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SKALD: Against the Black Priory - Overview

Posted on Jun 01, 2024 07:12 by RPGWatch

[​IMG]The Scarlet Seeker checked out SKALD: Against the Black Priory:


SKALD: Against the Black Priory | Worth Your Time and Money (Overview)

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Path of Exile 2 - Early Access late 2024

Posted on Jun 01, 2024 01:12 by RPGWatch

[​IMG]Gematsu reports that Path of Exile 2 will enter Early Access at the end of 2024.

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Capes - Review @ Koalition

Posted on Jun 01, 2024 01:12 by RPGWatch

[​IMG]The Koalition reviewed Capes:


Capes Review - Strategic Superhero Gaming

What if you took the world of superheroes in the aspect of the TV show Heroes and mixed it with turn-based strategy tactical games like XCOM, well then you would get a very thought-out game called Capes. Capes is the debut title from Australian-based company Spitfire Interactive with publisher Daedalic Entertainment.

Capes draws its comic references from the 80s and 90s. This was when they were still goofy and cheesy but also starting to venture into darker subject matter like Image Comics with Spawn or Wild C.A.T.S. This was the perfect time for a comic book reader, with the new character backgrounds, the design change, the tone of the comics, and the amount of original ideals.

The mood for Capes is straightforward, there are no superheroes anymore they all have been unalived, and only The Company and the Capes remain. In King City, superheroes (referred to as capes) have been banned for the last two decades after a mysterious group known as The Company came in and promised to get the masked vigilantes under control.


I believe that they chose to work more on the core of the game to make a great product than to work on the parts of the game and leave it open for bugs and such. I really enjoyed Capes, the idea is great and the play was very decent. It was challenging at times and I didn't want to see where it was going so that was fun. I think that for its first release, Spitfire Interactive hit a home run. I can not wait to see what else this small company has in store for the future.

Score: 4/5

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Wildermyth - Development finished

Posted on Jun 01, 2024 01:12 by RPGWatch

[​IMG]News that the development of Wildermyth is finished:


A Farewell

Active development on Wildermyth is coming to an end

Hi, this is Nate Austin, co-owner of Worldwalker Games.

Wildermyth has been a wonderful journey for us, but that journey has now come to an end. We feel proud of what we've accomplished, and lucky to have an incredible team and an amazing community. And it's never fun to bring something to an end, but sadly this is that time.

The Facts
Active development on Wildermyth is complete. We will continue to support the game and fix critical bugs, but don't expect new content, going forward. We will be saying farewell to many of our team members. <3 Worldwalker Games is going into hibernation for now.

What's Not Going Away
This does not, in any way, affect plans to bring Wildermyth to other platforms. We hope to be able to announce more on that fairly soon, but I cannot say more right now.

The Soundtrack Kickstarter is also not affected. Live recordings of the music will be integrated into the game, and made available as a purchasable OST.

French and Spanish translations for Omenroad will be completed.

We will continue to maintain the discord, wiki, social media, support emails, and merch store.

Why, and Why Now?
Wildermyth has been wonderful, but nothing goes on forever. We wanted to ship Omenroad, and having done that, we're ready to move on. This was the plan, and it doesn't have anything to do with how well Omenroad is doing. (It's doing quite well! And we're extremely proud of it, and will continue to support it!)

We're an independent studio, which means we're not answerable to investors. Nobody is shutting us down. We are going into hibernation because we are done with this project.

The Feels
When I started working on this game, um, 11 years ago, I had a bit of a chip on my shoulder. "I'll show them. I'll show them all." It's not there anymore. The last crumbs (is that how it works? What kind of chip is it supposed to be? A wood chip? A tortilla chip?) Well, the last crumbs of that chip were brushed away some time ago. I feel like we contributed something positive to the ongoing conversation of "what can a game be?"

For my part, I feel that we did what we set out to do, and the time has come to move on. I'm very proud to have been a part of a very special team, and a very special game, and I'm hopeful that the game will continue to live on. We have a tremendous community of players and modders, and that's a dream come true. It's been an incredible honor to deliver you Wildermyth, and I thank you for it!

I'm pretty sure we'll eventually find something else to pour our passion into, and we'll let you know about it when the time comes.

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Timothy Cain - Arcanum Development Timeline

Posted on Jun 01, 2024 01:12 by RPGWatch

[​IMG]Learn more about Arcanum from Tim:


Arcanum Development Timeline

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God of War Ragnarok - Coming to PC

Posted on Jun 01, 2024 01:12 by RPGWatch

[​IMG]God of War Ragnarök will be released for the PC on September 19:


God of War Ragnarök PC Official Announcement Trailer

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Where Winds Meet - Announcement Trailer

Posted on May 31, 2024 19:12 by RPGWatch

[​IMG]A trailer for the Wuxia RPG Where Winds Meet on GameSpot:


Where Winds Meet Announcement Trailer | State of Play 2024

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The Wayward Realms - Gameplay Trailer

Posted on May 31, 2024 19:12 by RPGWatch

[​IMG]A gameplay trailer for The Wayward Realms, which is currently on Kickstarter:


The Wayward Realms- Life of An Adventurer - A Gameplay Trailer

A spiritual successor to the Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall, The Wayward Realms, a medieval fantasy roleplaying game led by industry veterans Ted Peterson & Julian Lefay, that aims to bring the "old-school" design philosophies of Classic RPGs together with the latest technology and quality of life improvements, courtesy of Unreal Engine 5.

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Stormrite - Team Update

Posted on May 31, 2024 19:12 by RPGWatch

[​IMG]A sign of life of the Stormrite team:


A Much Needed Announcement

Hello all, I thought I'd make an announcement to update you about Stormrite. It would be silly to ignore the long period of silence from the team. We're truly sorry about it, and it's something we never wanted to do & never want to do again. Through university, work layoffs, and life, the team as a whole weren't able to work on the project as much as we'd have liked, and progress just... stalled.

Moving forward, our primary focus is a public demo. We want you all to be able to get your hands on Stormrite. It will feature Act I of the game, letting you get an introduction to the story, and a feel for the core gameplay features.

We're back on track behind the scenes. The animation revamp is underway, and we should have some material to share with you soon on that. We'll be back to our schedule of regular progress updates in no time.

Again, we're terribly sorry for the silence, as much as we have had our struggles recently, there's no excuse for the lack of communication. We'll do better, and we hope you as the community will continue to support us from here on out!

Thank you all for everything,


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Lords of the Fallen - Clash of Champions Update released

Posted on May 31, 2024 19:12 by RPGWatch

[​IMG]A new update for Lords of the Fallen:


Lords of the Fallen - 'Clash of Champions' OUT NOW

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The Night Wanderer - Interview

Posted on May 31, 2024 19:12 by RPGWatch

[​IMG]GamingBolt interviewed Mighty Coi about The Night Wanderer:


Mighty Koi speaks with GamingBolt about its upcoming Soulslike action RPG.

Based on award-winning series of Polish sci-fi and fantasy novels The Lord of the Ice Garden, developer Mighty Koi's upcoming The Night Wanderer is making some intriguing promises. Not only is it looking to adapt the acclaimed novels in close collaboration with their author Jarosław Grzedowicz, The Night Wanderer is also promising Soulslike combat, a world designed around Metroidvania-esque exploration, and more. Intrigued by it as we have been, we recently reached out to the upcoming action RPG's development team, hoping to learn more about its world, combat, development, and more. You can read our interview below.

"We're aiming to strike a delicate balance between honoring Grzedowicz's existing stories and weaving in our own narratives inspired by his works."

What was it about Jarosław Grzedowicz's The Lord of the Ice Garden series that attracted you to it and motivated the decision to make a video game adaptation?

Polish fantasy literature is incredibly rich, with a long history and many talented authors crafting world-class stories. While The Witcher certainly brought attention to the genre, it's just the tip of the iceberg. Lord of the Ice Garden is a beloved classic in both fan circles and the wider Polish literary scene. We see immense potential in its worldbuilding and story, making it a perfect candidate for a modern, immersive game adaptation.


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The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak - Preview

Posted on May 31, 2024 07:02 by RPGWatch

[​IMG]Noisy Pixel checked out The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak:


The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak Preview - A Refreshingly Ambitious Combat System

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The Wayward Realms - Kickstarter started

Posted on May 31, 2024 00:53 by RPGWatch

[​IMG]The Wayward Realms Kickstarter started, a game by 3 Veterans who worked on Daggerfall: Ted Peterson, Julian Lefay and Eric Heberling:


The Wayward Realms

"A game that aims to bring the "old-school" design philosophies of Classic RPGs together with the latest technology and quality of life improvements, courtesy of Unreal Engine 5.

Get lost in a massive, beautiful open world, filled to the brim with adventure. Explore vast, realistically scaled cities, sprawling towns, deep dungeons filled with untold treasures, and a plethora of diverse environments. Discover populations of warring factions, dangerous creatures, and an expansive cast of characters that come to life the more you interact with them."

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Mirthwood - A Simulated World

Posted on May 31, 2024 00:53 by RPGWatch

[​IMG]Learn more about the gameworld of Myrthwood:


A Simulated World

Hi Folks, Daron here from Bad Ridge Games. Today, we're taking a look at how the world around you functions in Mirthwood.

Seasons of Change
In Mirthwood, you will experience the distinct beauty and challenges of the seasons - Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter - with each bringing its own crops, colors, and events. With Mirthwood being an open-world, this has been no small task. The game features seven large main regions, each with unique aesthetics and sub-biomes. This means each change of season offers a myriad of new visuals depending on where you travel.

Transitioning into Winter will have the most impact on gameplay. With no crops to be grown, you'll need to shift your focus to other tasks like mining, upgrades, or other adventures. For the inhabitants of the world, potential shortages of food can be deadly.

Raising the Stakes
Most NPCs in Mirthwood are mortal and can pass away, whether from starvation, illness, or if they find themselves the victim of a bandit or animal attack.

This gives NPCs real and tangible goals to work towards. Mortality also paves the way for organic stories to develop. Characters that die will be known to you, possibly even close friends. While there may be opportunities for you to intervene, not every life can be saved. Those who die are buried, and in time, replaced by a new immigrant from the Continent.

The Storyteller
Mirthwood's storyteller will generate Events of varying intensity to keep things interesting. Some Events are seasonal - you might encounter a Heatwave in Summer or a Blizzard in Winter. Other Events can happen year round, like a Full Moon (...enjoy). Not all Events present challenges. You'll be notified if a Traveling Merchant is nearby, or if the Trade Ship has arrived and docked at the coast, bringing rare items from the Continent.

Survival & Crafting
Mirthwood will feature survival-lite gameplay. You'll need to pay attention to your core vitals - Health, Stamina, and Hunger. If you decide to set out and travel across the map, be sure to have a plan for food. Many herbs and berries can be foraged, but cooked meals offer the most benefit. Herbs will also help you craft elixirs and medicines vital to curing illnesses.

You'll discover campsites and settlements across the map that serve as respites, places to cook, sleep, and save your progress. Some of these campsites can be upgraded and turned into strategic homes-away-from-home for your character. Here you'll be able to access your stash, cook, and craft gear provided you have the materials.

Hopefully that gives you some insight into world experience in Mirthwood. Let us know what questions you have!

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Legends of the Round Table - The Green Knight

Posted on May 31, 2024 00:53 by RPGWatch

[​IMG]Learn more about the Green Knight and the upcoming demo of Legends of the Round Table:


The Green Knight

We're ready to tell you a little more about another of our adventures, which is inspired by the poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight by the anonymous poet known as Pearl.

In The Green Knight, a mysterious man covered in greenery comes to King Arthur's court to challenge one of the Knights of the Round Table to strike him. Normally it's Gawain who rises to the challenge and beheads him. The Green Knight picks up his head and proclaims that whoever accepted the challenge must receive the same blow from him, in a year and a day at the Green Chapel, in Wales.

Following the storyline of the original tale required adaptations to make it interactive and enjoyable to play. The symbols and layers of meaning, typical of tales and texts with a mythical background, have been preserved but also adapted to deepen certain aspects, provide explanations to the player, and achieve better coherence between gameplay actions and narration.

This adventure combines dreamlike sequences with moments of investigation and courtesy, as well as battles with monstrous creatures. And as you can see, it takes place in snowy landscapes...

We also greatly appreciated David Lowery's film The Green Knight with Dev Patel in the role of Gawain!

The Demo
We have a playable demo coming soon and are looking for players for our very first playtests! If you're interested, join our Discord server and pick the "playtest" role.

Thanks everyone and until next time!

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