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Zombasite - Patch 1.008

Discussion in 'Game/SP News & Comments' started by RPGWatch, Dec 26, 2016.

  1. RPGWatch

    RPGWatch Watching... ★ SPS Account Holder

    Jul 28, 2010
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    [​IMG]Zombasite patch 1.008 comes with a lot of little fixes:

    Zombasite patch 1.008
    This patch increases player mobility, fixes a few crashes, makes distributing/ salvaging items easier, sorts all NPC lists, and fixes a bunch of other minor issues.

    1.008 change list:
    • aren't forced to stand still as long after attacks now - greatly increases player mobility
    • fixed using Shield Slam in right click slot crashing the game (jalias)
    • fixed a crash when sometimes recruits aren't deleted correctly (Taolaen)
    • now hunting/foraging/other npc lists and next/prev recuit buttons use main npc sorting from clan screen (Dorok)
    • now items salvaged try to distribute to clan first (option can be turned off in crafting menu)
    • debuffs/dots on projectile attacks no longer affect the target unless projectile hits
    • fixed multishot not dropping down to normal arrow when out of mana
    • tightened multishot projectile spread some
    • removed collision from a lot of weed models
    • gargoyles are now much tougher
    • now clean up recruits that haven't been deleted correctly (Taolaen)
    • changed save version to 202
    • put number of potions after version number
    • made monster aggression easier to mod by adding AggressionRangeMult
    • no longer auto identify items that don't need identifying
    • can now mod whether or not monsters are less aggressive to higher level enemies
    • changed poison resistance to poison & acid resistance
    • made highlight outlines a little thicker
    • right clicking with melee skills no longer turns character if no target
    • added a BadQuest parm for quests so can remove quests with mods
    • renamed bonus chests to be less confusing
    • fixed unclickable braziers in Torment Tomb and Midnight Caverns
    • now EgoTalking magic modifier is marked as cursed
    • now show areas burned in hunting/foraging highlight text
    • can no longer try to randomize enchantments on unique items (Destro*)
    • fixed a way some passive skills could be actively used (Dorok)
    • fixed getting some non-relevant warnings about guard focus
    • fixed a bunch of level collision issues caused by making weeds not collide
    • fixed a minimap corruption around the edge of levels
    • now shields show armor scraps needed to repair correctly
    • now only show solve quests icon on trade screen if there is a solved quest
    • fixed a way that AI clan relics could get above level 100 (Destro*)
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 26, 2016
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