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KotOR2 Thread (Questions /Comments /Criticisms) *SPOILERS*

Discussion in 'Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Series' started by Enagonios, Mar 3, 2005.

  1. Enagonios Gems: 31/31
    Latest gem: Rogue Stone

    Apr 8, 2001
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    [​IMG] I just finished it as a Lighside Guardian/Weaponmaster and I thought it was pretty cool.


    The game crashed a few times rendering my last played file unreadable so that sucked. Especially in the last scene with Kreia on Malachor V!! :mad: Thank God I had the foresight to have a back-up save while fighting Sion just in case this happened

    Story-wise I found it really good. While it lacked the excellent "twist" of KotOR, the story was more exciting and faster-paced. I got some complaints though. (get to that later)


    The ending REALLY leaves you hanging :sosad: and while I like the whole "influence" idea, I didn't like that after maybe 1/3 through the game, interaction with the handmainden and Atton stopped. Also, there wasn't much interaction with Visas. And there was no real in-game romance. A bit of flirting with the handmaiden and getting shot down by Mira, but that was it. Then outta nowhere Visas has a thing for you :confused:

    Also, I feel kinda stupid but I don't really understand why Kreia's connection to the force was stripped away :o someone help me out please :)

    Lastly (for now :D ) after finishing the game, I went to the movie page and it says 5/65 movies unlocked. wtf?? what do I have to do to unlock the others?

    Kreia practically carried the game on her back as you hardly ever see Sion or Nihilius (another complaint of mine) but she was awesome and Maggie Smith's (I didn't check the credits but it's gotta be her, right?) voice acting was the best I've ever heard. Loved the game, wish it crashed a lot less though :/
  2. Pac man Gems: 25/31
    Latest gem: Moonbar

    Nov 16, 2002
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    You basically translated my thoughts exactly, except that my game didn't crash a single time. Guess i got lucky eh ?
  3. Enagonios Gems: 31/31
    Latest gem: Rogue Stone

    Apr 8, 2001
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    Lucky Bastard! :p

    Before I go throguh the game again with my customary darkside consular, I'm thinking of going through the game with "myself" as a sentinel. There were a lot of conversation choices I wanted to make but was restricted by my lightside rp'ing :(

    My favorite dialogue was with Atris, the first time when you confront her in Telos. the choices just seemed like something I would actually say. Stuff like "You don't know. You were not there." :eek: powerful stuff.

    Like I said, I loved the story and the dialogue was excellent but I kinda feel that they rushed it a bit :/
  4. Oxymore Gems: 13/31
    Latest gem: Ziose

    Apr 7, 2003
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    - The game engine is the same than Kotor 1's. Some fan-made mods were actually better looking.

    - AI is crap. Really.

    - A couple of new force powers/perks + three new "classes" (read: some extra perks and powers... woop-dee-f***ing-doo!)

    - NPCs usually have close to no backstory and nothing interesting to say.

    - Party interactions are, to put mildly, scarce.

    - Most dark side choices denote angsty teenager behavior. Light side options are even more idiotic. Why wasn't the neutral way exploited more? The exile's backstory and Kreia's presence were so promising, but nooooooooo! instead let's go with those awesome scripts:
    A: I'll kill you for no reason! Yarrr!!! (Dark)
    B: Please accept all my money, let me wash your feet and suck your dick. (Light)

    - When I think of it, the beginning of the game was ok, then at some point you feel you're playing a beta of some sort. The plot falls flat. The NPCs fall silent. Looking for some excitement, you start a game of minesweeper.

    - The ending sucked. Sucked.

    - Taking a peek inside the game file, conversations, movies, interactions, entire planets were skipped. Why? To release the game on Christmas? F***ing admirable.

    -The influence system could have led somewhere but once again it feels like unfinished business. Having high influence yields rewards, low influence yields nothing. You can train an NPC in the ways of the Sith... but he will still react like a goody-two-shoes no matter how dark you are and how much influence you have on him. All a good concept wasted. Simply wasted.

    Summary: potentially a great game but somehow, somewhere, someone decided to release it before it was alpha-tested. Why? Why? (who said "money"... come on, who said it? ... you in the back, I heard you...)
  5. Death Rabbit

    Death Rabbit Straight, no chaser Adored Veteran Torment: Tides of Numenera SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!)

    Mar 25, 2003
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    @ Enagonios

    Kreia was played not by Maggie Smith, but by Sara Kestelman. Don't worry - I haven't heard of her either.

    In case anyone was wondering why Visas sounded so damned hot - she was played by Kelly Hu. Yowza. :love:

    Oxymore has brought up some really good points about why I'm almost to the end (fighting Sion) and feel so unfulfilled. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but yeah - the game does feel very rushed and incomplete. I've been totaly hooked on this game up until this point, probably because I was waiting on the edge of my seat for some big plot twist, or more interactions with Nihilous or Sion or something, and learning more about them and how they became so powerful - nothing. It's just nothing for 4 worlds, and then "Ok, let's go kill them now. M'kay?" Double-ya, Tee, Eff?

    I also felt that the 4 worlds were far too short (with the exception of Nar Shadaa, which was just as meaty as the Kotor 1 worlds). Onderon/Dxun was pretty good.

    I'm very disappointed in the Sith Lords themselves. There was all this build-up for Darth Nihilous, to be this [Sam Jackson] bad-ass planet-eatin' muthaf*cka [/Same Jackson] and you only really see him in 1 cutscene with any significant presence. He appeared to be on a level playing field with Sion, which didn't make much sense to me. Destroying entire planets with your willpower is cooler than being a walking scab, I'm sorry. And then I fight him - and he's a big p*ssy. That's right - I just called a Sith Lord a p*ssy. You should NEVER be able to call a Sith Lord who devours entire populations a p*ssy, and yet I have. He's the biggest guy on the BOX, for chrissakes. Hence, my being completely underwhelmed. :(

    I really liked the NPC's and the idea of influence, especially the ability to turn them all into Jedi. But yes, it didn't make sense that I would build up all this influence with Atton and then have nothing to look forward to but some friggin' Pazaak games. Are we in a retirement home here or what? Hey Atton - wanna play Jedi Bingo? Not like I brought you back from the darkside, or anything. How 'bout monopoly? I get to be the shoe!

    The combat system is IMO much improved, and I loved all the cool new Jedi outfits you get along the way. Also, the prospect of being able to upgrade your lightsabers with new parts just kicks ass. Having a lightsaber that does 2-20, plus 1-12 from your Adegan lense, plus 1-10 cold damage from a crystal, plus 1-8 electrical damage from a power cell, plus 2-12 critical hit damage from another crystal, plus being Keen from your emitter - hot damn! And that's just my right hand! :D

    That said - did anyone else feel that the game was a little too easy? There weren't any enemies in the game that I felt were all that challenging. Rare was it when I was actually knocked down, but that was mostly in the early stages. By the time I became a weapon master, everybody was my bitch. Were the heroes made too powerful, or the enemies too wimpy? Did the game engine not adjust enemies to your characters level? It seems like not sometimes.

    Overall, I'm still happy with the game, and the hours I've wasted on it in the last week have been quite enjoyable. But yes, I feel I must echo the sentiments of everyone in this thread. I love the game because it's fun, but I'm pissed off at it for not being as good as it could be. And I think Oxymore definitely has a point about the Christmas rush date. It probably hurt an otherwise awesome game.
  6. Newfie Banned

    Dec 11, 2004
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    This game was an almost duplicate of the first. If the formula works why change it? There are few complaints I have about this game. Most bugs I ran into were minor and I played it for three days straight, about six hours a day. Lightsaber upgrades were cool.

    But your right, it was too easy.The major fights were pushovers (the only fight I had to replay was the battle against the three lightsabers and I won the second time).

    They had some really fine interactions and super character creation going here (especially the Handmaiden and Visas) and it died. And then the switching to the remote and Mira at the end? What the hell was that about? They were minor characters and didn't merit their own ending. How about a seperate fight between Visas and Darth Nilhious, slave versus master for revenge? How about the Handmaiden versus Atris for a battle? These would have been more appropiate.

    The ending was way too abrupt. How about the ending in KOTOR1 where you felt rewarded for saving the universe? The copout of Kreia telling you of what happens to your friends is so lame that I was in shock that Lucasarts would try to put this past us. Finish the deal guys, we'll wait.

    I felt this game was longer than the KOTOR1 or that might have been the game felt so much like the first one that I felt like I was playing it again. I did not even race this game, I played them so much in the first one. Drop the racing please.

    My final complaint is the dialogue scripts were so long, I found myself clicking past them to get to a choice. This hurt me that I missed three quests on Nar Shadaa involving Vogga the Hutt. Cut the crap, give me the bottom line so I can get to the fighting!

    Overall, it was still a great game. They should have went a few different directions, expanded NPC interaction and polished it a litttle more. Put those improvements in KOTOR 3 and it will rock.
  7. Death Rabbit

    Death Rabbit Straight, no chaser Adored Veteran Torment: Tides of Numenera SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!)

    Mar 25, 2003
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    God damnit!!! :bang:

    Okay, I just finished it, and the ending really sucked. SUCKED. I'm so pissed off right now. I don't even know if you can really call it an ending, all 10 seconds of it. I've never had the ending of a game be so lame, except maybe the end of Tron 2.0. Jesus Christ on a pogo stick. When will these damn game designers learn that a cool ending is nearly as important as the rest of the game combined? I feel like I've just wasted my time. No pay-off at all. Gah!

    I'm so annoyed now that I have no interest in playing the sequel if it ever comes out. Grrrr. :flaming:

    edit - In my anguish, I decided to scope out a game forum or two and discovered not only am I not alone here, but that the game was indeed gutted to be rushed out the door to make it on the shelves by Christmas. Apparantly there is quite alot of content and story present in the game's data files that can be found if one is willing to do an autopsy, but I'm not now. I had high hopes that the executives at Obsidian would learn from the mistakes of Interplay. To learn that if you produce quality games, the profits will flow, and idiot corporate execs should be the LAST people controlling things. Guess I was wrong, and profit came before product once again. I give Obsidian a year before they tank. Troika called, fellas - they're keeping a chair warm for ya. Morons. :mad:

    @ Newfie
    There was one. Did you not get it in your game? When you go back to Telos (if you're male and light-side) you get to fight Artis AS the Handmaiden?

    [ March 04, 2005, 09:24: Message edited by: Death Rabbit ]
  8. Newfie Banned

    Dec 11, 2004
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    The fight was interrupted by my main character stepping in: is this what is supposed to happen?

    Another thing that bugged me: Why was the trip to the Sith Academy made alone? I was priming the Handmaiden and Visas for the final battles and suddenly I was doing it alone. Crap!
  9. Sparhawk the Pandion Gems: 14/31
    Latest gem: Chrysoberyl

    Aug 30, 2003
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    had high hopes that the executives at Obsidian would learn from the mistakes of Interplay.

    Don't blame Obsidian, blame LucasArts. The publishers set release dates.
  10. Enagonios Gems: 31/31
    Latest gem: Rogue Stone

    Apr 8, 2001
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    Ah. I woulda bet my balls it was Maggie Smith :eek: Thanks for the correction DR.

    While I wouldn't go to the extent that Oxymore has, I tend to agree with him on many of his points (see my first post). Character Interaction was awesome for a while, then suddenly it stops dead. The moment Atton and the Handmaiden become Jedi they clam up. WTF?

    And when you get Visas, and Kreia warns you not to have sex with her, nothing happens after that. Then suddenly, at the end, Visas is in love with you and it doesn't really have an impact on the story. 3 hotties on the ship and no real romance, wth is with that?

    DR was right in saying that Darth Nihilus was a shmuck. I never even had to heal when taking him out with my single-saber master speed jedi guardian. Sion wasn't as bad thank God. But as someone said earlier, their characters weren't fleshed out well. It's like they were in the freakin background.

    yup, it's supposed to.

    I may feel the same with my darkside conular/sith master but with a Jedi soldier/guardian I actually preferred it this way.

    And the ending really pissed me off. After all Kreia's talk I thought there was one final battle or something wherever Revan went and then suddenly it's *dum dum du du du dum dum du du du dum dum dum du dum* Good Grief. But still, I enjoyed it. Coulda been so much better though.

    And wtf is up with all the frickin game crashes. My new game just crashed in the frickin prologue.

    Ditto :D
  11. Death Rabbit

    Death Rabbit Straight, no chaser Adored Veteran Torment: Tides of Numenera SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!)

    Mar 25, 2003
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    Thank you everyone for allowing me to rant above. ;)

    It was late at night, and I feel much better now. Very theraputic. Sometime soon I may try another go-through as a Sith Marauder. This is the first time I've actually been interested in playing a game as an evil character, so that's saying something. We'll see how it goes.

    Here's a question for everybody - do you guys even play Pazaak or do any racing? I tried doing some racing on Telos, but I could never win anything. Every time I would do well, the trackmaster would always tell me I was just shy of the best time (or second best, or third, fourth, whatever). At first I thought I had to become the new champion right out of the box in order to get any flow, but alas - game bug it was. But seriously - I never play Pazaak, because if I wanted to play a goofy card game, I'd snuggle up to my girlfriend and get in on her Mah Johng game, not play an RPG. It's just a waste of good gaming time to me. At least in Kotor 1, racing was a plot essential element. Anyone with me on this?

    edit - one other thing...

    Yes, my game crashed on my quite often, too. I also had a lot of problems with installation. I couldn't install from the discs for some reason, so I ended up finding a workaround on some forum, where I basically just copied the entire contents of the discs onto my hard drive and installed everything from there. Anybody else experience that?
  12. JSBB Gems: 31/31
    Latest gem: Rogue Stone

    Feb 6, 2003
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    I didn't have any problems installing but I had frequent crashes on scene transitions although this stopped when I updated my graphics drivers.

    Much more annoying for me is that when I try to start the bloody game I frequently get the initial menu and after I select "game" the damned menu shuts down but the game does not actually start.
  13. Sparhawk the Pandion Gems: 14/31
    Latest gem: Chrysoberyl

    Aug 30, 2003
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    The swoop racing is horribly bugged and you can't win it. Which isn't that bad since it sucked in this game anyway (I liked it in the first).

    I play Pazaak, but it's not as useful here as in the first game (though it was really only good in one situation there too). Nice diversion though.
  14. Newfie Banned

    Dec 11, 2004
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    The Swoop Racing is bugged? How so? I was about to play the game a second time and was going to give it a whirl this time around.
  15. Ragusa

    Ragusa Eternal Halfling Paladin Veteran

    Nov 26, 2000
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    I'm about almost through, I'm going to save the queen of O-whatnot-planet next (can't wait for tomorrow afternoon to finish it) and I have to say I do like the atmosphere and the story so-far although it is fairly linear.

    I really enjoyed that fight against the army of Sith on Dxun and I generally like it that for parts of the game you have no choice but playing one of your NPCs.

    I do really :love: the item construction and upgrades :love: that allows for so much fine-tuning (let me just think about my beefed-up and overkill mandalorian desintegrator pistol that so much kicks ass with Mira ...), and I like the special abilities of the chars.

    A friend of mine had massive and insurmountable problems running it at all with his new kick-ass ATI card, on a 2800+ MHz Athlon/ 1 GB DDR-RAM monster-comp, it unavoidably crashed after very brief playing. On monday there wasn't a bug-fix out to deal with this issue.

    Except for two bugs the game ran smooth on my old sys :shake: - first an odd one with the game colours turning to something looking like a thermal image, and then and most annoying another one: When I entered this Jerr'Jerr-or-so-poison-bar on Nar' Shadaar the game started to lag massively and I had to go down to 800x600 and minimum detail to be able to run it at all.

    I blame that in part on my sys which is below requirements - 650 MHz Athlon/ 640 MB SD-RAM and a 64MB GF-3 on a good Asus board with a fast 7.200 rpm HDD - investing in quality hardware pays off, pretty amazing how it even can compensate in part for a poor CPU. However, as in other areas it ran smooth, even with many emenies so I blame it on bad programming, too.
    :xx: Not long, and I'll get myself a 3000+ MHz Athlon XP and 512MB DDR-RAM and a new Asus motherboard :xx: and a good deal of my performance issues will be history as my GF-3 is sort of old and no match for newer cards but still pretty capable - with the upgrade I removed my current bottleneck anyway :roll: :spin:
  16. Sparhawk the Pandion Gems: 14/31
    Latest gem: Chrysoberyl

    Aug 30, 2003
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    No matter what happens in the swoop race it says you crashed and didn't finish. I think this was an attempt to fix the XBox bug where you could crash and forfeit to win, but they seem to have overcompensated....
  17. reepnorp

    reepnorp Lim'n Lime Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) New Server Contributor [2012] (for helping Sorcerer's Place lease a new, more powerful server!)

    Sep 21, 2002
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    I have to agree, this game had quite possibly the most dissapointing ending ever. The final fight wasn't all too hard, then the cutscene just plain sucked.
  18. Enagonios Gems: 31/31
    Latest gem: Rogue Stone

    Apr 8, 2001
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    I had a harder time with Kreia's floating lightsabers than I did with Malak though...
  19. Newfie Banned

    Dec 11, 2004
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    ... to defeat the lightsabers, run to the entrance you came through and the lightsabers will not follow. Then turn back and draw them out one by one, and they are easy prey.
  20. Enagonios Gems: 31/31
    Latest gem: Rogue Stone

    Apr 8, 2001
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    ah, may do that with my consular if they wont get incapcitated by "insanity", but i just cut them down with my lighside guardian :cool:

    does the ending change for good and evil chars like it did in the first?
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