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Dragon Age 2 rumors and whatnot

Discussion in 'Dragon Age 2' started by Rawgrim, Jul 8, 2010.

  1. Rawgrim Gems: 21/31
    Latest gem: Pearl

    Dec 11, 2004
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    Rahkir: Choices you made in DA1 will have an effect in the second game. I do belive its mostly choices you did concerning Ferelden though. Like who is king, who rules Orzamar and stuff like that. I doubt it will effect the game much though. Mostly it will just be mentioned in conversations and things like that. I heard some rumors about 1 or 2 companions returning as well. If that is the case, I am sure what you did with them will have an effect on them as well.
  2. Rawgrim Gems: 21/31
    Latest gem: Pearl

    Dec 11, 2004
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    Brand new trailer for Dragon Age II. Frankly it looks damn cool.

    The gypsie\pirate lady has been confirmed as one of your companions. She is also in Dragon Age: Origins. Its that duelist lady from The Pearl. The female mage in the trailer is Bethany, who is the main characters sister. I wonder how many companions we can get in DA2. I allways felt that the companions were the strong points in the first game.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 19, 2015
  3. Erod Gems: 14/31
    Latest gem: Chrysoberyl


    May 21, 2005
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    That was quite disappointing. On the positive side my expectations for the game are now so low that it cannot be disappointing any-more.
  4. Death Rabbit

    Death Rabbit Straight, no chaser Adored Veteran Torment: Tides of Numenera SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!)

    Mar 25, 2003
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    Couldn't disagree more. My expectations for this game keep climbing. So much that normally-cynical me is likely going to pre-order it for the Deluxe edition. A first for me, as I almost slavishly wait for reviews on games before taking the plunge. DA2 and Dead Space 2 seem like two of the safest bets around.

    And boy am I glad I waited to buy The Force Unleashed 2. Reviews are in the crapper for that one.
  5. Rawgrim Gems: 21/31
    Latest gem: Pearl

    Dec 11, 2004
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    I am going to stay clear of The Force Unleashed 2 as well. I disliked the first one, and the second one looks...well...like crap. Never tried Dead Space though. Is it any good?
  6. Death Rabbit

    Death Rabbit Straight, no chaser Adored Veteran Torment: Tides of Numenera SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!)

    Mar 25, 2003
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    Dead Space is BALLER. So good. Loved it. Go get it, it's only $20 new right now. Totally worth it. Genuinely scary, great concept, graphically beautiful, cool weapons (though I have some pro-tips, if you do get it) and stellar voice acting. The only thing that sucks about it is the protagonist never speaks and some of the missions are of the "only an engineer could possibly go here and push that button!" variety. Minor gripe, though.

    I really liked TFU1. The controls could have been better and I think Starkiller was a wee bit too powerful, but I otherwise loved it.
  7. Rahkir

    Rahkir Cogito, ergo doleo

    Dec 20, 2007
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    I'm quite eagerly anticipating DA2. The companions look interesting. I've always been a fan of the family member party member since I played Suikoden II. Hawke looks pretty cool too, then again, I am a male and I don't really care too much about aesthetics as long as he doesn't look like a puss. (Kinda like Jowan or whatever his name was from DA)

    I quite enjoy a plunderer of the seas. The pirate-chick was a fun experience for the brief amount of time that she was in DA.

    I also look forward to being able to meet companions at a younger age in DA2. Meeting them long before you discover you're destined to save the world/what have you. (Unless the story starts after you discover you're destined to save the world and it takes 30 years, or whatever, to do that...) Either way, that part of the story sounds interesting to me. Like an origin, but much more in-depth.
  8. Rawgrim Gems: 21/31
    Latest gem: Pearl

    Dec 11, 2004
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    I do belive you can make the character look the way you want. Same as in Mass Effect. You have to be human though. Male or female. The fellow in the trailers is just the generic Hawke. Same as they did with Shepard in mass effect.
  9. Death Rabbit

    Death Rabbit Straight, no chaser Adored Veteran Torment: Tides of Numenera SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!)

    Mar 25, 2003
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    I'm fine with the default look for Hawke. He looks pretty bad-ass. The Lady-Hawke not too shabby, either. As with Mass Effect, I find it more emersive to keep the intended look, but that's me.
  10. Rawgrim Gems: 21/31
    Latest gem: Pearl

    Dec 11, 2004
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    I don`t mind default looks aither...but i have to admit...I can spend alot of time monkeying around trying to create a perfect look for a character.
  11. NOG (No Other Gods)

    NOG (No Other Gods) Going to church doesn't make you a Christian

    Jul 25, 2005
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    No I haven't, but my problem is as much the bad RPG elements that they take as the bad action elements that they take. I like tactical combat, turn-based if I can get it. I like to think my way through the game, rather than run my way through it. I like customizing my characters over time (though I'd prefer point-buy to a level system). Action-RPGs sometimes have the last, but never the first two.
  12. omnigodly Gems: 17/31
    Latest gem: Star Diopside


    Jan 1, 2004
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    Everytime I see the trailers for DA2, I think FABLE. No classes, just skills to buy. Not much choice for name/sex/etc. either, but still a great game.

    Of course, I think Fable because I see Hawke fighting in melee and shooting off spells, but for all I know, that's not an option for us ><.

    I can't decide if it'll be a good game or not, but it doesn't feel like a bioware game is being developed. Let's hope Obsidian doesn't have a hand in this.
  13. Munchkin Blender Gems: 22/31
    Latest gem: Sphene

    Apr 18, 2007
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    The difference will be that DAII will have classes and specialization like DAO. The game will behave differently on consoles than DAO but should behave the same on PC or so I keep on reading.
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