Baldur's Gate 2 Online Walkthrough by Montresor
When you have killed – or pretend to have killed – Solaufein, Phaere orders you to meet her and Matron Mother Ardulace in the Temple of Lolth. Go there, and the two ladies will met you near the entrance.
The Matron Mother is displeased. The Beholder you killed earlier was not the right type, and of course it was somebody else's fault (namely Phaere's)! She needs the blood of a leader of one of the neighboring races – either the blood of an Elder Brain of the Mind Flayers, the Eyestalk of an Elder Orb, or the Blood of a Kuo-Toan Prince. As usual, you have three days.
If you already killed one of these creatures, you can of course deliver the blood immediately but this is not recommended. Tell her you will do your best.
- Leave the temple and make your way towards the exit from Ust Natha.
- At 14 on the Ust Natha map, you are met by a wizard named Visaj. He has an offer for you. If you take him up on it, it starts off the Deirex's Tower quest.
- Outside the Female Fighters' Society at 9, a Priestess named Taso Kala orders you to eradicate the remains of a Ghaunadaur cult on the southwestern platform of the city. You will have to handle this quest before continuing.
- You are now ready to fetch the blood. You can find the blood you need in 3 places: The Beholder Dungeon, the Kuo-Toa Dungeon, or the Mind Flayer Dungeon.
The Beholder Dungeon
If you decide to go for the Eyestalk of an Elder Orb, you will have to find it in the Beholder Dungeon.
- Exit Ust Natha to the Underdark. The entrance to the Beholder Dungeon is to the southeast at 22.
- Before entering the dungeon, take some time to prepare for a Beholder battle.
- Enter the Beholder Dungeon. You are immediately attacked by a Beholder and an Elder Orb, so kill them both. The Elder Orb drops an Eyestalk of an Elder Orb, an Amulet of Spell Warding, and the Blade of the Equalizer. The eyestalk is what you are after, so pick it up.
- Before going back to Ust Natha, you can of course clear out the rest of the dungeon.
- Return to Ust Natha, enter the Temple of Lolth, and speak to Matron Mother Ardulace. The Party gains 22,000 XP.
- Phaere asks you to meet her at the Female Fighters' Society to discuss matters with you, which turns out to be the Exchange the Eggs quest.
The Kuo-Toa Dungeon
If you choose to go for the Blood of a Kuo-Toan Prince, it can be found in the Kuo-Toa Dungeon.
- Go out into the Underdark. The entrance to the Kuo-Toa Dungeon is at 13.
- Enter the Kuo-Toa Dungeon.
- Go to the room at 5 and kill the Kuo-Toa in there. Click the lakes along the walls to take some Tainted Tadpoles. (This is not mandatory but will make life easier for you in a little while.)
- Fight your way through the dungeon to 11 where you will find the Kuo-Toan Prince.
- He is a pretty tough customer. But if you click the lakes along the walls to drop the Tainted Tadpoles you took at 5, it will weaken him considerably. Kill him.
- The prince drops several Kuo-Toa Bolts, a Spear, a Crossbow, Kuo-Toan's Blood, Bracers of Blinding Strike, 5 Water Opals, 3 Pearls, 17 Horn Coral Gems, 17 Garnet Gems, 4,540 GP, and minor treasure. Pick up what you want, in particular the Kuo-Toan's Blood.
- While here, you may as well clear out the rest of the dungeon for the experience and the loot.
- Return to the Temple of Lolth in Ust Natha and give the blood to Matron Mother Ardulace. The party gains 22,000 XP.
- And again, Phaere asks you to meet her at the Female Fighters' Society to discuss something, which turns out to be the Exchange the Eggs quest.
The Mind Flayer Dungeon
If you wish to go for the blood of an Elder Brain, it can be found in the Mind Flayer Dungeon.
- Leave Ust Natha and enter the Underdark. The entrance to the Mind Flayer Dungeon is in the southeastern corner at 23.
- Before entering the dungeon, it is recommended that the party has memorized at least a few Chaotic Commands spells (5th level Priest spell). It prevents characters from being Held or Paralyzed by the Mind Flayers.
Enter the Mind Flayer Dungeon. The party is immediately overwhelmed by Mind Flayers and you wake up in a cell. An Ogre tells you that you must fight in the arena for the amusement of his masters.
- Your first battle is against a group of Umber Hulks.
- When you go back to your cell, you can enter the neighboring cell and speak to the Githyanki there. However, they are soon dragged off to a battle.
- When they return, they propose an alliance. Agree. The Githyanki will shield you from the Mind Flayers' psionic power while you escape the arena.
- You are then brought to the battle against the Githyanki. They begin meditating. Kill the Kuo-Toans in the arena, pick the lock on the door to the east, and escape. At 5 kill the Ogre jailor. Don't forget to loot the table for the Hilt of the Equalizer if you are planning to have Cromwell create this long sword for you once you are back in Athkatla.
- Go to 8 and kill the Mind Flayer you find there. Click the vats to create at least six Illithid Serums.
- Go to 9 and kill a couple of Mind Flayers, then go to 10 and pour the Illithid Serum into the machines there to wake up the sleeping slaves.
- After speaking to them, click the machine in the right side of the room to create up to four Control Circlets.
- Go to 11. The two doors to the east and west are locked. You can open them by turning into the Slayer. Or, you can go back to 8 where you will find a Mind Flayer. Use one of the Control Circlets to Charm it, then bring it back to the doors. The doors will spring open but the Mind Flayer also turns hostile, so kill it.
- At 12 will be a group of Mind Flayers, Umber Hulks, and an Ulitharid. Kill them all.
- At 13 are more Flayers. Kill them, then click each of the Illithid Birthing Pools to create up to eight Brine Potions.
- Continue to 15 and kill another group of Mind Flayers, Umber Hulks, and Ulitharids.
- The door to the north is locked. Again, you can either turn into the Slayer or go back to 8 and Charm another Mind Flayer, then bring it all the way back here to open the door.
- Have everyone drink a Brine Potion to protect against psionics, then enter the room at 18 where you will find the Illithid Master Brain along with a few Mind Flayers. Kill the Flayers first, then attack the Master Brain.
When you attack the brain, it will summon in two Brain Golems. Concentrate on the brain first; it will keep summoning golems if you kill them.
- Once the brain is dead, you automatically receive the Elder Brain Blood.
- Kill the golems (NOTE: They can only be hurt by magical blunt weapons!), then loot the Master Brain for 53 Shandon Gems, a King's Tear, 3 Diamonds, 2 Emeralds, and 540 GP.
- With the Master Brain dead, all doors are opened. Clear out the rest of the dungeon if you didn't already, then return to the entrance at 1. You will meet the former slaves here. They thank you before leaving, and the party receives 45,000 XP and a reputation increase of 1.
- Leave the dungeon and go back to the Temple of Lolth. Speak to Matron Mother Ardulace for 22,000 XP.
- Once again, Phaere asks you to meet her at the Female Fighters' Society to discuss something, which turns out to be the Exchange the Eggs quest.
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