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Obsidian Entertainment

Video-Based Walkthrough for NWN2: Mask of the Betrayer

PROLOGUE  |  ACT I  |  ACT II  |  ACT III  |||  MotB  |  SoZ  |  MoW  | 
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Act 1  |  Act 2  |  Act 3  

Act II:   Mulsantir  |  Shadow Theater  |  Death God's Vault, Upper Level  |  Death God's Vault, Lower Level  |  Item Enchanting  |  Lake of Tears Garrison  |  Ashenwood  |  Predator Den  |  Burning Grove  |  Immil Vale  |  Ancient Knowledge  |  Ice Troll Lodge  |  Lakeshore  |  Nightshore  |  Coveya Kurg'annis  |  The Skein  |  Return to Coveya Kurg'annis  |  Safiya Rejoins  |  Thaymount  |  Academy Classrooms  |  Instructors' Quarters  |  Boneyard  | 


Immil Vale

Imsha and Tamlith

There will be a World Map Exit near the Witchboat in the Lake of Tears Garrison. From there I travel to the Immil Vale, and arrive at #1 near the southwest corner of the map.

I travel down the long winding path, and fight several Wyverns along the way, which should be easy for any epic-level party to take down.

At #2 will be the Telthor spirits of two former Hathran sisters, Imsha and Tamlith. A lot of the dialogue involves my spirit eater curse. However, they also want a favor from me, to hunt down and kill a Hag with powers of ice and snow called a Bheur.


And here is where I simply go around killing off any Wyverns that may still be around in the Immil Vale. They're pretty easy and routine.


At #3 is the Mosstone. If Gann is in the party, like here, he'll explain the possibilities involved with resting near the Mosstone.

I rest, and soon both Valeria and Gann find themselves in a Dreamscape. At the end of the Dreamscape will be four past Spirit Eaters surrounding a Red Woman who resembles Safiya. They include a Barbarian named Koszik, a Rogue named Ivoi, a priestly spellcaster named Zarakh, and an arcane spellcaster named Juraj.

They resent my approach of the Red Woman, so combat is inevitable. Valeria kills at least two of them instantly with a Vampiric Feast. Gann keeps the pressure on the others with a Storm of Vengeance. Cutting down the survivors becomes pretty routine.

The Red Woman offers the Mask Fragment (Red Woman) afterwards. It is advisable to accept the mask fragment if you want the good ending for the expansion, as I do here. The dream ends and I find myself back in the Vale.

Gnarlthorn's Sacrifice

At #4 is the entrance to the Abandoned Mine. I rest up before going in.

Abandoned Mine

I start off at #1 on the map for the Abandoned Mine. Valeria goes on ahead by herself after issuing a 'stand your ground' command. At #2 is an Orglash next to a trap. Valeria leads the Orglash away from the trap so that she can bring it down with Expose Weakness attacks and then use Devour Spirit on it once it reaches 'near death'. I can then disarm the trap easily.

There will be a series of locked rooms along the east side of the room. Two of them have locked chests. One chest has a Longsword +1, and the other has a Warhammer +3.

The trapped chest at #3 has Gnarlthorn's Sacrifice (+4 armor class, Heal (11) 1 / day, immunity to ability / level draining). I hold onto these, as Safiya will wear them when she joins the party for a trip to the Academy of Shapers and Binders in Thay.

Hulmarra's Emerald

I go north a little. I disarm a sonic trap that is near the doorway leading to #5.

Now I go along a tunnel that leads west towards #4. There will be an Orglash and a trap. I let the Orglash come to me past the trap, and then kill it.

One container at #4 will have some gold. Another container will have Hulmarra's Emerald (+3 Intelligence, Lesser Spell Mantle (9) 1 / day, Improved Mage Armor 1 / day, Weapon of Impact 1 / day). I let Kaelyn keep this in her inventory. Her Intelligence rises by 3 just by having it in her inventory. While the Improved Mage Armor ability will be useless to Kaelyn, the Lesser Spell Mantle and Weapon of Impact abilities are a different story. And indeed, Kaelyn can use the Emerald to improve her chances of critical hits whenever she uses it at the start of a new day.

Gann's 27th Level

Gann has enough to advance to his 27th level of experience. He selects the Epic Gate spell, which is easily the best summons in the game.

The Hidden Hag

In the room at #5 will be a Bheur, a winter Hag with powers of cold, plus three Orglashes. Note that choosing the dialogue option "But you're a Hag?" will lose influence with Gann.

I could fall in with her request and use a weapon that inflicts fire damage to get rid of the traces of ice near the entrance to the Mine itself. I would get a 1,000xp bonus as well as the Jar of Condensed Orglash Essences from the Bheur as payment. The Jar can, with a limit of 30 charges, temporarily add bonus cold damage to a melee weapon. It can also be used in another quest that I'll show fairly soon.

However, Valeria prefers to kill her. She's only a short distance away, so it's enough for me to run up to her and kill her before she gets many spells off. The Orglashes are just as easily killed off as well. The Bheur herself leaves behind the Jar of Condensed Orglash Essences.

A container behind her has scrolls of Polar Ray, Blast of Glacial Wrath, and Cone of Cold. Valeria inscribes the scrolls of Polar Ray and Blast of Glacial Wrath. The former can inflict massive cold damage on a single target, so much more so on a critical hit. The latter is like Cone of Cold, but with far more damage inflicted.

I return to Imsha and Tamlith in the Vale, and inform them of the Bheur's demise. I get rewarded with 1,200xp and a cloak called the Forestqueen's Blessing (+4 saving throws, +10 to saving throws vs. disease, +4 Charisma, Barkskin (12) 5 / day). However, as previously stated, I prefer my own custom-made cloak for Gann.

I will soon resolve matters in the Ashenwood by fulfilling a quest called Ancient Knowledge.
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