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Do you play on the original game engine or use TuTu/Trilogy?

Discussion in 'Baldur's Gate (Classic)' started by SlickRCBD, Jul 14, 2011.

  1. Son of Imoen Gems: 4/31
    Latest gem: Sunstone

    Jun 27, 2009
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    I haven't mentioned in my earlier reply what I use: it's Tutu.

    On the first playthrough, I played vanilla, but the game became way too easy by the time I reached Baldur's Gate: I was loaded with magic items and defeated all enemies easily (I did play with a walkthrough at hand, for fear of quiting the game due to it's difficulty). I switched to Tutu to be able to aply Hard Times for less magic items, SCS for harder enemies en NPC1-project for the banter and have been using these mods ever since.

    BTW: I didn't switch to BGT when it became available as it's much easier to setup (if you want to have total control instead of BWP-ing) one game at once. And by the time I finish BG, my mind has often changed as what I want to apply in the SOA part of the game, I don't want to be forced to choose that right away at level 1.
  2. Sir Rechet

    Sir Rechet I speak maths and logic, not stupid Veteran

    Nov 9, 2003
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    Tutu was the way of least resistance for me since I couldn't get the original BG1 to launch with my non-US Windows XP. (I have the DVD four-in-one edition)

    Other than getting mauled early on by hordes of gibberlings when you're still level 1, I can't see any imbalances that matter much.
  3. Dranalis DeAealth

    Dranalis DeAealth Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc Veteran

    Jun 12, 2004
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    Hmm. You ran it in compatability mode etc I assume?
  4. 8people

    8people 8 is just another way of looking at infinite ★ SPS Account Holder Adored Veteran

    Apr 20, 2002
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    [​IMG] It's actually a supplier error - most of the 4-in-1 and such have the North America version of TotSC so it won't run on european or other systems :lol:
  5. Dranalis DeAealth

    Dranalis DeAealth Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc Veteran

    Jun 12, 2004
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    Wow. Didn't know that. That's a 'hope somebody lost their job over it'-level mess.
  6. Son of Imoen Gems: 4/31
    Latest gem: Sunstone

    Jun 27, 2009
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    How would one know which version one has? I often advice people on BG-fora, who run into problems using the discs, to download the patch before any other modding or bug-hunting activities. And I tell them to get the right version. But is there a way for them to know what version they have, if suppliers have made such a mess of it?
  7. 8people

    8people 8 is just another way of looking at infinite ★ SPS Account Holder Adored Veteran

    Apr 20, 2002
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    [​IMG] I only found out mine was the US version when I tried to run it and it came up with the message saying it was the US and Canada version. :shake:

    There used to be a 'fix' someone mentioned about changing the system clock to an American Time Zone, but I don't think that works on current versions of Windows at least.

    Used to be able to contact Bioware about it and get an appropriate replacement but I believe they're trying to get out of that now. If it's a problem for people I'd still reccomend they attempt to contact them, if nothing else it might get a definitive response.
  8. Taluntain

    Taluntain Resident Alpha and Omega Staff Member ★ SPS Account Holder Resourceful Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) New Server Contributor [2012] (for helping Sorcerer's Place lease a new, more powerful server!) Torment: Tides of Numenera SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) BoM XenForo Migration Contributor [2015] (for helping support the migration to new forum software!)

    Jun 11, 2000
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  9. Lorfean Gems: 1/31
    Latest gem: Turquoise

    Aug 18, 2011
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    I stuck with the original for years, but switched to using the following list of mods for my most recent game -- I was very careful when selecting what to use and what not to use, as I really wanted to make sure to keep the original BG vibe:

    - G3 Widescreen Mod

    - BG1Tutu/EasyTutu

    - LadeJarl's Original BG1 UI for BG1Tutu
    A complete conversion of the BG2 UI that BG1Tutu utilizes to the classic "stone" BG1 UI. Works seamlessly with the Widescreen Mod and BG1Tutu.

    - BG1 Unfinished Business
    I was initially skeptical about this but, as I read a detailed summary of what it contained, I was very impressed. It manages to make the game feel more complete without changing the feel of, or or taking too many liberties with, the core experience.

    - One Pixel Productions
    Replaces the BG2 paperdolls with the original BG1 paperdolls, and includes fixes to properly display dual-wielding, etc. I use this mod in BG2 as well.

    - G3 Level 1 NPC's
    This one I used to adjust a few of the NPC's starting proficiencies (which are changed by EasyTutu to accommodate the BG2 engine) to make more sense, like giving Khalid the Long Swords instead of Bastard Swords proficiency and Jaheira Quarterstaves instead of Clubs.

    - Ghostdog's PS:T UI Mod
    I only use a font from this mod to increase the dialog font size in the game, making it a bit easier on the eyes.

    This selection of mods provides, in my opinion, an amazing "modern" BG1 experience while still retaining all of the original's nostalgic elements. And, even more important, it's a stable experience -- I have not experienced any glitches or bugs, and use this same collection (excluding BG1Tutu and Ladejarl's UI, and using Pocket Plane's BG2 Unfinished Business) for BG2.
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