Grima the High Archivist will be at #10 on the map of the Hall of Revealed Mysteries. She would like you to recover a scroll of Wael that has been stolen from the Hall. A Perception check of 15 will pick up that something doesn't quite add up about how the scroll could so easily have been stolen out of the Hall.
A band of Thieves led by Iben, Venka, Eagar and Beacwof can be found at #14 of the Woodend Plains map. They will attack on sight. They leave behind the following:
The Scroll of Wael is what Grimda wants. However, once you get it, the deity named Wael will make it known that he does not want the scroll returned to the Hall of Revealed Mysteries but instead to be hidden away.
If you choose to comply with Wael's request, you can click on the Drake skull at #10 on the Black Meadow map so as to bury the Scroll of Wael.
If you did not comply with Wael's request, and return the Scroll of Wael to Grimda, she will reward you with the Footpad's Hood, the Key to the Elder Archive, and a minor increase in positive reputation with Defiance Bay.
If you return to Grimda after having buried the Scroll of Wael in Black Meadow, whether or not you get the reward depends on your disposition.
If you have at least 2 points in Honest disposition, then Grimda will reward you the same as if you had brought her the scroll.
If you have at least 2 points in Deceptive disposition, then you will not get either of the Footpad's Hood, the Key to the Elder Archive, or the minor increase in positive reputation with Defiance Bay. If you have 2 points in both Honest and Deceptive disposition, that still leads to Grimda not rewarding you.
If you don't have 2 points in either Honest or Deceptive disposition, then you can convince her to give you the reward with a Lore check of 6.
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Yea, yea, a gnome in a bloody frozen hole with a dead body of an oversized worm, very funny. Now get me out!!!
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