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Obsidian Entertainment

Neverwinter Nights 2 Online Walkthrough by David Milward

PROLOGUE  |  ACT I  |  ACT II  |  ACT III  |||  MotB  |  SoZ
About the Walkthrough  |  About the Maps  |  About the Author  |  Where to Begin
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Act III:   Castle Never and Neverneath  |  Crossroad Keep  |  Gathering Allies  |  Silver Sword  |  The War  |  King of Shadows

The War:   Roadside Attack  |  Shandra Jerros Farm  |  Crossroad Keep Outskirts  |  The Siege

Attack on the Outskirts of Crossroad Keep

To commence this sequence, you’ll need to tell Sir Nevalle that you’re ready to stand against the Shadow Army. You’ll then participate in a conference in the War Room of the Keep. Kana and the others will impress upon you the need to destroy nearby bridges in order to impede the progress of some of the undead that are making their way to the keep. Sand and Grobnar discuss various options for destroying the bridges, but I’m not sure this makes a difference because I find they’ll be automatically destroyed anyway once you get where you need to. 

You are also allowed to bring only two companions with you. I find that between your PC and two companions it is best to reach this set up: (1) A strong melee fighter that can take on directly any undead that come close. It is preferable to have one with a weapon that can inflict holy damage since this guarantees a certain amount of damage no matter what type of resistances a particular kind of undead may have. (2) A damage caster. I find Qara truly shines in this role, since she can make repeated use of Sunburst, Chain Lightning, and fire based spells. (3) A healer who by this point can also add another offensive touch with spells like Firestorm and Sunbeam. Either Elanee or Zhjaeve are adequate for that role. Once you’ve made your decisions, you’ll be taken to …

Crossroad Keep Outskirts Map

  1. Here is you’ll meet up with Daeghun and have the situation explained to you.

  2. Here you’ll find Greycloak Warriors battling it out with undead like Skeletons, Ghasts, and a couple of Shadow Priests. The Greycloaks will join you as temporary party members once it’s over. Once they die, they’re gone for good.

  3. Here are more Shadow Priests and Skeletons. You’ll also find about 10 coffins that have Vampires in them. Click on them to destroy them, and you’ll get 1,800 xp for it.

  4. Here is the first bridge, held by some Shadow Priests and a lot of undead.

  5. There will be more Skeletons and Ghasts along this thin path.

  6. Garius ReturnsHere is where you’ll meet Black Garius, along with a Shadow Priest. The Ritual has apparently made him the number one among the Shadow Reavers. He flaunts his power by making the nearby undead larger and more powerful versions of themselves. He then teleports away. You now have a huge fight on your hands. Daeghun will drop by to lend a helping hand. Crank out all the party-friendly offensive spells you can to drop the many undead that will be closing in on you from all sides. Once they’re dead, it’s a matter of taking out the surrounding Skeletal Archers one a time.

Once all is said and done, a cinematic sequence ensues where the bridges are destroyed. Everyone now heads back to the Keep. If you are romantically involved with someone, it culminates this night. However, come midnight the undead army of the Shadow King has already made its way to the Keep. You are under siege.
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