I return to Arl Eamon's Estate across town. It is now at this juncture that I need to decide how to resolve the situation of Ferelden's empty throne. There are four ways of going about it:
Support Queen Anora's bid to keep her position, and without marrying Alistair. Anora will want to execute Alistair at the Landsmeet to prevent the possibility of any future rebellions. Only a Persuasion check by the Grey Warden can convince her otherwise.
Convince both Anora and Alistair to marry each other as a royal couple. This will require a Persuasion check on Alistair to convince him to go through with it.
Support Alistair instead of Queen Anora. Alistair will have Anora imprisoned after the Landsmeet.
A Grey Warden from the Human Noble Origin can convince Anora to marry him.
I chose the marriage between Anora and Alistair. It is also at this juncture that Anora provides information that Loghain may have something questionable going on in the Elven Alienage. That is when the Elven Alienage becomes accessible through the Denerim map.
Grey Warden Vault
Now I speak to Riordan at length, who provides plenty of background information on the Grey Wardens. I also take the opportunity to ask him about the Grey Warden Vault, and he reveals its location.
The Vault is in the Warehouse just west of the Wonders of Thedas. There is a secret door at the north end of the Warehouse that reveals the Vault. There are plenty of chests and crates with random items. The unique items to be found are:
High Constable's Mace (+2 stamina regeneration, +6 damage vs. Darkspawn)
Griffon's Helm (+15% electrical resistance) - This helm can be paired with the two-handed axe called Griffon's Beak (awarded by Zathrian if I had killed Witherfang for him) for an item set that confers immunity to extra damage from getting flanked.
Map of the Anderfels - This can be gifted to Loghain if you prefer him to Alistair as a companion.
Axe of the Grey (+3% melee critical chance, +2 armor penetration, +6 damage vs. Darkspawn) - This replaces the Axameter as an interim weapon for Zevran.
Duncan's Shield
The shield starts off as a gift item. I gift it to Alistair, which prompts a sentimental dialogue. The shield then becomes equippable (+3 Willpower, +6 defense, +2 stamina regeneration). It becomes Alistair's shield for the rest of the game because it provides an ideal mix of bonus stamina, bonus defense, and bonus stamina regeneration, all of which are applicable to Alistair's role as a tank who uses his activated shield-based talents to keep the enemy either on him or off their feet.
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"*I will JOIN you. Your WILL is an INCONSTANT thing, but I shall TEACH you of JUSTICE. I shall TEACH you of the SLAYING of MERCY.*" -Vhailor, Planescape: Torment