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Why Branding?

As you have probably noticed, all of the screenshots in our Neverwinter Nights gallery have been branded with a WWW.SORCERERS.NET stamp. The reason for this is not because all of these screenshots were exclusive to Sorcerer's Place, but because everything we make available online that is not clearly marked as belonging to a section of this site in one way or another, soon appears on many other fansites as their own content with no reference given to where they "obtained" it from.
Such was the case with our Pool of Radiance gallery for example... If you see parts of it copied on a certain website, know that the original collection came from Sorcerer's Place.

The making of our NWN gallery has taken literally months. I have been collecting screenshots of Neverwinter Nights from various websites that have been lucky enough to get their hands on them from the time the game was announced and till it was released. When I started working on putting them all into one gallery here, I had two versions of practically each screenshot now in the gallery, so you can imagine how long it must have taken me to weed out all copies and only leave the best of the ones I had.
In other words, do not think of these screenshots as merely a collection of pictures but as parts of the Sorcerer's Place Neverwinter Nights Screenshots Gallery.

Unfortunately the only way I can protect my hard work on this is to brand each screenshot and therefore make it impossible to use on any other website but Sorcerer's Place... Hopefully this will not distract anyone too much from enjoying the really cool screenshots.
Sorcerer's Place is a project run entirely by fans and for fans. Maintaining Sorcerer's Place and a stable environment for all our hosted sites requires a substantial amount of our time and funds on a regular basis, so please consider supporting us to keep the site up & running smoothly. Thank you!

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