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WM: Bridge's Block (AG) and Varshoon - new translations

Posted on Jul 26, 2024 02:42 by Ancalagon

Bridge's Block (Athkatlan Grounds Series) is now available in Spanish (thanks to alaisFcZ) and Varshoon is now available in French (thanks to Le Marquis).

You can get both mods at Weasel Mods!

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Wares of the Planes updates to v1.3 with new items and...

Posted on Jul 21, 2024 02:02 by Ancalagon

Wares of the Planes is a mod that introduces a large number of weapons and accessories from the Planescape universe to the Baldur's Gate series. The items can be purchased from a unique travelling merchant who is available throughout the whole game series. The mod is available for BG:EE, SoD, BG2:EE and EET.

Version 1.3 introduces a number of new items, including the infamous artifact "Grimoire of Pestilential Thought" from PsT, as well as several exotic magic spells of planar origin.

You can grab the mod from the download link below.

Download: GitHub

Discussion: G3, Beamdog


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GemRB 0.9.3 released! (Dragon's hoard edition)

Posted on Jul 11, 2024 00:13 by Ancalagon

The GemRB team announces the availability of GemRB 0.9.3!

GemRB is a portable open-source implementation of Bioware’s Infinity Engine.

As a year’s worth of work this release brings a bunch of improvements. Players will notice pathfinder speed optimizations, better sound logic, chunking and plenty of polishing. Non-English player woes have been fully laid to rest, with any combination of game, system and filesystem encoding properly taken into account.

More in the full release announcement:

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IEEE Halforc Voice Classic Mod v1.0.0 - available for...

Posted on Jul 06, 2024 23:32 by Ancalagon

This is a custom voice mod for a custom character that is generated during character creation. The voice is that of a classic halforc(Fan-Fiction).

The mod comes with the languages German and English.
There are a maximum of 42 voice lines for each language, so there are 84 voice lines in total.

This mod was created using the IEEE PCVI Pack tool/template set.

Discussion: G3, Beamdog

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Akun's Gear Mod v1.3.28 - available for BG:EE

Posted on Jul 06, 2024 23:32 by Ancalagon

This is an item mod that contains 2 enchanted katanas and 1 armor for a Wizard Slayer. All items are only equippable for the Wizard Slayer fighter subclass at level 4.

The items can be bought from the merchant Erdane in the Durlags Tower area(outside of Durlags Tower). The trader sells the items directly from his stock (no dialogue options). Regular price is thousands of gold per item.

This mod is fanfiction.

The mod comes with the languages German and English.

v1.3.28 cleans up the description images for two items.

Discussion: G3, Beamdog

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IEEE Dwarven Voice Classic Mod v1.0.5 - available for...

Posted on Jul 06, 2024 23:32 by Ancalagon

This is a custom voice mod for a custom character that is generated during character creation. The voice is that of a classic dwarf (Fan-Fiction).

The mod comes with the languages German and English.
There are a maximum of 42 voice lines for each language, so there are 84 voice lines in total.

Version 1.0.5 fixes the reduced voice lines volume for the English version.

This mod was created using the IEEE PCVI Pack tool/template set.

Discussion: G3, Beamdog

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IEEE Dwarven Voice Classic Mod v1.0.2 - available for...

Posted on Jun 30, 2024 22:13 by Ancalagon

This is a custom voice mod for a custom character that is generated during character creation. The voice is that of a classic dwarf (Fan-Fiction).

The mod comes with the languages German and English.
There are a maximum of 42 voice lines for each language, so there are 84 voice lines in total.

Version 1.0.2 fixes missing mod-name and wrong version number.

This mod was created using the IEEE PCVI Pack tool/template set.

Discussion: G3, Beamdog

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IEEE Dwarven Voice Classic Mod - A recent mod available...

Posted on Jun 16, 2024 19:32 by Ancalagon

This is a custom voice mod for a custom character that is generated during character creation. The voice is that of a classic dwarf (Fan-Fiction).

The mod comes with the languages German and English.
There are a maximum of 42 voice lines for each language, so there are 84 voice lines in total.

This mod was created using the IEEE PCVI Pack tool/template set.

Discussion: G3, Beamdog

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Akun's Gear - A mod from March 3 2024 available for BG:EE

Posted on Jun 16, 2024 19:32 by Ancalagon

This is an item mod that contains 2 enchanted katanas and 1 armor for a Wizard Slayer. All items are only equippable for the Wizard Slayer fighter subclass at level 4.

The items can be bought from the merchant Erdane in the Durlags Tower area(outside of Durlags Tower). The trader sells the items directly from his stock (no dialogue options). Regular price is thousands of gold per item.

This mod is fanfiction.

The mod comes with the languages German and English.

Discussion: G3, Beamdog

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G3: "Heroes, Thieves and Moneylenders" Mod Updated to v.4.4

Posted on Jun 09, 2024 18:42 by Ancalagon

"Heroes, Thieves and Moneylenders" mod
(Authors: Austin, Scheele, Alisia & Arcanecoast Team)

"HTaM" mod adds new quests, episodes and characters, several new areas, additional banters and interjections for NPCs from the main game and from some other mods.

The mod is compatible with BG2, BG2: EE, BGT and EET.

Version 4.4 includes the following changes:

  • added compatibility with the "Expanded Thief Stronghold" mod (previously, in Component №2, one of the quests did not work correctly if this mod was installed). Expanded Thief Stronghold mod, if you plan to use it, must be installed BEFORE installing HTaM!
  • quest entries in the journal have become even more detailed
  • now, if the player decides to kill Lawrence (from Component №2), then jewelry can be found on his corpse
  • animations of orcs from the Jackal group (Component №2) have been replaced with animations of half-orcs so that this does not contradict the text description.
  • improved code that calls couriers who transmit messages to start quests (Components №2-4)
  • the fight with the Collector (Component №2) has become simpler and more balanced for the early stage of the game
  • fixed a bug in the dialogue code with the Jackal; previously, choosing one of the answer options led to a bug
  • the text of the English version has been slightly improve

Project Page
Visit the Forum
Download mod from G3
Download mod from GitHub

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v24 of Crossmod Banter Pack for BG2 Now Available

Posted on Jun 07, 2024 18:22 by Ancalagon

The Gibberlings Three

The Crossmod Banter Pack for Baldur's Gate II is a mod that adds banters, interjections, and romance conflicts between mod NPCs.

v24 comes with a fix so deinstallation of German (part) version does not eat the tra files, and crossmod for jastey's Solaufein with Eilistraee's Song and Sellswords is now in CBM!

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Kerzenburgforum: Solaufein's Rescue - jastey's Solaufein...

Posted on Jun 07, 2024 18:22 by Ancalagon


Solaufein's Rescue - Jasteys Solaufein NPC Mod for BGII

With this modification the game character Solaufein, drow fighter from Ust Natha, is extended to a joinable NPC. Before he can join, Solaufein has to be freed from drider chambers. This starting quest can be played independently to whether he should then join the group or not. (This is not Weimer's Solaufein NPC mod.) The mod is compatible with original BG2 (with ToB), BGT, BGII:EE, and EET.

Solaufein can also follow as a '7th party member' in case your group already consists of 6 persons. More details about this - and the quirks that go along with it - please refer to readme.

The second, optional mod component offers the possibility to give the game Solaufein in Ust Natha the mod's portrait. If you want to see this in the game, this component has to be installed after Weimer's Solaufein.

The third, optional component is for BGII and BGT: If the main component of Infinity Animations is installed, this component will install and use the drider animations for the mod.
Without this component, all driders in the mod will be displayed as drow. There is no loss in gameplay, other than it won't look as nice.
For BGII:EE and EET the animations will be included and used automatically.

The forth, optional component enables to install the alternative portrait for Solaufein.

The fifth, optional component adds a reply option to Adalon's dialogue for elf PCs that will set the race by which Solaufein recognizes the PC as drow. Only install (and chose) this reply option if Solaufein should address your PC as a fellow drow.

Both portraits are from Holger Kirste, with many thanks!

Version 5.0 comes with a revised Russian translation, by scheele. Also, crossmod with Eilistraee's Song was moved into the Crossmod Banter Mod. Install CBM after Solaufein's Rescue to see the full content for Soaufein!


- revised Russian translation, by scheele.
- Crossmod with Eilistraee's Song was moved into Crossmod Banter Pack (v24 and higher).

Download Solaufein's Rescue

Download at GitHub

Discussion Thread at Kerzenburgforum (German)

Discussion Thread at Gibberlings Three

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G3: Road to Discovery updates to v4.0 with Simplified...

Posted on Jun 07, 2024 18:22 by Ancalagon


Road to Discovery (RtD)

A mod for Siege of Dragonspear in a BGEE or EET setting.

Authored by jastey with one component from Lauriel's Themed Tweaks mod, RtD opens up roleplaying by allowing the player to discuss and reveal what they learn about Caelar Argent and her crusade with allies in the coalition and other NPCs throughout the campaign.

v4.0 comes with a Simplified Chinese version. Thank you for the translation!


-Simplified Chinese translation added, by yoshimo0417, setup.tra format corrections by MephistoSatanDevil.

Learn more from the project page or readme, join us on the forums, or download RtD.

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G3: BG Romantic Encounters updates to v12!

Posted on Jun 07, 2024 18:22 by Ancalagon

The Gibberlings Three

BG Romantic Encounters

bg1re, the Baldur's Gate version of the popular Romantic Encounters mod, adding several encounters and quests all over the game, aims at populating the game with romantic encounters, intense dialogues, unexpected private dinners, romantic traces of long lost times, and real quests that all deal with true love, fulfilled or unfulfilled.
The mod installs on BG w/TotSC, Tutu, BGT, BGEE, and EET.

Changelog v13:

-niklos.cre now patched with "niklos" DV. This also fixes a Tutu bug.
-ender.cre now patched with "ender" DV.
-Ender Sai should not reappear if he was killed.
-French version completed, by Selphira.

Learn more about the mod
Visit the Forum

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G3: The Boareskyr Bridge Scene updates to v7 with...

Posted on Jun 07, 2024 18:22 by Ancalagon


The Boareskyr Bridge Scene

The mod gives more impact to the important scene at Boareskyr Bridge in SoD. Like Gorion's letter and the PC's dreams in BG1, the transformation into the slayer in SoA, and the trials in ToB, this scene is an important part of the PC's journey to godhood (or rejection of it). This mod tries to place emphasis on this scene by giving it more depth as well as deeper inclusion into the story by reactions of NPCs and other game characters.

There will be more warnings before going to the bridge and NPCs will react to what happens on it, and depending on the installed components the actual scene will also be extended with description text and choices for the player how the PC will deal with the erupting divine energy including resulting stat changes.

The mod is compatible with Siege of Dragonspear BGEE and EET.

Version 7 comes with a Simplified Chinese version. Thank you for the translation!


-Simplified Chinese translation added, by yoshimo0417, setup.tra format corrections by MephistoSatanDevil
-typo ocrrections.

Project Page

Mod Forum


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