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Let's make a story - WARNING: for PT maniacs only

Discussion in 'Creativity Surge' started by Extremist, Jun 30, 2001.

  1. Extremist Gems: 31/31
    Latest gem: Rogue Stone

    Apr 3, 2001
    Likes Received:
    [​IMG] Ok, so there will be no sequel to Planescape: Torment and that's last from PT creators.
    But who needs them?

    If they won't do it - why couldn't we make a story that will be something like sequel to PT?
    If you like the idea - think of it and post it here.

    Just please - keep the Torment setting - no BG or IWD NPC characters allowed! Also please be serious.


    Ok, I won't make the first post for our story. But I feel that in the first post there should be answer to at least one of these questions:
    1. What happened to Nameless One after final battle?
    2. What happened to NPC the post is about after final battle?
    3. What happened to Lady of Pain?
    4. What happened in Gitzherai vs. Githyanki war?
    5. What happened to Lothar - Master of Bones?
    6. What happened with Many-As-One rat army?
    7. What happened to Trias?
    8. What happened with Grimoire of Pestilential Thought?
    9. What happened to Rubikon (and Coaxmetal)?
    10. What happened with Brothel when Grace left?
    11. What happened to Ebb Creaknees?
    12. Where is Ingress now?

    Or think of something more...


    To Tal:
    Will you please let us do this?
  2. Taluntain

    Taluntain Resident Alpha and Omega Staff Member ★ SPS Account Holder Resourceful Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) New Server Contributor [2012] (for helping Sorcerer's Place lease a new, more powerful server!) Torment: Tides of Numenera SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) BoM XenForo Migration Contributor [2015] (for helping support the migration to new forum software!)

    Jun 11, 2000
    Likes Received:
    Silly question. Of course I will.
  3. Slappy Gems: 19/31
    Latest gem: Aquamarine

    Feb 27, 2001
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    Extremist, just to throw a bit more food for thought at this, how about also allowing prequels? There is plenty of scope for a decent prequel and also some hints in the original game to spark ideas. A prequel could be based on any pf the Nameless Ones previous incarnation or any of the NPCs.

    Anyway, just a thought to add to the stewing pot...... :)

    PS just read your list of ideas again. I volunteer to go and do some detailed field research into the background for option number 10 :D

    [This message has been edited by Slappy (edited June 30, 2001).]
  4. herf Guest

    As the nameless one picks up the mace he stares across the war torn battlefield, watching the beats and creatures fight.
    "My god, am i stuck here forever?", as he thought this a point high in the sky flashed and a blade slowly fell down spinning and landng in front of the nameless one, perfectly landing in the ground, "A gift, mortal one", the voice resonates in his mind, a voice that he *knows* is dak'kons, his slave and companion for who-knows how many years.
    He drops the mace and slides the blade from the ground effortlessly, as soon as he touches the blade it burns him and steam rises from it, "Your mind is divided, un-known one, unity brings strength, division is weakness", the tall, muscular scarred man heard this and focused on one point, one thing, and picked up the blade again, this time the blade was slighty warm to the touch, but in a good way, it was reassuring.
    The blade slowly enveloped his whole hand, twisting and writhing the whole time, then suddenly the blade shot forward into a long blade, double sided, with barbs running the length of one side, the handle moulded around his hand so he did not have to grip it, he swung his arms around a few itmes testing the weight and balance, it seemed pefect, the best blade he had encountered, he pride himself on having a focused mind. As he thought this the blade dulled and bluntened some, realising that it was his pride that caused this he once again focused on the one thing that was important to him, his name. This time the blade sharpened even more and the tip of the blade glowed blue. The named one touched the tip of the blade on a rock and the rock exploded into shard of rock and splinters, some landing on the beasts below.
    With an almight roar a greater glabrezu looked up and spotted the named one.
    "Time to test this blade out properly", he said as he leveled the blade to defend from the oncoming 10 foot tall hulk of muscle that he would only have dreamt about before...

    (someone else take over)
  5. Ironbeard Gems: 20/31
    Latest gem: Garnet

    Mar 6, 2001
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    ...he lunged at the beast, but it brushed his sword aside with its vast claws, and brought them down towards his heart, he deftly sidestepped the blow, and brought the blade round again, slicing across the creature's belly. It howled in pain and fell back, allowing the named one to swing again and sever one of its arms. The glabrezu roared and slashed at him in a frenzy with its remaining claw, and all his dodging and swordsmanship was in vain against the sheer fury of the attack. A great wound was torn across his chest, before he saw that the creature had left itself exposed and sliced its head off. As the fiend fell, the named one looked down at his chest, and saw to his horror that the wound was not closing, but was growing wider, as acids and poisons ate away at his flesh. Now he knew what it meant to be mortal. He broke a clot charm over the wound, and sighed as the blood congealed, soon to make the wound just one scar among many. He glanced at his blade. It was warped and malformed, rusting, and crumbling away in parts. He heard the voice again " *know* that you are not yet whole. In finding that which you sought, you also lost that which made you unique, and the source of your strength. The labels, all the names on the stone journal are meaningless. You have lost your identity. You do not *know* yourself." The voice faded, and the named one focused again on his name, watching the blade grow brighter and straighter, although he knew that his name, a mere cloak of letters, could not help him for long...
  6. Extremist Gems: 31/31
    Latest gem: Rogue Stone

    Apr 3, 2001
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    Named One was tired. His eyes slowly started to betray him. He just slided down. In a second he was asleep...

    Something quietly crossed Named One’s shadow. The creature made no sound. There was no trace of it besides tiny breath. It was Gambler.
    Gambler asked his dice “Should I wake him?” – the answer was no. “Should I kill him?” – again no. “Should I leave him alone” – no. “Maybe I should rob him” – fourth answer was yes.
    Gambler studied Named One, his soft touch couldn’t disturb Named One’s reflexes. There were some healing charms, a spellbook, journals, two blades, black circle item and some junk. Gambler asked dice for each item to take. Two items made the dice to answer with yes. Gambler took them, asked dice just a few things more and then he flied away without sound...

    Named One woke up. His senses told him there is someone nearby. There “was” someone nearby. Who or what was it? No matter, soon or later he’ll find that out. Or not, he didn’t care anymore.
    And then his face turned black. Someone stole karach blade. And his journals. Named One was angry. He started to wander around in circles, but there was no trace of a single living creature, only hot wind. Only bones. Only hell.
    Named One sat. “There must be a reason for this.”
    “Maybe I was left without those on purpose. Some higher source maybe punished me. For my sins. For my killings. For my greed.”
    Suddenly his rage thoughts stopped. He didn’t care anymore.
    He’ll make a new journal. He is making a new beginning, a new life. It must have been a destiny to throw away old journal, to throw away his lost incarnations. Whoever took old jounals just did him a favor.
    And karach blade? If anyone deserved to wield it, that wasn’t him. Karach blade is shaped by thoughts. It reflects one’s inner state of mind. Named One was confused. He had no aims. He had no feelings besides anger. He had nothing but greed. And now, karach blade was gone. There was no greed anymore. No anger. But his mind shaped a purpose – to make him a new life, a new person. He was not confused. Who was that who took karach blade? It must have been destiny itself.
    Whatever, he wasn’t unarmed. He still had the spellbook and Entropic Blade.
    Maybe he should try another class for start. A priest maybe? He’ll think about that later.
    “World, here I am, I’m reborned!”
    Named One took a path towards the highest mountain.


    The search for mortality was over. Fortress of Regrets was silent. It was empty. Except the party on the roof.
    Grace was writing something in her diary. There was no more Nameless One. Should they split? Luckily, Nordom will detect portals to escape this plane.

    Annah was crying. Morte tried to comfort her: “He was ugly anyway. Stinking, rotten, green and gray zombie.”
    Annah cried louder.

    Suddenly, something hit Morte in his teeth and remained stuck inside his mouth: “Mmmph! Mrmrmphm!”
    It was Vhailor’s helmet, he thrown it to make Morte silenced, and now he looked even more more creepy: “You won’t talk anymore! The day of doom is here. The judge is here. You’re all guilty. I sentence you to death. All of you. Who will fall first?”
    Vhailor’s red eyes gazed upon Dak’kon: “Gitzherai! Prepare yourself!”

    The party jumped. There were shivers, yes. But this manic murderer must be stopped.
    Annah felt burning from inside. Her fiendish blood gave her a new power. Her knives started to burn. Vhailor will feel the flames when she touches him with knives.
    She stood aside Dak’kon and yelled at Vhailor: “Yeh won’t touch us, yeh berk!”
    Dak’kon was unarmed. But still he had some spells prepared. Nordom filled crossbows. Grace casted blessing spells. Morte escaped to try to pull out stucked helmet. Without his teeth released, he was useless.

    Someone will die here. Maybe only Vhailor. And maybe Vhailor wins and they die. And maybe noone survives this fight.

    Vhailor slowly approached with Axe of the Jester in his hand. The axe started to cut the air towards the party.

    But noone spotted that across the roof two winged creatures just arrived through a portal...
  7. Divine Shadow Gems: 10/31
    Latest gem: Zircon

    Dec 26, 2000
    Likes Received:
    [​IMG] Great! Check out the fav NPC's post I posted a suggestion there as well.

    "Ssso there you are!" yelled Fhjull Forked-tongue. Morte immediatly grabbed the opportunity. " Hey Vhailor! It's a baatezu! Evil! Bad! A REAL threat to order!
    C'mon!" Vhailor turned his attention to this new would-be threat and charged.
    Fhjull sighed and cast a bolt of energi against the mad ghost who dropped to the floor. " Thank the powers" muttered Annah silently. Nordom began to hum.
    "Object one: Baatezu, greater. Object 2:
    Deva, female. Object 3: Deva, male."
    " YOU BLASTED MORONS!" Fhjull screamed. " Why didn't you kill that deva when you had the...GAH! I PROMISE TO BE GOOD!" While Fhjull regained his strength the devas landed next to the party. With a voice as soft as velvet the female deva spoke " Don't worry about your mercykiller friend. He will live on."
    From the back of the party Morte began to use his incredible vocabulary of insults, but Annah quickly grabbed him and stuffed him into a bag.
    " We hoped to meet the man without name." the other deva said.
    " But I presume it is too late?"
    " His path has begon anew." Dak'kon
    answered. "
    " Oh thats just GREAT! " Fhjull muttered.
    " He has brung chaos to the planes for millenia and when he is needed he bites it. Feh!"
    The first deva continued. " The planes has suffered much because of him. But now we know that he was just small a part of the puzzle. Even Ravel was unknowingly a part of this. Maybe even the Lady of pain. In short we desperatly need your help to assemble the puzzle and end this once and for all."
  8. Slappy Gems: 19/31
    Latest gem: Aquamarine

    Feb 27, 2001
    Likes Received:
    Just a quick note to say this is looking good and I'm especially pleased to see Annah waggling he wee tail again. Just wish I had an ounce of creativity to write soemthing entertaining to add to this. Hmm maybe I'll wrack my brains for a brief off story subscene type thing.
  9. Ironbeard Gems: 20/31
    Latest gem: Garnet

    Mar 6, 2001
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    While the party discussed the named one's destiny, Dak'kon grew paler and started to tremble. He staggered about, looking for a seat, and then stumbled perilously close to the edge of an infinite chasm, teetered briefly on the brink and started to lose his balance. Fall-from-Grace grabbed his arm and pulled him back to safety. "Dak'kon!" she cried with obvious alarm, "Are you alright? Are you, perhaps, drained from the combat with Vhailor? Can I help?" Dak'kon sat weakly on the ground and stared up at her. "Give...minute" he rasped, then sat in meditation, pain and sorrow plainly visible in his eyes. After some time he spoke again "The Karach blade..It is a part...of me...when I gave...I was weakened...but I must...must...make sacrifice...for master...his destiny...is...important."
    "But this is awful," replied Grace, "You are dying, because you don't have a Karach blade?"
    "Not..dead yet," rasped Dak'kon, "Still...hope. Need...new blade, find karach...only limbo, only limbo....can speak...no more...must conserve.........." and with that Dak'kon dropped his head and fell silent.
    Grace turned to her companions. "It seems clear what our next course of action must be. We must find a karach blade for Dak'kon, before he dies. Nordom, Rubikon is in Limbo, is it not? Could you help us get there?"
    Apparently oblivious, Nordom is chirruping away happily to himself. "Portal Detected. Destination....click, whirrrr....unknown, Key...chugga-chugga...unknown. Error, error...reinitialis...Apo-apologilies. Nordom Adressed. Search. Criteria = Portal... Searching....10,873 Portals known to Nordom...refine search....Portal destination = Rubikon....neg-negatory....Hypothesis...try search in Sig-Sigil..."
    Atop the mountain the named one cast his gaze across the battlefield. It seemed to stretch forever, an eternity of suffering. He became aware of a slight pain in his right hand, looking closely he could see that a splinter of karach had broken off the sword and become embedded in his hand. He pried it out and studied it. Possibly, if he willed it to, it could grow into a new blade. He focused on the shard and concentrated on the image of a gleaming broadsword in his hands... the shard did not respond. He tried harder, until the effort made his whole body quiver, and he saw the blade extend, until a small dagger was sitting in his trembling hand. Light flashed before his eyes. he felt like the mental exertion was going to make him pass out...he couldn't sustain it, the dagger crumbled until he was left with a smaller shard than before, cracked and rusty. His head swam...the voice of Dak'kon echoed round his mind, sounding far away and underwater. "Yoou doo nnnot *KNOW* youuurselff, maaaaaasterrrr, nor caaan yoooooouuu in thiiiss place, wheeeereee all *know* nothing buuuutt *PAIN* aaaaaaannnd *FEAR* you do not *knoww*" and then the voice changed into Ravel's. The image of Ravel danced before the named one's eyes "Hehehehehe, what do you know, my little manling? You have spurned poor, old Ravel and taken from her that which you once told her to keep. Heheheh, are you happy now, that you have what you were looking for? Do you even know why you suffer now? And have I changed the nature of this man?" The voice broke into interminable cackling, and the image faded. The cackling continued, echoing and mingling with itself, until the named one thought it would drive him insane, then it too faded to nothingness...

    [This message has been edited by Ironbeard (edited July 06, 2001).]

    [This message has been edited by Ironbeard (edited August 23, 2001).]
  10. Divine Shadow Gems: 10/31
    Latest gem: Zircon

    Dec 26, 2000
    Likes Received:
    [​IMG] Outstanding work everyone!
    Hey how do you change your avatar into a characther from Torment?
    Other suggestions:

    One of the devas stepped forward and gently touched Dak'kons head and he immediately looked much stronger.
    " This will cause the pain to go away for a brief time noble githzerai."
    Suddenly Annah screamed. " The murderer! He's rising again!"
    Vhailor rose and his murderous eyes glanced upon them. "WHERE IS THE SKULL?!" he roared.
    A clattering could be heard from Annah's bag. " So you DO have a reason to fear my righteous anger skull. You are indeed allied with evil as I thought."
    Fall-from-grace stepped forward and calmly said: " Vhailor...Morte is not evil. None of us are." Fhjull snorted angrily.
    Vhailors eyes flashed. " His soul is nothing but pure evil magic that must be CLEANSED!" "What evil magic?" Grace asked horrified.
    " I do not know. But as long as he is with us...we are in grave danger."
    Annah pulled Morte out of the bag again.
    " So! What does ye have to say in defense skull?"
    " Look! Maybe I used to be an evil wizard or something! But I lost my memories when I died! Don't hurt me! Please!"
    Vhailor quickly grabbed Morte and hurled Annah away before she could react and he forced Morte to look into his burning eyes.
    " NOT IN THE FACE!" Morte screamed.
    " Stop right there mercykiller!" yelled the male deva angrily. " I will not allow you to kill that mimir!"
    Vhailor just continued to look into Mortes eyes and suddenly calmed and released him.
    " Know that I shall be watching you skull.
    I WILL know what you are. And if I for but a moment believe you are allied with evil I shall slay you."
    " We don't have the time for this." the male deva said. " You must journey to Limbo quickly." The female deva waved her hands and a portal appeared. " Fhjull will travell with you. Now hurry!"

    With a flash the last party member entered the portal and it perished.
    Then suddenly another portal appeared and
    a few dozen scaly manylimbed monstrosities appeared. They quickly realized the prey had escaped again and dissapeared as quickly as they came.
  11. herf Guest

    The Named One lay paralysed from exhaustion on the ground, barely able to breathe.

    A flash appears in the plane of Limbo, and out step the comrades of the Named One.
    "Where in da hells are we?" asks Annah, none of the group respond because they all know, they ware in the wastes of Limbo.
    Dak'kon is the last to step out of the portal and immediately the groud solidifies underneath his feet even as the others slowly sink a few inches into the black tar-like substance that is Chaos Matter. On the horizon a Great city can be seen, its walls half crumbled and they are nothing to its once former glory.
    "*Focus* your minds comrades," Dak'kons voice grated against the low murmuring of the winds "and endure this place, in enduring grow strong. Imagine the ground beneath you is the ground of Sigil and it shall be." Dak'kon had to raise his voice during the last sentence to make himself heard over the growing winds.
    "Where in the Lady's Mazes is this wind coming from?" Morte chatterd with the back of his skull to the wind.
    "Ay dinnae nae but we better get tae at city afore most of us sink," Annah replied.
    With heavy hearts and weary bodies the mis-matched group walked towards the city, infamous through Dak'kon, the walls of Shrakra'lator (is this right?) loomed in the distance.

    With a great heave the named one lifted himself off the ground and studied the area around him, by the nine hells what he wouldnt do for Nordom right now to detect a portal out of this hell-bitten-dessert, he had to admit, the backwards Modron came in handy at times. After a brief search for a reliable weapon he came across a dead soldier holding a large axe that shined in what little sun was left. As the Named One prised the axe out of the poor berks hands he sensed movement to his left, he frantically tried to free the axe to defend himself against his attacker but to no avail. He quickly turned around and rolled to his left, well out of the way of any incoming attack, his speed and grace were rewarded as he saw a bolt of blue energy strike the ground where he had previously stood. The blast threw sand and small rocks everywhere, mostly into his eyes "Who goes there?" he shouted while covering his eyes from the grit and sun.
    "A mere wanderer," came the quick reply "do not move lest i be forced to slay you!"
    The Named One stood up as the dust settled and looked at his molester.
    "I wish no trouble, i merely wanted to warn you in case you decided to attack." The voice of the man was slow and steady and filled with grace, "Yet the man is not slow witted, he just chooses his words with great care." the Named One thought to himself.
    "Who be you?" the man called out.
    "I...I am..."

    *(lets make this guy into a comrade, hell the Named One needs some help getting out of the blood wars and this guy might know a portal)*

    [This message has been edited by herf (edited July 06, 2001).]
  12. Divine Shadow Gems: 10/31
    Latest gem: Zircon

    Dec 26, 2000
    Likes Received:
    Just posting to check if you can post again...(Yesterday I wrote a really large message that couldn't be posted!) :(
  13. Divine Shadow Gems: 10/31
    Latest gem: Zircon

    Dec 26, 2000
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    Okay before we go any further I think we should discuss the plot and tell all our suggestions to make this a worthy sequel. (If this story rocks
    we could ask Tal if he would add it to the Planescape section. I wan't a custom avatar so badly!)

    1. The karach blade is more than a part of Dak'kon. It has led them to Limbo for a purpose.
    2. The karach blade was taken by someone to lead them to Limbo.
    3.Named One needs a name. Wasn't he called Yemeth in PT?
    4. We doesn't know much about any of the persons. NO: Who was his first incarnation?
    What actions led to his meeting with Ravel?
    Why was the ritual flawed? Sabotage?
    Morte: Who was he? A henchman of NO? A spy?
    The head of Vecna? Why did he betray NO when he lived? (Maybe he sabotaged NO's ritual!)
    5. Why is he serving in the blood war?
    Why wasn't he turned into a fiend like other
    souls? And won't the fiends come looking for him?
    6. NO was being hunted? But who his hunter?
    The Trandescent One said "death itself".
    But maybe this was a creature synonymous with death. A powerfull undead creature?
    A god? Something completely different?

    What do you think?
  14. herf Guest

    [​IMG] divine shadow, your ruining it, the whole point is to play it by ear, whatever comes off the top of our heads, just go a long wiht the story but dont write too much and dont go over anything that anyone else has said and if someone has set up a good storyline that you dont agree with, then dont post but dont ruin it.
    the posts so far have dealt with a problem and then laid down a perfect ending for someone else to start up from (i.e. the comrades going through the portal) go with the flow and dont try to lay down the rules because there are none, only guidelines.

  15. Extremist Gems: 31/31
    Latest gem: Rogue Stone

    Apr 3, 2001
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    I would have to agree with herf on that Divine Shadow. Put up the part of the story whatever crosses your mind - but leave some pointers to others at end of your part (possibly with many meanings like I said "winged creatures" and left to you to decide which ones and why).

    Now, there is only one problem and that is Black Isle. Yes, Black Isle.
    The problem is that Dak'kon's karach blade ends up in Prime Material Plane (Athkatla) to be sold in BG2. That's why I forced it out of the story.
    The same thing happens with three more items in Black Isle settings. Those items are Vhailor's Helmet, Mace of Disruption (Astral Deva wields it) and Mourns-for-Trees' Potion. Maybe there are more, but I can't remember.

    I really need your answer on this, shall we keep up with other Black Isle games, or we'll ignore them?
  16. herf Guest

    i vote that we ignore it because vhailor is a part of the comradeship, the blade is a part of dak'kon and who gives a fuck about the astral deva? and we know nothign about any potion from mourns-for-trees so lets just ignore it.
    and we should ignore it out of spite for black isle for not making a sequel.
  17. Divine Shadow Gems: 10/31
    Latest gem: Zircon

    Dec 26, 2000
    Likes Received:
    [​IMG] Okay if that's your opinion I'll go with the flow. Might be more fun that way. But...I just thought some rules would be a good idea to avoid chaos. But whatever.
    Anyway it would be nice to hear your opinions and suggestions.

    " I...I am...a wanderer like yourself."
    " A...wanderer? What do you seek on this
    god-forsaken place?"
    " A sword...and my destiny."
    " Ah yes...destinies...many come here to find themselves a new life...a new destiny.
    But what can change the nature of a man?"
    The words hit Named One as if they had been an arrow. Was it a coincidence or something more?
    " What do you know of me?" yelled Named One.
    There was silence as the man chose his wording.
    " Only that you must be the one the baatezu seek...aren't you?"
    " Baatezu? When was they here?!" Named One yelled back.
    " It does not...matter. What matters is they will find you. What matters is that your friend will die without his karach. What matters is that I know...where it is."
    " How do you know this?! Who ARE you?!"
    Named One screamed angrily.
    " What matters is that this is not the place for this conversation. I would prefer to talk to you about these things in my home where noone can disturb us. In fact you have no choice. I hold a part of your friend as hostage."
    " Where can I find you?!"
    " You will *know*."
    And then the man dissapeared.

    [This message has been edited by Divine Shadow (edited July 08, 2001).]
  18. ClammyRyu Gems: 3/31
    Latest gem: Lynx Eye

    Jun 25, 2001
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    I'm going to go ahead and continue the story.
    Sorry if I butted in.

    .......As the group gazed upon the walls of the mighty city, The chaos around them swirled and made them all uneasy, except for Dak'kon. Morte shivered and Annah felt a chill down her spine.
    Vhalior stood there. Impassively. He was muttering something under his breath. The companions could see he was visibly shaking, the first time they had seen him show any emotion besides rage. Grace, On the other hand, seemed to be battling an emotion, a feeling.... To cast her clothes off, find the nearest male and take their soul. But, she shook it off for the meantime. She was more refined than that. She would leave her past behind.

    They were standing at the wall of the city when it happened. A burst of flame swept the landscape and tore through the air. It seemed to be laughing....

    "No, It jest can't be!".... Annah said.
    "But it is!" Morte hid behind Annah.
    "Foul WIZARD SCUM!!! DIE!!!!" Vhalior lunged at the flame.

    But it was...... Ignus.....
  19. Ironbeard Gems: 20/31
    Latest gem: Garnet

    Mar 6, 2001
    Likes Received:
    Sorry for breaking the narrative here, I've got a few thoughts, but I don't want to add them just yet. Anyway, if we were to allow for the items to appear in BG2, we would also have to allow for the description to say that the previous owner was dead. So it's either go with herf's suggestion of ignoring that, or kill off the party (and possibly have them reconverge from their afterlife planes). I'm going with herf.

    [This message has been edited by Ironbeard (edited July 08, 2001).]
  20. Extremist Gems: 31/31
    Latest gem: Rogue Stone

    Apr 3, 2001
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    [​IMG] Wait a min.

    It says previous owner was killed by very powerful entity while working for someone called Nameless One. It says nowhere who or what that powerful entity was. No mentioning Transcendent One, Lady of Pain, Aoskar or such.

    We don't have to even melt in this story death of the owners. That thing we can leave for PT3!

    [Edit more]

    Does anyone remember that you actually give one black barbed seed (a favor) to Mebbeth when you return from Curst before she disappears for good? What happened to Ravel? Is she dead or she used BB seed to survive?

    [This message has been edited by Extremist (edited July 08, 2001).]
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