Here you find a merchant family with Shou as their family name. Their wagon was ruined by the onslaught of the spirit army and want a new one. If Okku is in your party they won’t speak to you since they blame him for their misfortunes. Otherwise speak to Azim in Mulsantir to buy a new wagon for them for 10,000gp. Then speak to the father again and get some xp for it. If you accepted a quest from U’juk in the Wells of Lurue you can pull of a Bluff check (15 or so) to sucker them into traveling to their deaths at the hands of U’juk’s tribe.
Here you’ll regularly find a Telthor Boar if you need a snack.
Here you’ll regularly find a Telthor Stag or a Telthor Wolf if you need a snack.
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"*When the WILL is strong, the BLADE is strong. When the cause is JUST, the blade strikes TRUE. When MERCY eats at the heart, DOUBT, HESITATION, COMPASSION follow. The blade becomes as DUST.*" -Vhailor, Planescape: Torment