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Dragon Age: Origins Nightmare Guide by David Milward

Areas in Order of Appearance:  
Origins  |  Ostagar  |  Lothering  |  Circle Tower  |  Warden's Keep (DLC)  |  Return to Ostagar (DLC)  |  Stone Prisoner (DLC)  |  Brecilian Forest  |  Redcliffe  |  The Urn of Sacred Ashes  |  Orzammar  |  Deep Roads  |  Denerim  |  Final Onslaught  
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Brecilian Forest: 
Dalish Camp  |  West Brecilian Forest  |  East Brecilian Forest  |  Upper Brecilian Ruins  
Lower Brecilian Ruins  |  Werewolves' Lair  |  Random Encounters  |  Mages' Treasure  |  Leliana's Quest  |  Wynne's Quest  


Upper Ruins

A ramp leads downwards. A couple of Werewolves will arrive and charge up the ramp, but they aren't particularly difficult to deal with.

Note that around 1:22 I'm simply highlighting a barred entrance to the Werewolf lair for presentation purposes. I can't get through it just yet.

At 1:48, I open a secret door to find more loot.

I continue on through the long hallway. I soon run into against several Spiders, who can be challenging. Unlike in Lothering, I can't tease stragglers forward because they will rush me all at once. Thus I have no choice but to risk multiple webs at once. The party is nonetheless able to wear them down in straight combat, with Aldarion choosing the right moment to use a Cone of Cold. The video concludes with the party going around and looting containers for random items.

Falon'Din's Reach

Further down the hallway will be a fight against a mature Dragon. Just by way of warning, the Dragon is capable of Fire Breath, Overwhelm (which can kill a character outright), and a Roar that can stun everyone within a certain radius. Note also that the room it is in has a lot of traps. Again, choose your battlefield. I sent Alistair ahead, and inch him just forward enough for the Dragon to show up. He then leads the Dragon out of the room and back into the hallway where his comrades await. It then becomes a matter of wearing it down while Wynne uses her healing spells. She shows one way to negate an Overwhelm attack, by using a Lifeward spell on the intended victim. If you have any abilities that can interrupt an attack, like a Cone of Cold or Glyph of Paralysis or such, you may want to wait until the Dragon begins its Overwhelm attack before using them.

Leliana then leads the way on, disarming the leghold traps and looting any containers. She won't be able to disarm the pressure plates until her Cunning is higher. The dragon has a treasure trove that includes about 20 gp give or take, plenty of gems, some potions, as well as a Dragonthorn Longbow, Falon'Din's Reach (+2 damage, rapid aim). Leliana equips it as an interim bow.

I now descend to the Lower Brecilian Ruins.

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