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Auril's Bane

Posted on Feb 28, 2025 00:21 by Taluntain

Taluntain submitted a new resource:

Auril's Bane - The latest, Trials of the Luremaster version

Auril's Bane v1.7 by Grog -- Combines PA and WBE v2. Uses a WeiDU installer.

This is the expanded, Trials of the Luremaster version of the original Auril's Bane mod. You need to install Trials of the Luremaster before installing this mod. This mod is NOT compatible with IWD:EE!

  • 179 New Items (not counting spell scrolls)
  • Over 100 New Spells / Innate Abilities
  • 13 New AI Scripts
  • 40 New Custom PCs...
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Nostalgia Gate 3

Posted on Jan 27, 2025 22:08 by Keneth

Keneth submitted a new resource:

Nostalgia Gate 3 - A Baldur's Gate 3 Review

Where do I even start with this one...

Larian began their work on BG3 back in 2017, after the commercial success of Divinity: Original Sin 2. They gathered a large amount of hype with various teasers and were on track to release the game in a couple years. And then COVID happened. Well, that and the fact that they realized they've bit off more than they could chew. Creating a fully functional D&D game, with all of its classes, races, skills, combat actions, etc. is a daunting task, not to...
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Modron Maze Mapper

Posted on Dec 07, 2024 02:28 by gibberishh

gibberishh submitted a new resource:

Modron Maze Mapper - Simple tool for mapping Rubikon mazes

A simple Excel sheet for mapping the modron maze. Make a copy of the template when you are about to embark on a new maze. Enter the directions (N, E, S, W) that are open in each room and the cell will automatically mark that way open for you. When you find Nordom, type his name in the cell. The director occupies 2 cells; when you find him, type BOSS in the upper cell. These instructions are also noted in the Excel sheet.

Entries are not case-sensitive. Also, you don't have to enter the...
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Cheat Table for vanilla ToEE

Posted on Nov 20, 2024 00:24 by gibberishh

gibberishh submitted a new resource:

Cheat Table for vanilla ToEE - Stats and feats editor for ToEE at character creation

This is a combination of existing trainers available here that let you create super-powered characters and edit feats before adding PCs into a party.
I ended up making this because I've found the others to be a bit buggy. Ferros' character editor 0.8 doesn't have all the feats so you can't edit rangers at all (their favored enemy feats are missing and get stripped from the modified character). 0.7 has those feats but doesn't seem to be as stable. The other trainers also seem to have some...
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Rip and Tear Until It Is Done

Posted on Nov 20, 2024 00:24 by Keneth

Keneth submitted a new resource:

Rip and Tear Until It Is Done - A Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Review

Oh boy, here we go again. It's been almost four years since my review of Pathfinder: Kingmaker and, with the last DLC for Wrath of the Righteous finally out, I decided to go for it. Now, Wrath of the Righteous was a fun adventure path when it was released back in 2013. It was the first to use the then-fresh-off-the-press mythic rules and, as such, it was horribly...
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In a Galaxy Far, Far Away...

Posted on Jul 28, 2024 16:07 by Keneth

Keneth submitted a new resource:

In a Galaxy Far, Far Away... - A Mass Effect: Andromeda Review

Every few years or so, I get the urge to play some Mass Effect again. The game series has had a big impact on me, the kind I didn't really think was possible at the time, as sci-fi RPGs didn't excite me at all (yes, that includes the Fallout series as well). The only reason I even decided to try the first Mass Effect is because BioWare made KotOR a few years prior and I trusted them to make something on par with it (how the mighty have fallen...).

Mass Effect tickled my fancy for sci-fi...
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Sing Us a Song

Posted on Jun 20, 2024 22:36 by Keneth

Keneth submitted a new resource:

Sing Us a Song - A Bard's Tale IV Review

Bard's Tale IV: Barrows Deep is another in a series of attempts to bring back oldschool games with a modernized take via Kickstarter. It received a lot of excitement during its Kickstarter campaign but ended up with a lukewarm reception upon release. In part, this was due to the unpolished state in which it was originally released, despite the development taking over 3 years. It received a Director's Cut about a year later, which fixed many of its technical issues, but the game unfortunately...
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Pillars of Eternity 2: Video-Based Walkthrough

Posted on Feb 16, 2024 07:02 by Beren

Beren submitted a new resource:

Pillars of Eternity 2: Video-Based Walkthrough - A more subjective walkthrough of Pillars of Eternity 2 based on Youtube gameplay videos.

A more subjective walkthrough of Pillars of Eternity 2 that provides commentary based on Youtube gameplay videos. It includes both a good and evil playthrough of the game. It also includes advice on myriad facets of the game, including combat strategies, ship building and combat, and character builds.
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Restored Rhynn Lanthorn Quest

Posted on Nov 26, 2023 21:49 by Felipe

Felipe submitted a new resource:

Restored Rhynn Lanthorn Quest - This Restores the Original Extended Quest for the Rhynn Lanthorn in Baldur's Gate 2

The beta version of Baldur's Gate II contained a mechanic to expand Chapter 6 (the one where you are looking for the Rhynn Lanthorn). As well as the Lanthorn itself, the thief would have stolen several lenses and hidden them in areas around the game. The player would be given clues to where the lenses were, and would have to retrieve them before the Lanthorn could be used to enter Chapter 7. The lenses were actually placed in several of the stronghold quests that the player can explore in...
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Union - A Mod for Gothic 1/2

Posted on Nov 26, 2023 21:49 by Felipe

Felipe submitted a new resource:

Union - Fixes Most of the Engine's Bugs, Improves Performance and Compatibility for Gothic 1/2

System Requirements:

* Official game Gothic 1, Gothic 2 or Gothic 2 Night of The Raven
* Windows XP Sp3 or higher
* Visual C++ 2008, 2010
* DirectX7, DirectX8
* NET Framework 4.0
* Administrator rights


1. You should make sure that the game has all the latest patches. To do this, you can use the installation package PlayerKit + Patch. It contains:

Gothic.exe - an officially published executable file available for
download. This file will be installed if a...
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Gothic 3: Forsaken Gods 2.01 Patch

Posted on Nov 26, 2023 21:49 by Felipe

Felipe submitted a new resource:

Gothic 3: Forsaken Gods 2.01 Patch - The Official Patch for Gothic 3: Forsaken Gods

- Timing issue on multicore processors fixed (can be switched on or off by Timer.ThreadSafe in ge3.ini).
- Fixed error in the “forced subtitles” feature.
- Removed last remains of revolution logic.
+ Improved shadow quality (shader 3.0 only).
+ Screen noise improved.
+ Improved Bloom/HDR.
- Depth of field / soft particle issue in combination with watersurface.
+ FXAA implemented for Shader 3.0, edge smoothing removed.
+ It’s easier to solve the quest “Bring the troops to Gotha” now.
+ Theo...
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Gothic 4 Mini Patch

Posted on Nov 26, 2023 21:49 by Felipe

Felipe submitted a new resource:

Gothic 4 Mini Patch - A Patch for Gothic 4 that Adds Many Fixes that Improve the Performance of the Game

Detailed Changelog:

FIXED: Interruption of interactions with sword strikes
FIXED: Acknowledgements playback after loading a save game
FIXED: Jump interrupted by FMV character freeze
FIXED: Cool down in the inventory screen
FIXED: Reduced ocean clipping problem for Stereoscopic 3D
FIXED: Arrows stick on already disintegrated Demon
FIXED: Stamina consumption while sprinting with equipped spells added
FIXED: SLI issues & optimizations
FIXED: Crash on vista machines when starting the game on...
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Gothic 3 Community Patch - Supplemental Update Pack

Posted on Nov 26, 2023 21:49 by Felipe

Felipe submitted a new resource:

Gothic 3 Community Patch - Supplemental Update Pack - An Update Pack for Gothic 3 Patch 1.75.14


An unofficial Update Pack for Gothic 3 Enhanced Edition v1.75 (a.k.a. Update Pack) is an attempt to fix various errors remaining after the release of the last official patch for Gothic 3 v1.75, as well as make some improvements for the players and innovations for modders.

For example, the Update Pack added the ability to block the attacks of various animals, expanded quick loot feature, improved alternative camera, hero and NPCs can say more SVM phrases, etc. For those...
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