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Icewind Dale II Solution by Bartholomew

Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
Items List | Index | Solution Update | About
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Listed below are some of the more intersting and unusual items that can be found in the game. Items are listed alaphabetically by category. The location and sale-value (gp) is given for each item. For the full in-game description, click on the item name. Note that the game often generates a random magical item, which may include rewards for some quests as well as items found on major enemies. As a result, items described here may not always appear in your own game.


Abishai Hide Armor: Ice Temple, Level 2 (Chapter 2). Reward for completing rank 3 of Battle Squares.
Sell for: 10992 gp

Armor of Warding: River Caves (Chapter 4). Reward from Barud for slaying the monks.
Sell for: 4320 gp

Chain of Drakkas: Severed Hand, Level 4 (Chapter 6). Loot from guard's body in the barracks.
Sell for: gp

Leather Armor of Movement: Shaengarne Pass (Chapter 1). Found in the orc camp.
Sell for: 580 gp

Milton Sixtoes' Armor of Absolute Self: (Chapter 5).
Sell for: 2505 gp

1/4 Weight Field Plate: Crash Site (Chapter 2). Oswald will make from boring beetle shell.
Sell for: 360 gp

1/4 Weight Full Plate Mail: Crash Site (Chapter 2). Oswald will make from boring beetle shell.
Sell for: 900 gp

1/4 Weight Half-Plate Mail: Crash Site (Chapter 2). Oswald will make from boring beetle shell.
Sell for:

Studded Leather Armor of Horror: (Chapter 5).
Sell for: 835 gp

Studded Leather of Luck: Z'hinda Citadel (Chapter 4). Loot from the smithy.
Sell for: 2087 gp

Zuvembie: (Chapter 5).
Sell for: 1835 gp


Axe of the Souls: Fields of Slaughter (Chapter 5). Loot from Blahg'Ma.
Sell for: 30680 gp

Cloud Kiss: Dragon's Eye, Level 1 (Chapter 5). Loot from High Commander Grishum.
Sell for: 6462 gp

Duergar-Forged Axe: River Caves (Chapter 3). Reward from Barud for clearing the caves of hook horrors.
Sell for: 4155 gp

Haft Over Head: Vrek Vileclaw's Cave (Chapter 1). Found in north east tunnel.
Sell for: 375 gp

Ice Axe +1: Ice Temple, Level 1 (Chapter 2). Loot from High Priestess Cathin's body.
Sell for: 1662 gp

Throwing Axe of Shocking Burst: Ice Temple, Level 2 (Chapter 2). Reward for completing rank 5 of Battle Squares.
Sell for: 25160 gp


Boots of Grounding: Ice Temple, Level 2 (Chapter 2). Reward for completing rank 4 of Battle Squares.
Sell for: 12000 gp

Witherbranch Boots: Shaengarne Bridge (Chapter 1). Loot from Xuki's body.
Sell for: 652 gp

Yeti Boots: Crash Site (Chapter 2). Oswald will make from yeti pelt.
Sell for: 350 gp


Composite Longbow of Empowerment: Ice Temple, Level 2 (Chapter 2). Reward for completing rank 8 of Battle Squares.
Sell for: 64200 gp

Composite Shortbow of Resistance: Severed Hand, War Tower Level Three (Chapter 6). Loot from Harcourt Rustblade's body.
Sell for: gp

Doom Bolter: River Caves (Chapter 3). Reward from Dragu Ironbreaker for helping him with his designs.
Sell for: 16175 gp

Eye of the Hunter: Kuldahar Pass (Chapter 5). Can be obtained from Jermsey in the Watchtower.
Sell for: 4998 gp

Geloise: (Chapter 5).
Sell for: 11010 gp

Hagnen's Folly: Crash Site (Chapter 2). Loot from Illium's body
Sell for: 1225 gp

Hell Bolter: River Caves (Chapter 3). Loot from Dragu Ironbreaker's body.
Sell for: 52000 gp

Iron Arbalest: (Chapter 5)
Sell for: 6470 gp

Longbow of Fire Resistance: Horde Fortress Gates (Chapter 1). Reward from Ennelia for saving Braston from the Horde.
Sell for: 4187 gp

Shortbow of the Defender: Horde Fortress Gates (Chapter 1). Possible treasure item in Trugnuk's camp.
Sell for: 1165 gp

Shortbow of Life: Dragon's Eye, Level 1 (Chapter 5). Loot from High Commander Grishum.
Sell for: 6466 gp

Sophia's Flight: Goblin Warrens level 2 (Chapter 1). Found in the iron cage with the fire beetles.
Sell for: 1250 gp


Bracers of Icelandic Pearl: Ice Temple, Level 2 (Chapter 2). Reward for completing all ranks of Battle Squares.
Sell for: 50100 gp

Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise: Random drop.
Sell for: 1840 gp

Gauntlets of Weapon Skill: Ice Wall (Chapter 2). Reward from Zack for finding Aocha.
Sell for: 600 gp

Tamjans Bracers: Goblin Warrens, Level 1 (Chapter 1). Loot or steal from Yquog.
Sell for: 625 gp

Thunder Clap: (Chapter 5)
Sell for: 2520 gp

Yeti Gloves: Crash Site (Chapter 2). Oswald will make from yeti pelt.
Sell for: 350 gp


Final Word: Logging Village (Chapter 1). Container in the orc camp.
Sell for: 1175 gp

Ice Pick: Outside Z'hinda Citadel (Chapter 4). Loot from bodies of Majrash and Mirabel.
Sell for: 4151 gp

Poisonfang: Serpent's Lair Temple (Chapter 5). Table near the Viper's Fang Assassins and Coiled Cabal Sorcerers.
Sell for: 19200 gp

Sorrow's Tear: Targos Town (Prologue). Elytharra will create the dagger for you if you bring her Veira's Tears.
Sell for: 255 gp

Sulo's Hook: Fell Wood (Chapter 3). Loot from the body at the Stone Circle.
Sell for: 9151 gp

Viper's Fange: Severed Hand, War Tower Level Three (Chapter 6). Loot from the body of Harcourt Rustblade.
Sell for: gp

Xvimian Fang: Fields of Slaughter (Chapter 5). Loot from Saablic Tan.
Sell for: 58981 gp


Brutal Impact: (Chapter 6)
Sell for: 60000 gp

Corrosive Hammer +1: Golbin Warrens level 1 (Chapter 1). Possible reward from Yquog for retrieving the letter.
Sell for: 4165 gp

Hammer of Darkness: River Caves (Chapter 4). Reward from Barud for slaying the monks.
Sell for: 8420 gp

Stormcaller: Severed Hand, Cleric Tower Level Three (Chapter 6). Loot from the bodies of the congregation.
Sell for: gp

Stunning Frost Hammer: Z'hinda Citadel (Chapter 4). Loot from the smithy.
Sell for: 9156 gp

Throwing Hammer of Thunder +2: Fields of Slaughter (Chapter 5). Loot from the abandoned camp north of Saablic Tan.
Sell for: 30180 gp

Valorfoe: Raven Tomb(Chapter 4). Loot from Barud's henchmen.
Sell for: 8240 gp

Warhammer of Sparks: Horde Fortress Gates (Chapter 1). Possible treasure item found in the north western camp.
Sell for: 693 gp


The Merry Shorthorn: Horde Fortress Gates (Chapter 1). Loot from Trugnuk's camp site.
Sell for: 1050 gp

Owain's Lullabye: (Chapter 5)
Sell for: 5800 gp

Viol of the Hollow Men: (Chapter 5)
Sell for: 7890 gp

Unstrung Harp: (Chapter 6)
Sell for: 7500 gp


Clenched Fist Mace: Logging Village (Chapter 1). Loot from barrel in the village.
Sell for: 1157 gp

Club of Disruption: Random Drop. Ice Temple (Chapter 2). Reward for mastering Rank 6 of Battle Squares.
Sell for: 43380 gp

Flail of the Defender: Ice Temple, Level 2 (Chapter 2). Loot from the Talisman mercenary band.
Sell for: 4155 gp

Flail of Veranon: (Chapter 5)
Sell for: 27600 gp

Flaming Burst Mace of Disruption: (Chapter 6)
Sell for: gp

Flaming Star +1: Ice Wall (Chapter 2). Loot from Vrassillus.
Sell for: 2492 gp

Headknocker: (Chapter 6)
Sell for: 15000 gp

Lightning Star +1: Goblin Warrens level 1 (Chapter 1). Possible reward from Yquog for retrieving the letter.
Sell for: 4154

Monkey Paw: Severed Hand, Office Tower Level One (Chapter 6). Loot from the body of Sprawg.
Sell for: gp

Mountains of Selune: The Golbin Horde Fortress (Chapter 1). Loot from Guthma's body.
Sell for: 1215 gp

Poisoned Blood Flail: Hrothgar's Vale (Chapter 5). Loot from Hierephus.
Sell for: 10984 gp

Pustule's Flail: (Chapter 6)
Sell for: 35000 gp

Shackles of Roa: Raven Tomb (Chapter 4). Steal from Valas Black Raven's coffin.
Sell for: 10000 gp

The Skirling Skull: Raven Tomb (Chapter 4). Loot from Barud's henchmen.
Sell for: 8238 gp


Flaming Halberd: (Chapter 6)
Sell for: gp

Halberd of Corrosive Fire: Golbin Warrens level 1 (Chapter 1). Possible reward from Yquog for retrieving the letter.
Sell for: 4155 gp

Hammer of Lucerne: Black Raven Monastery (Chapter 4). Steal from Aruma Blane's chambers.
Sell for: 8239 gp

Impaler: (Chapter 6)
Sell for: gp

Ice Spear +4: Ice Temple, Level 2 (Chapter 2). Reward for completing rank 7 of Battle Squares.
Sell for: 49152 gp

Kyosti's Spear: Edge of the Fell Wood (Chapter 3). Reward from Kyosti for putting his spirit to rest.
Sell for: 25152 gp

Pudu's Blight: (Chapter 6)
Sell for: 100000gp


Potion of Holy Transference: Ice Temple, Level 2 (Chapter 2). Reward for completing rank 2 of Battle Squares.
Sell for: gp

Minor MirrorImage Potion: Palisade (Prologue). Loot from Ghotag's body.
Sell for: 25 gp

Potion of Evil Protection: Targos Docks (Prologue). Locked chest in Jorun Tamewater's house.
Sell for: 25 gp

Thrown Weapons

Lamia's Tongue: River Caves (Chapter 3). Loot from the Shambler's body.
Sell for: 9151 gp

Returning Poison Tipped Dart: Random Drop. Dragon's Eye, Level 2 (Chapter 5). Loot from prisoner's body.
Sell for: 600 gp

Sling of Dexterity: Random Drop.
Sell for: 19380 gp

Sling of Spell Resistance: Random Drop. (Chapter 5)
Sell for: 460 gp


Chameleon Ring: Yuan-Ti Temple (Chapter 5). Loot from Ashra.
Sell for: 4800 gp

Chameleon Ring of Dexterity: Ice Wall (Chapter 2). Reward from Zack for finding Aocha.
Sell for: 4000 gp

Charm Immunity Ring:
Sell for: 625 gp

Nathaniel's Ring of the Ram: Ice Temple, Level 2 (Chapter 2). Found in the secret treasury room.
Sell for: 4000 gp

Ring of Acid Resistance: Outisde Z'hinda Citadel (Chapter 4). Loot from Majrash and Mirabel.
Sell for: gp

Ring of Charm: Black Raven Monastery (Chapter 4). Loot from Dolon's body.
Sell for: 7200 gp

Ring of Fire Resistance: The Underdark (Chapter 4). Loot from the merchants' bodies.
Sell for: gp

Ring of Knowing: The Underdark (Chapter 4). Loot from the merchants' bodies.
Sell for: 625 gp

Ring of Regeneration: Ice Temple, Level 2 (Chapter 2). Loot from the Talisman mercenary band.
Sell for: 4000 gp

Ring of Shock Resistance: Yuan-Ti Temple (Chapter 5). Loot from Inhatri body.
Sell for: 9600 gp

Ring of the Warrior: Random Drop. Yuan-Ti Temple (Chapter 5). Loot from Jeszrael.
Sell for: 750 gp


Cloak of Displacement: The Underdark (Chapter 4). Loot from the bodies of the Drow Assasins.
Sell for: gp

Cloak of Mystra: Outside Z'hinda Citadel (Chapter 4). Loot from the bodies of Majrash and Mirabel.
Sell for: 4500 gp

Farmer's Cloak: Kuldahar Pass (Chapter 5). Can be obtained from Jermsey in the Watchtower.
Sell for: 9600 gp

House of Despana Piwafwi: The Underdark (Chapter 4). Reward for returning Ginafae to Malavon.
Sell for: gp

Master's Robe: (Chapter 6)
Sell for: gp

Nature's Vengeance: Crash Site (Chapter 2). Loot from the body of Odea.
Sell for: 4500 gp

Phaen's Robe of Rags: Targos Town (Prologue). Loot from Phaen's body.
Sell for: 150 gp

Shroud of Bankao: Fields of Slaughter (Chapter 5). Loot from Saablic Tan.
Sell for: 21600 gp

Yeti Cloak: Crash Site (Chapter 2). Oswald will make from yeti pelt.
Sell for: 500 gp


Black Urchin: Raven Tomb (Chapter 4). Loot from the bodies of Barud's henchmen.
Sell for: 4117 gp

Buckler of Denial: The Underdark (Chapter 4). Loot from the bodies of the Drow Assasins.
Sell for: 1826 gp

Buckler of Dexterity: The Golbin Horde Fortress (Chapter 1). Might be found in a locked chest in a small chamber of the inner fortress.
Sell for: 565 gp

Footman's Folly: Shaengarne Bridge (Chapter 1). Container on the bridge.
Sell for: 575 gp

Shield of Fortitude: River Caves (Chapter 3). Reward from Barud for clearing the caves of hook horrors.
Sell for: 2080 gp

Small Shield of Increased Fortitude: Random Drop.
Sell for: 830 gp

Small Shield of Fortitude:
Sell for:

Tabard's Shield: Palisade (Prologue). Steal from weapon rack behind Tabard.
Sell for: 25 gp

Tower Shield of Spell Resistance +1: Goblin Warrens leve 2 (Chapter 1). Reward from Kruntur for getting the bracers from Yquog.
Sell for: 8090 gp


Chromatic Orb Wand: Ice Wall (Chapter 2). Loot from Sherincal's body.
Sell for: 375 gp

Delnar's Delight: (Chapter 5)
Sell for: 14400 gp

Incendiary Staff: Random Drop. Dragon's Eye, Level 4 (Chapter 5). Can be obtained from Lord Pyros.
Sell for: 19560 gp

Ryomaru's Harmless Staff: Black Raven Monastery (Chapter 4). Steal from the store room.
Sell for: 8370 gp

Staff of the Defender +1: Outside Z'hinda Citadel (Chapter 4). Loot from the bodies of Majrash and Mirabel.
Sell for: 4300 gp

Staff of Invisibility +1: River Caves (Chapter 4). Reward from Barud for slaying the monks.
Sell for: 8370 gp

Wand of Alicorn Lance: Z'hinda Citadel (Chapter 4). Steal from the smithy.
Sell for: gp

Wand of Bull's Strength: The Underdark (Chapter 4). Find in one of hidden treasure troves.
Drider Lair (Chapter 4). Steal from Imphraili's lab. Sell for: gp

Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds: The Underdark (Chapter 4). Find in one of hidden treasure troves.
Sell for: gp

Wand of the Dead: Ice Temple, Level 2 (Chapter 2). Reward for completing rank 9 of Battle Squares.
Sell for: 16250 gp

Wand of Enfeeblement: Drider Lair (Chapter 4). Steal from Imphraili's lab.
Sell for: gp

Wand of Lightning: (Chapter 5)
Sell for: 6750 gp

Wand of Magic Missiles: Ice Temple, Level 2 (Chapter 2). Loot from body of Oria's Essence.
Sell for: 4000 gp

Wand of Melf's Acid Arrow: Black Raven Monastery (Chapter 4). Loot from Dolon's body.
Sell for: gp

Whispering Staff: Palisade (Prologue). Loot from Caballus' body.
Sell for: 375 gp


Backblighter: Fields of Slaughter (Chapter 5). Loot from Blahg'Ma, Gorg.
Sell for: 2700 gp

Bastard's Son: Ice Wall, Level 2 (Chapter 2). Loot from the Talisman mercenary band.
Sell for: 4167 gp

Bastard Sword: Black Adder: Fields of Slaughter (Chapter 5). Loot from Wanmok.
Sell for: 30201 gp

Brilliant Short Sword +5: Ice Temple, Level 2 (Chapter 2). Reward for completing rank 10 of Battle Squares.
Sell for: 81155 gp

Bastard Sword +3: Cold Fire: Fields of Slaughter (Chapter 5). Loot from Orog General.
Sell for: 59001 gp

Death's Bane: (Chapter 6)
Sell for: gp

Dykhast Longsword: (Chapter 5)
Sell for: 10989 gp

Greatsword of Flame +1: Random Drop
Sell for: 1670 gp

Greatsword of the Soulless: (Chapter 6)
Sell for: 50000 gp

'Cera Sumat' Holy Avenger: Hrothgar's Vale (Chapter 5). Obtained by completing the Lost Followers quest.
Sell for: 15000 gp

Icy Bastard Sword +1: Random Drop
Sell for: 1667 gp

Longsword +2, +1 Cold Damage: Ice Wall (Chapter 2). Loot from Lord Rengar's body.
Sell for: 3326 gp

Moonblade of Selune: Logging Village (Chapter 1). Reward from Emma Moonblade.
Sell for: 2500 gp

Rage of Chaos: (Chapter 6)
Sell for: 17000 gp

Reflective Short Sword: Random Drop.
Sell for: 465 gp

Scimitar of Acid +2: Random Drop. Loot from Jeszrael, Cedra, T'Rsosl Malign (Chapter 5).
Sell for: 7326 gp

Scimitar of Souls: (Chapter 6)
Sell for: 110000 gp

Spellward Longsword: Goblin Warrens level 1 (Chapter 1). Loot from the body of Vunarg.
Sell for: 1157 gp

Thy-Dunag Blade: Shaengarne Dam (Chapter 1). Loot from the Malarite camp.
Sell for: 1250 gp

Vampiric Short Sword: Serpent's Lair Temple (Chapter 5). Table near the Viper's Fang Assassins and Coiled Cabal Sorcerers.
Sell for: 1386 gp

Wight's Blade: Wandering Village (Chapter 3). Reward from Sordirskin for returning his drinking horn.
Sell for: 25157 gp

Winged Blight: Ice Wall (Chapter 2). Loot from Sherincal's body.
Sell for: 9175 gp

Wroth: Edge of the Fell Wood (Chapter 3). Loot from the barbarian warrior's body.
Sell for: 25167 gp


Bag of Holding: Shaengarne Bridge (Chapter 1). Loot from Xuki's body.
Sell for: 2500 gp

Black Hands of Shelgroth: Severed Hand, Level 4(Chapter 6). Found in Jaebrilla's room.
Sell for: gp

Dragon's Belt: Ice Temple, Level 2 (Chapter 2). Reward for completing Rank 1 of Battle Squares.
Sell for: 625 gp

House of Despana Insignia: The Underdark (Chapter 4). Reward for returning Ginafae to Malavon.
Sell for: gp

How to be an Adventurer: Black Raven Monastery (Chapter 4). Bought from Bered in the library.
Buy for: 120000 gp

Howling Wolf Charm: Targos Docks (Prologue). Reward for beating Guthewulfe at the drinking game.
Sell for: 450 gp

Houndstooth Collar: Palisade (Prologue). Loot from Vghotan's worg's body.
Sell for: 750 gp

Incandescent Blue Ioun Stone: Drider Lair (Chapter 4). Found in the myconid's den.
Sell for: gp

Lucky Knucky: Targos Town (Prologue). Pickpocket from Jemeliah in the Gallaway Trading Post.
Sell for: 500 gp

Mercykillers Belt: The Underdark (Chapter 4). Reward from Oinchack'Olp for returning the blue stone.
Sell for: gp

Mirabel's Pendant: Outside Z'hinda Citadel (Chapter 4). Loot from Mirabel's body.
Sell for: 7100 gp

Periapt of Wound Closure: Crash Site (Chapter 2). Loot from the Yeti campsite.
Sell for: 500 gp

School Cap: Severed Hand, Top of the War Tower (Chapter 6). Loot from a delegate's body.
Sell for: gp

Wyrm's Maw: The Ice Lakes (Chapter 3). Loot from the white dragon's lair.
Sell for: 8000 gp

Yeti Hat: Crash Site (Chapter 2). Oswald will make from yeti pelt.
Sell for: 350 gp

Yeti Scarf: Crash Site (Chapter 2). Oswald will make from yeti pelt.
Sell for: 350 gp
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