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Bard's Tale 1 Remastered Online Walkthrough by David Milward

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Mangar's Tower:   Level One  |  Level Two  |  Level Three  |  Level Four  |  Level Five  |  Burger Battles


64th Level

First, I have Roscoe identify the special powers of the items I've accrued during my run through the 4th and 5th levels of Mangar's Tower. I then return to the Review Board.

Lord Stygar, Zarathos, Gallard, Ariel and Cassandra advance to their 64th levels of experience. Talia and Mordred reach their 62nd levels as Wizards.

Preparing for the Burger Battles

What I do next is a mixture of preparing for the next two battles and readying myself for a transition to the sequel. Talia and Mordred unequip their Mage Staves. All of Lord Stygar, Zarathos, Gallard, and Ariel unequip their shields. Lord Stygar and Zarathos also unequip their weapons.

I head over to Garth's and purchase Conjurstaves for both Talia and Mordred, both with a view towards assuring them enough Spell Points for the upcoming battles and also having them ready to go as ongoing replacements during the sequel.

Lord Stygar and Zarathos purchase and equip Diamond Daggers. The intention is that both of them, along with Ariel, will together form an impenetrable shield-wall that the numerous monsters cannot touch during the next two battles.

Lord Stygar, Zarathos, Gallard and Ariel all purchase and equip Luckshields. The only real danger involved with the upcoming battles is that some of the monsters can use spells or breath weapons, which actually will sometimes damage party members before I can boost their saving throws after the first round of the fights. The point of the Luckshields is to decrease the number of times that party members take damage from spells and breath weapons and thus ensure their survival past the first round.

I was under the slight delusion that -36 was the magic number I needed for AC, and as such had Zarathos replace his Diamond Helm with the Spirithelm that I obtained after the battle with Mangar. I corrected that during the subsequent video, although he will use the Spirithelm on an ongoing basis during the sequel.

Cassandra also purchases some Thieves' Darts as weapons a Rogue can use to damage an entire monster group during a round.

I head over to the Temple of the Mad God at the Grand Plaza, and put up both Ybarra's Mystical Coat of Armor and Traveller's Tune. All three of Lord Stygar, Zarathos and Ariel have an AC of at least -37. And -37 is the magic number to gaurantee immunity from even the toughest monsters being able to connect with any physical attacks.

Lastly, I also change the party order to Lord Stygar, Zarathos, Ariel, Cassandra, Gallard, Talia and Mordred. Gallard can't quite reach the -37 magic number, so I shuffle him to the back. Cassandra can make herself untouchable by going into hiding at the start of any round where she isn't already in shadows. I thus assure that my front four characters are untouchable by physical attacks, and the others remain safe in the back ranks.

1st Burger Battle

First, I switch Zarathos back to the Diamond Helm instead of his Spirithelm for the time being. Now that I've defeated Mangar, the 'burger' battles become available again. All I have to say is the word 'burger' to the Priest, and I get the first of two massive battles.

It involves 99 Ancient Enemies, 99 Jabberwocks at 20', 99 Maze Masters at 30', and 99 Gimps at 40'. Lord Stygar and Zarathos will attack the Ancient Enemies round after round.

The Luckshields appear to keep my warriors safe from the Shock Sphere spells of the Maze Masters and the shocking breath of the Jabberwocks. I nonetheless have Ariel start with Lucklaran for good measure.

Cassandra goes into hiding. Gallard will not do much other than stay safe in the fifth party position throughout these battles.

Mordred whittles down the Jabberwocks with a Wizard Wall spell. Talia also wipes out many of the Maze Masters with a Mage Maelstrom spell.

The next round I have Ariel use Seeker's Ballad, while Cassandra uses one of her Thieves' Darts to finish off most of what's left of the Jabberwocks.

Talia now uses Wizard War on the Ancient Enemies, while Mordred uses Wizard War on the Gimps.

Cassandra goes back into the hiding at the start of the third round. Talia and Mordred actually manage to finish everything off with a double-shot of Mangar's Mind Blade. That leads to the second burger battle.

2nd Burger Battle

The priests of the Temple announce the start of a second massive battle. This time it's against 99 Demon Lords, 99 Soul Suckers at 20', 99 Liches at 30' and 99 Balrogs at 40'.

The Liches, if they stay back, will try to stun-lock the party with Hypnotic Image spells. Lord Stygar, with his high saving throws bolstered by a Luckshield, will negate that possibility. If the Liches get close, they'll either try physical attacks that cause both massive damage and Possession, or Death Strike.

Lord Stygar and Zarathos attack the Demon Lords every round. Ariel starts with Lucklaran, and Cassandra goes into hiding.

Talia hits the Demon Lords with Wizard War, and Mordred uses the same spell on the Soul Suckers.

The second round sees Cassandra use one of her Thieves' Darts on the Soul Suckers to finish off as many of them as she can. Ariel uses Falkentyne's Fury. Talia now hits the Liches with a Mage Maelstrom spell, while Mordred uses Wizard War spell on the Balrogs.

The third round sees Ariel use Seekers' Ballad, while Cassandra goes back into hiding. Talia and Mordred use a double-shot of Mangar's Mind Blade on the now quite weakened horde, and suffice to thin it out significantly.

Ariel, now that she's used the songs she wanted to, joins Lord Stygar and Zarathos in attacking the Demon Lords from the fourth round onwards.

Talia casts Wizard War on the Demon Lords, while Cassandra uses another of her Thieves' Darts on them as well, as they remain quite numerous.

The Soul Suckers by now have been completely wiped out. And that means the Demon Lords and Liches using the Greater Summoning spell now becomes a possibility. It is at this point that Mordred now casts the Preclusion spell, which has a strong chance of preventing any summoning spells from working.

The Liches, come the fifth round, remain the only group of enemies with any significant numbers. Talia and Mordred hit them with a double-shot of Repel Dead. The battle becomes a mop-up after that point.

I get ejected from the Temple afterwards with a warning never to use the word again. I apparently could use the word again to do the battle again, and again, were I so inclined. Once is enough for me. I did them just to show that they could be won, and how. But I don't mind advancing my party members another level either.

65th Level

First, I do some inventory adjustments in anticipation of importing to the sequel. Lord Stygar goes back to his Arc's Hammer. Zarathos equips his Spectre Mace, Spirithelm and Diamond Shield. Ariel goes back to her Diamond Shield. Cassandra replaces her Thieves' Darts with her Elf Cloak.

I have Ariel drink up at a Tavern, since she used up some of her songs without an item that provides limitless songs.

Everybody thereafter advances one more level. Talia and Mordred advance to their 63rd levels as Wizards. Everyone else advances to their 65th levels.

I return to Garth's and prepare another transition. Ariel says off her Fin's Flute, and replaces it with a Lak's Lyre, which does provide limitless songs. She has basically transitioned from a Bardsword and Fin's Flute to the Spectre Snare and a Lak's Lyre. The latter setup provides better AC, limitless songs as always, and an insta-kill weapon that makes the Bard having only one attack per round a meaningless point.

I end by returning to the Adventuer's Guild, from which I will import my party to the second game.
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