Here you’ll find a pretty vengeful Dryad named Lyssa, who helped Lorne pose as yourself through the aid of an Alteration Powder. That powder is evidence that can be used at your trial. There are two ways of going about it. One is to fall in with her request to retrieve the Glowstone from the Caverns below. This puts you at odds with the Goblins, and possibly some of your companions. The other way is to kill her for it. This is much easier if you have Elanee with you, since she can use her power to persuade the Dire animals from helping Lyssa, leaving her to fend for herself. She also leaves behind a Lesser Magic Bag. With this, and in addition to any clues that you may have found in Ember and the Caverns underneath you may now proceed back to Neverwinter for the trial.
You’ll have to fight your way through plenty of Dire Wolves to reach this point. Here you’ll find two Gnomes named Mirri and Jilla. They stand near the entrance to a cave.
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"Traveling with an angered cambion might almost be more interesting than the time I'm spending with you, I would imagine." -Haer'Dalis, Baldur's Gate II