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Rogue Trader - Accolade Trailer and Patch 1.1.28

Discussion in 'Game/SP News & Comments' started by RPGWatch, Feb 20, 2024.

  1. RPGWatch

    RPGWatch Watching... ★ SPS Account Holder

    Jul 28, 2010
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    [​IMG]An accolade trailer for Rogue Trader and a new patch:


    Accolade Trailer | Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader

    The echo of your fame is heard in the farthest corners of the Koronus Expanse, Lord Captain! Look what the critics say about Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader.


    Abelard, introduce us to the gargantuan Update 1.1.28!

    Lord Captains!

    This is our first major update for Warhammer 40000: Rogue Trader, containing a total of over 1800 changes, including brand new voiceover and narrative content, QoL improvements, balance updates, numerous bug fixes and hundreds of fixes for optimization, performance and co-op stability (we've done our best to squeeze some of these together to make the patch notes a bit less devastating for you to read). The patch notes are so huge that we were forced to split it into multiple parts. Console version of the patch will be available within ~24 hours depending on region, as usual.

    We are deeply grateful for your feedback and reports that made this update possible, and hope that this update will vastly improve your experience with the game!

    Important: due to the unprecedented scale of changes to abilities and balance, all existing saved games will receive an additional free respecialization for every character in the party. Enjoy!

    Here's a glimpse of what's expecting you:

    • Brand new full voiceover for the Prologue and companion chatter across the game;
      New visual effects and icons;
    • Narrative tweaks and new reactivity options;
    • Fixes for broken quests and dialogues (including the long-anticipated Price of Humanity quest fix);
    • Fixes for incorrect and inconsistent epilogues;
    • A massive amount of fixes for incorrectly functioning abilities and items, including those that led to silly damage multiplication;
    • Balance updates, including survivability and damage buffs to Space Marines, nerfs for Officers, weapon balance, encounter balance, and changes to calculations of many stats, bonuses and difficulty modifiers, resulting in an overall smoother game experience;
    • A lot of performance improvements and optimization;
    • Reputation thresholds for vendors being lowered by about 20%;
    • Improvements for NPC AI, reducing the cases of friendly fire and unnecessary triggering of Attacks of Opportunity;
    • Co-op desync fixes and possibility to hire mercenaries during multiplayer sessions;
    • QoL UI improvements, including ability sorting, recommended skills and visibility of quests and extractums on the map;
    • Marazhai and Yrliet gaining access to many previously human-restricted items;
    Read the full patch notes HERE (beware of possible massive spoilers!)!

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 21, 2024
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