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Icewind Dale II Solution by Bartholomew

Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
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It would appear that the Severed Hand, the seat of the legion's power, is in a state of disarray as well as disrepair. While the legion's soldiers look on, a horde of slaves work at rebuilding this storied keep. Although it seemed obvious enough, one of the legion's own bureacrats, a man named Xavier, had no idea of the true situation! With the help of some of the slaves, we managed to convince him as to the truthfulness of our words, and Xavier has left his post in disgust. Before leaving, however, he provided us with some identification that will allow us entry to otherwise restricted areas of the Hand.

Alia Shield-Maiden, the Annals of Halgren


Map of the Severed Hand, Level 2Now, go up the central staircase to the second floor; as you exit the staircase to the east, you will be facing the room of a wizard named Vese Nejj. Vese tells you he’ll recommend you for membership in the enclave, so that you can get more information about goings-on in the building, if you determine the code that will let him into the Wizard’s Tower. The entrance is on the fourth floor. When you have figured out the code, you must return immediately to Vese for your experience points before entering the tower, or he will say you have betrayed him and turn on you. If you return promptly to him, he will give you a new quest, this time to steal three items from the wizard tower and bring them to him: Larrel’s Bones, the Book of the Mythal, and Orrick’s Spellbook.

Although you will get experience if you help him (1000 xp per mission), be warned that he does not fulfil his end of the bargain and you do not have a real opportunity to gain membership privileges. If you have Persuade, however, you can talk him into giving you a saving-throw bonus feat to one of your party members. Helping Vese does not preclude later helping the wizard he asked you to steal from, so there is no reason not to do this if it’s compatible with your party alignment. See the Wizard’s Tower section for more information on how to solve the specific quests Vese Nejj assigns to you.

Moving clockwise, the next room to the south on this level is a combination alchemy lab and boudoir. Dracein, the mistress of Saablic Tan, presides over this area with a pet Chimera named Precious. You will need to use this room later, but for now there is nothing you can do here.


Roga ThulcThe south section of this level is a construction area. Roga Thulc, the foreman, can give you a good overview of what awaits you in the various areas of the building. He then tells you a strange story about a worker named Vylu who claims to be genasi (half elemental). She has moved into a room down the hallway with the elementals who had been used in the construction, and they have been stealing small items and committing other harmless pranks. Roga is worried about what will happen if this comes to the attention of their employers and asks you to speak with her.

You will find Vylu in the north-west of this level, in a room next door to the library. She is accompanied by two elementals. When you try to speak with her, you will find her quite incomprehensible, except that she complains of hearing voices. Roga is disturbed to hear this and asks that you speak with the healers on the fourth floor to see if they can cure her. When you have spoken with the healers and obtained the potion she needs, give it to Vylu and then speak one last time to Roga to get the quest points.

The Death of Zaem Astyr

To the west of the construction area is a small library, in which you will find the diary of Zaem Astyr. Show it to the librarian, Cedrin Zil, who is in a small room between the library and the construction area. You will learn that Zaem is dead, apparently by his own hand. His research project on an invisible creature was cancelled, and the diary strongly suggests he was being stalked by the creature. Cedrin suggests you speak with Zaem’s fiancée, Jaebrilla, and his apprentice, Kav Latham. Kav is two doors down, clockwise, from the library, and Jaebrilla is on the fourth floor. After speaking with them both, you conclude that Cedrin himself must have killed Zaem. Confront Cedrin for 1500 xp, or turn him in to Vese Nejj for 750 xp. Once you’ve done this, you can speak to Jaebrilla and Kav again, setting their minds at ease for an additional 1000 xp each.

Zaem's ApprenticeBefore leaving Kav Lathram’s room in the north-west, be sure to check the cupboard behind him for the Ring of Nourishment and Virulent Agent, both of which you need to solve other quests. You may recall that Ysha, on the first floor, asked you to alter some plans for her. Kav Lathram is the person who can do this for you. As soon as he does, you can return the altered plans to Ysha for 1000 xp.

The Demonic Construct

In the north end of the second level, a robed apprentice named Fynne calls out for help just as a demonic construct attacks you. Kill it and then try to talk to Fynne. You will learn that you were just a pawn in a test of her creation. When they disappear, leaving no reward but 750 xp, loot their desks to find some scrolls, a diary belonging to Ruinlord Garuk, and the Master’s Robe.

In the north-east you will find Ruinlord Garuk of Iyachtu Xvim guarding the Globe of Essence. He tells you he can’t say much about the globe or Iyachtu Xvim because you are an unbeliever, but says if you could find his diary you would be able to read it. The only interesting fact in that diary is that he had to “backstab” someone named Drothan to get his position. You will deal with Garuk and the Globe of Essence later, after completing the Ilmater Ritual.
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