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File Explorer problem in Win10

Discussion in 'Techno-Magic' started by WickedPrince, Aug 21, 2017.

  1. SlickRCBD Gems: 29/31
    Latest gem: Glittering Beljuril

    Resourceful Adored Veteran

    May 7, 2005
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    At home I basically went from MS-DOS to Windows 98SE, behind the scenes I was using a Mac to be compatible with my school.
    However, in 8th grade I got some experience with Windows 3.1.

    As for the Windows 10 update, it should not be too late to roll back the update, I'd highly recommend doing so, just as I "upgraded" a laptop from Vista 32 to Windows XP some years back.

    ClassicShell should have options for a shell like Windows 9X, XP, or 7. They might be separate downloads, I haven't used it since before Windows 10 came out for various reasons that would derail the thread if I got into them. Nothing bad about the program.
  2. WickedPrince Gems: 9/31
    Latest gem: Iol

    Aug 5, 2017
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    My first computer was a commodore64 which I was still using when everybody else I knew was picking up their first laptops. Mostly because at the time I was simply too poor for better. Now I've gotten a bit "eccentric" when it comes to upgrading stuff. So I'm trying to convince myself to override that nervousness of "new and improved" and stick with Win10, I just have to figure out how to get this "feature" that's currently frustrating me to work right. Unfortunately I'm not terribly tech savvy - which is damned ironic considering that my college major was in computer programming and data processing. I took and passed every computer programming language class my junior college had except for the finishing classes in Cobol that would have gotten me my 2-year degree back then - I even took classes in languages I didn't need just to experience them. When my junior high first introduced Basic Programming to the curriculum I was in the very first class. I've been fascinated by what you can do with a computer ever since but somewhere along the way I lost my courage to explore and my patience to take the time to fail at learning a few times before getting it right eventually.

    Anyways I think I mentioned that I made three attempts at Microsoft Support and managed to botch things on my end each time, so perhaps the 4th attempt will be the charm, just trying to see if somebody a bit more savvy than I am can help me out and one of the guys over at that chats suggested dropping a line in this forum in the hopes that one of you guys might have seen something on this and be able to walk me thru it. It doesn't surprise me that nobody here has seen this though. I'll keep kicking at it though. Thanks.
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