to be Lorne, Lyssa the Dryad wants the Glowstone from the caverns below (accessible through the tunnel at #2 on the map) in exchange for the Alteration Powder that Lorne used to disguise himself as Valeria.

Valeria prefers not to fall in with Lyssa's request, partly because I want to do another quest for the Goblins that live in the Caves, who value the Glowstone and are willing to fight to the death to keep it. I also want to get some xp for killing Lyssa and the Dire animals that surround her. If I had brought Elanee along, she could have made the Dire animals stand down so that Lyssa would have to fight by herself. But I don't want that. I want the xp for killing Lyssa and all of the Dire animals. The fight is simply a matter of cutting them down and outlasting them.

The Dire Boar leaves behind a Dire Board Tusk that can be distilled into a Faint Earth Essence. The Dire Bear leaves behind a Dire Bear Claw that can be distilled into a Glowing Earth Essence.

Lyssa leaves behind a Lesser Magic Bag (carry items at -40% weight) and the Alteration Powder, which is a piece of evidence that will be helpful during the trial.

*Evil* Lorne's Disguise

Zarathos at the outset loses -3 influence with Elanee by telling her to endure the pain or he'll leave her behind. He also earns +2 influence with Sand by showing appreciation for the advance warning about the Duskwood's anti-magic aura.

He is unable to make the Bluff attempt with Lyssa, but he tries anyway because the other two dialogue options would have lost influence with Sand. Zarathos also falls in with Lyssa's request to take the Glowstone away from the Goblin tribe below.

*Warning Note* Be advised that seeing this quest through, although it will ultimately earn 1,000xp from Lyssa, also commits you to the following:

My choice to see things through as the evil party is a roleplaying choice on my part.

Port Llast

Bradbury's Disappearance

I speak with Calindra inside the Armed Alliance Inn at #6 on the Port Llast map. She indicates that her mining partner, Bradbury, has gone missing. I promise to keep an eye out for him.

I travel to the Duskwood Grove, and end up on #1 on the map. I veer to the left towards #2, and follow the long path that goes south, west, and then north. I have to fight plenty of Dire Wolves along the way. Shandra always charges on ahead of the rest of the party so that she can hold up some of the Dire Wolves herself with her Parry skill. The Duskwood Grove basically amounts to an anti-magic zone, which reduces Sand to having to passively keep his distance. However, Grobnar's Curse Song and Inspire Defense work as always, which is one reason why I brought him along for this quest.

At the end of the path will be a pair of Gnomes named Mirri and Jilla. I speak with them for a bit, and they're apparently reluctant to let me into their cave. There's also a dialogue option that involves wanting Grobnar to stay with the party, and will increase influence with him. That's the other reason I brought Grobnar along. I go in anyway, and end up having to fight more Dire Wolves.

I go to the other end of the cave, and find Bradbury's corpse. That's when the Gnomes show up with more Dire Wolves, and reveal themselves as Werewolves. I get 900xp for the discovery.

This battle can be tough if you haven't come with weapons that can overcome the Werewolves' damage reduction. However, Casavir's Alchemical Silver Warhammer and Valeria's Alchemical Silver Rapier, each with bonus damage against evil, are perfect for the task. Damage from weapon enchantments that provide extra magical or elemental damage will also not be affected by the Werewolves' damage resistance, so Valeria can hold her own as well. It's only a matter of time before I wear them down.

The Werewolves leave behind an Amulet of the Harpers (+5 electrical resistance, immunity to Magic Missiles, +5 saving throw bonus vs. mind-affecting spells, Harper Agents only) which I'll sell, and an Insect Collection, which is a quest item. A nearby garbage pile has the Improved Robes of the Old Order (+2 armor class), which I hold onto for Khelgar for when he becomes a Monk.

I inform Calindra of Bradbury's death, and get 1,000xp.

13th Level

Valeria and her companions now advance to their 13th level of experience. One highlight is that Neeshka acquires the Two-Weapon Defense feat. Another highlight is that Valeria acquires her first Arcane Trickster level.

Casavir bumps his Use Magic Device skill ranks to 7. In combination with his high Charisma score, which will eventually be enhanced even further with a Nymph Cloak +8, and he'll be able to equip items that he normally wouldn't be able to on account of class or race restrictions.

My next destination is Ember.
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