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Bard's Tale 3 Remastered Online Walkthrough by David Milward

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Lucencia  |  Violet Mountain, Level 1  |  Violet Mountain, Level 2  |  Cyanis' Tower  |  Alliria's Tomb, Level 1  |  Alliria's Tomb, Level 2


Skara Brae

Apport Lucencia

I go back to the Old Man in Skara Brae, and he is devastated by the news of Lanatir's death. He also takes the Sphere of Lanatir and the Wand of Power from the party.

He also rewards the party members each with 600,000xp, and re-energizes any spellcasters.

My next destination is Lucencia. I am to try and find Alliria, a Goddess of Love and Beauty whom I saw as combining aspects of both Aphrodite and Galadriel. If I can't bring her back, then I am to bring back the Belt of Alliria and the Crown of Truth. The Old Man also warns me that she had a very jealous consort who will protect her as best he can.

Talia learns the Apport Lucencia and Reditus Lucencia spells. The spells can be used at the Crystal Spring.


Crystal Spring

Talia advances 24 levels. She insists on +22 Hit Points and +19 Spell Points per level. I don't need to bother caring about which stat I get a +1 for, as I advance her enough levels to max out all her stats and then some.

Mordred advances thirteen levels. I insist during his first seven level ups on ever-increasing Hit Points, minimum +19 Spell Points, and +1 Constitution. Once he's maxed out his Constitution, I insist on +22 Hit Points, +19 Spell Points and +1 Luck for the six remaining level ups. Luck will improve his saving throws and ability to connect with his own spell attacks.

Cassandra advances fourteen levels. I insist on +22 Hit Points and +1 Luck during the first eight level-ups, in order to max it out at 30. After that, I insist on +22 Hit Points but without caring which attribute gets increased.

Gallard advances fourteen levels. I insist on +28 Hit Points and +1 Dexterity during the first eight level-ups to max it out at 30. I thereafter insist on +28 Hit Points without caring which attribute gets raised.

Ariel advances fourteen levels. I insist on +28 Hit Points and +1 Dexterity during the first seven level-ups to max it out to 30. I afterwards insist on +28 Hits Points and either +1 Strength (which will improve To Hit), or +1 Luck which will improve her saving throws and a new magical attack she will soon acquire.

Zarathos advances fourteen levels. I insist on +28 Hit Points and +1 Intelligence during the first seven level-ups for a maximum of 30. I then go with +28 Hit Points and +1 Dexterity to improve AC.

Lord Stygar advances fifteen levels. I insist on +28 Hit Points and +1 Dexterity until he maxes it out at 30. I thereafter insist on +28 Hit Points and +1 Luck. Luck will improve both group-based saving throws and his own personal throws. Furthermore, he will at some point start using a weapon that emphasizes magical instead of physical attacks.

Now I travel to the Crystal Spring, which is a little northeast of Skara Brae. Talia casts the Apport Lucencia spell to teleport everyone to the dimension of Lucencia.


Celaria Bree

The town of Celaria Bree is just a little south of where I first entered Lucencia.

Celaria Bree

I go to the Bard's Hall on the north side of the town. I first pay 50,000gp to have Ariel learn Kiel's Overture. It imitates the Magic Compass spell if it is used as an exploration song. In combat, it imitates the Trebuchet spell, inflicting 150-600 points fire damage on all enemies at any range. Ariel has a new card in her deck that she'll use quite often.

The next song, the Dragon Song, provides some back story by describing a conflict between Hawkslayer and a dragon:

Dragon, Dragon,

Why do you lair?

Unfurl your wings, Take to the air!

Soar high above, Far away fly,

Or is that where, You wish to die?

Hawkslayer, Hawkslayer, Why do you ask?

Killing me is a difficult task,

My claws are sharp, my fangs sharper yet,

And my breath flames, let us not forget,

Dragon, Dragon,

Thou are quite strong.

But a duty I have and it is quite clear:

Whatever it takes, I will drive you from here.

Hawkslayer, Hawkslayer,

Such a brief life.

Have you no wish to again see your wife?

Imagine her tears and grief and despair,

Walk away from this fight, you have not a prayer.

Dragon, Dragon,

How wise thou art.

A massive beast with such a wise heart.

I do wish to kiss my wife and my heir,

Pray, fly to the mountains and await me there.

Hawkslayer, Hawkslayer,

I thought you were brave.

Here I await you, deep in this cave.

Come, little man, and I'll eat your brain.

Then ravage Lucencia again and again.

Dragon, Dragon,

Great is your heart.

Massive your body, but you are not smart.

The rumble you hear and the dust in the air?

I've closed the cave off and trapped you in there.

Hawkslayer, Hawkslayer,

Others will come.

I will wait but I will not succumb.

Here you are and incredibly sly,

But the future I know, and a hero you'll die.

The next song, the Flower Ballad, describes the love story between Alliria and the warrior-prince, Cyanis. It also provides clues that will important later on:

He was born with the red, red rose,

Sign of his blood, was the link to the past.

In battle he won the blue, blue rose,

Blossom of valor, his weapons were cast.

She was for him the yellow, yellow rose,

Her spirit divine, his love would always last

His pledge he made o'er the white, white rose,

And she accepted it as sooth, and remained his steadfast.

So he made for her the rainbow rose,

Like Alliria's beauty, a blossome unsurpassed.

I leave town after that. Now I travel to the Violet Mountain, which is in the northwest corner of Lucencia.
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