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Bard's Tale 3 Remastered Online Walkthrough by David Milward

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Skara Brae:  
Skara Brae  |  Catacombs  |  Tunnels  |  Unterbrae, Level 1  |  Unterbrae, Level 2  |  Unterbrae, Level 3  |  Unterbrae, Level 4


Unterbrae, Level 4

First Ward

I start off at 0N 0E of the fourth level. I am now in the First Ward of the fourth level. Recall the clue about the First Ward's Key: "The First Ward's Key: NevEr Now, EvEr iS SEEn, ElitE aNd NarroW, North by NorthWest Way, Doves MourN.". The entire room is filled with smoke that can dim lights. The capitalized Ns and Es and Ss and Ws in the clue provide directions to avoid spinners in the room, which can be meaningful for parties that do not have a Nospen Ring.

I follow the directions for the sake of demonstration, and reach 5N 4E. I get a message: "Diddledy high, Diddledy low, Come brave blood sheep, you've got a goodly way to go."

Second Ward

The Second Ward is a room where you can go north, but a wall will appear south behind you, obliging you to continue northwards.

It also has a lot of fights against random monsters, many of which will also be on squares that are anti-magic, or drain Hit Points or Spell Points. However, there are only a few fights and no adverse squares near the door that leads north and out of the Second Ward. Remember the previous clue: "Only a fool would frontally assault the second Ward." The easiest way is to hug the west or east wall, go north, then do at most two fights to reach the door out.

But I'm willing to do things the hard way to rack up xp. I win fights against random monsters at 7N 4E, 7N 5E, 8N 5E and 8N 4E. Those squares also drain Hit Points.

I win fights against random monsters 9N 3E, 9N 4E, 9N 5E and 9N 6E. Those squares also drain Hit Points. Despite the risks, I also face north after each fight in order to use a Trap Zap on the traps north of the square I'm on. Best to take care of it now while I can still cast magic spells. I cast Restoration after I've finished with those fights.

I win fights against random monsters at 10N 7E, 10N 6E, 10N 5E, 10N 4E, 10N 3E and 10N 2E. Those squares are also anti-magic, and some of them have traps (that I've now gotten rid of).

There won't be anymore draining squares, but only a few traps that I've taken care of. I win fights against random monsters at 11N 1E, 11N 2E, 11N 3E, 11N 4E, 11N 5E, 11N 6E, 11N 7E, 11N 8E, 12N 5E, 12N 4E and 12N 3E.

I go north through the door to each 13N 4E. I get a message that reads: "So far, so good, this you all think. Come even further, your blood I will drink. Brilhasti am I, and great is my god. Come to me, come, down the path few have trod."

Third Ward

Recall the previous clue about the Third Ward's path. A look at the map makes it clear that going through the dark squares provides a way of reaching the end with a minimum fuss.

But again, I want to rack up the xp and so win fights against random monsters at 15N 9E, 15N 8E, 15N 7E, 15N 6E, 15N 5E, 15N 4E, 15N 3E, 15N 2E, 15N 1E and 15N 0E.

I then face northwards and use Trap Zap to get rid of a couple traps, and then head straight north and through the door to reach 20N 0E.

Brilhasti ap Tarj

I go one square east to 20N 1E to face Brilhasti ap Tarj and four Darkguards. Gallard one-shots Brilhasti with his Sword of Zar, while the other warriors easily take out the four Darkguards.

I get teleported to Skara Brae just outside the Review Board.

1st Level Chronomancer

I enter the Review Board. *Note* If you managed to defeat him while your non-spellcasters were below 35th level (if I remember correctly), you'll get enough bonus xp to get your non-spellcasters to at least 35th level. Your spellcasters would get 5th level as Archmages, and all spell levels in the other Mage classes besides either Chronomancer or Geomancer). It's meant to provide a way for new parties starting the third game to catch up without endless grinding. However, I get no xp since I'm well beyond any of that.

Talia and Mordred each advance two levels. I insist on plenty of Hit Points and Spell Points, and +1 to Intelligence.

Talia now changes her class to Chronomancer. As per the Old Man's warning, she forgets knowledge of her previous spells and can now only cast Chronomancer spells. She learns Apport Arboria, needed to reach the first of the seven dimensions, and Reddit Arboria, which can leave that first dimension and return to the Wilderness. She also learns Vitality, which can heal a single party member of 4 to 8 Hit Points per Chronomancer level.

The other characters each advance another level, and I insist on plenty of Hit Points and +1 Constitution. I leave Skara Brae afterwards.

Twilight Copse

The Twilight Copse is not hard to find. Look for several trees bunched together southwest of Skara Brae. The precise spot will be marked by four runic stones in the midst of the trees, and the game will let you know you're in the spot once you're on it. Talia now casts Apport Arboria.

Waiting for me on the other side is Hawkslayer, who offers to join me as a summoned creature. I don't need him though, so I answer 'no'.

I have now entered the dimension of Arboria.
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