In this room you’ll end up fighting some animated weapons. They should go down easily to some spells.
Among the chests and racks you find quite a stash, including assorted magical ammunition, a Long Sword +3, the Breastplate of Hidden Imaskar, and a Hellfire Powder which you’ll be able to use later on.
This rooms holds a few Imaskari Golems. You can revive one of them as a temporary companion who will be part of the party only so long as you remain in the Barrow. Safiya performs the initial process for you by combining air elemental spirits with the elemental spirit already trapped in the Golem. The next part involves using the Hellfire Powder on the Alchemy Bench to create a Rejuvenation Salve. Either Safiya can do this or your PC can if you have a decent Alchemy rank. Now talk to Golem and select the option that involves applying the salve. The golem now becomes a temporary party member.
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"*JUSTICE uses Mercykillers as her EYES. JUSTICE uses Mercykillers to dispense her WILL. When SENTENCE is passed, she LENDS us her STRENGTH.*" -Vhailor, Planescape: Torment