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ALFA adventures

Discussion in 'Neverwinter Nights (Classic)' started by Gothmog, Jun 19, 2003.

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  1. Mathetais Gems: 28/31
    Latest gem: Star Sapphire

    Apr 5, 2001
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    Easy for you to say! You are a level 38 Rogue with uber-stuff! ;)

    Seriously, when I log on looking to level, I usually die. Perma-death makes ALFA a bit more challenging and, hence, lower level based.

    I did see that there was a 12th level guy online yesterday! Didn't get to meet him, but that is quite an accomplishment
  2. Sir Belisarius

    Sir Belisarius Viconia's Boy Toy Distinguished Member ★ SPS Account Holder

    Jul 7, 2000
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    [​IMG] The funny thing is...Most of the really high level characters are unknown to me. Which means 1 of 2 things:

    1) They are from another server

    2) They are cheesey powergamers only interested in gaining levels.

    There are characters that have only been playing for like 3 weeks and are 8th level already (Falling Leaf and Rugnar...All they do is camp) I've never had any of them join in the major quests, yet they are powerful!

    I knod of like the fact that most of my experience comes from furthering the story of the Dale...Not camping for xps.
  3. Mathetais Gems: 28/31
    Latest gem: Star Sapphire

    Apr 5, 2001
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    Honestly, if I could quickly powergame my way to third level, I'd be very happy. I think at lvl 3-4 you have enought skill that the random bugbear won't bring you down, you can back up some IC actions, but you still need to be cautious.

    I do enjoy furthering the plot lines and interacting with folk, but I hate being the whimp of the party too.

    Oh well .. patience ... right? ;)

    vvv on your comment, I don't really need to solo the kobald caved, but it would be fun to be able to not have to hide in the back during events like you describe below. Great writing by the way! vvvv

    [ July 14, 2003, 18:52: Message edited by: Mathetais ]
  4. Sir Belisarius

    Sir Belisarius Viconia's Boy Toy Distinguished Member ★ SPS Account Holder

    Jul 7, 2000
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    [​IMG] I dunno Math...I've been popped a few time by kobolds when I am out alone...But then again...Rogues are not the best solo fighters. Here's a story from last night:

    As Rem strolled up to the Crossroads outside the River Gate, he hoped to hawk some of his wares to the large group of adventurers milling around at the cmapfire. “Anyone interested in this finely crafted longbow?” Rem asked as he addresssed the crowd. He found a buyer just as Malek began to tell him a tale of his latest exploits. Malek claimed he and some other adventurers released some ghost in the Eagles’ Eyrie. He said that he spoke aloud runes carved into a dwarven skull he found. As he began to continue, a wizard in blue emerged from the River Gate.

    The wizard towered over Rem and taunted him about the poor ruling of Daggerdale by Lord Morn, and the blind allegiance of his councillors. “I prefer Lord Morn’s rule over the Zhents, drow, or…you. If that’s what you mean.” Was Rem’s only reply. The throng of adventurers became figgity, and began to brandish weapons, as if expecting a fight. As Rem asked the wizard what his business with the Dale was, a voice cried out.

    “It’s Colderan! The Blue Wizard!” Aendhiir the elf cried out from the mass of people crowding the crossroads. All heads turned to hear him, even the wizard seemed interested. Aendhiir spoke of a letter he found that said the wizard Colderan would destroy Daggerdale with his army of undead. That he would get revenge for the death of his wife (girlfriend?) Belesaria, in a weeks’ time. “Five days, actually.” The wizard replied, a wickedly coldgrin framed his face as he spoke. “The city, and all it’s inhabitants will be destroyed in FIVE days! You are fools! And there is nothing you can do to stop it!” He cackled. As he did so, he began to call upon arcane magics, his form was encased in a shimmering globe, and a ring of fire surrounded him as he walked away.

    Rem watched him go as a young lass named Anaya followed after him. “I do not trust that girl.” Rem decided as he watched her dispappear down the Black Road. As he turned to face the crowd. All of them were deciding what to do about the wizard’s threat, and urged Rem to give chase and arrest the wizard. Scratching his chin, Rem seemed torn between decisions. “Aye” he said. “Although he is a gruff an insulting old wizard, he has only threatened….He has not acted. There is not much I can do…For now”

    Malek suggested that we send warnings to the Ironstars and to Daggersprings. Malek and a small band went to the enclave, while Arakiel raced off to warn DaggerSprings. Arianna, Thark the dwarf, and I went to inform Lord Morn of the danger. As we set off, Anaya returned and said she saw Colderan with two orcs. She joined our company and set off for the Freedom Fighters Headquarters. To my surprise, Lord Morn was less than receptive to this threat. After telling him of the events at the gate, and of several other encounters the Dalesfolk have had with this wizard, Lord Morn also told us that he has been having difficulties in the renovation of Constable’s Tower…and that Colderan, his grandfather, was the last one to rule from the Tower.

    Although he was skeptical that Colderan had returned, he did order us to seek out this Colderan, and to capture him if possible. We set out in search of him with Anysha the wizard, Anaya, Thark, Glen Eyre, (I’m forgetting someone here…Post if it’s you!), and Arianna. After looking throughtout the city, we decided to look at the Constable’s Tower. It appeared we found what we are looking for…

    The Tower was swarming with orcs! Arriana and I stalked ahead of the group, making every attempt to take out the orc shaman’s preventing our entry to the lower levels of the Tower. We were still getting used to one another’s fighting style…Rem learned not to get so close to the orcs when Anysha lets loose her fireballs! Thank Tymora I was able to evade the blast in time. After clearing the first level, we descended into the storage areas for the Tower.

    The fighting down there was cramped and fierce! Huge minotaurs, orcs, and strange-looking armored minotaurs barred our way. Luckily, Malek, Dain, Sir Charles Riftwind, and Emon Eaglesclaw, joined us to as we entered some of the larger storage areas. The orcs and bull warriors continued to assault us as we pushed our way through the Tower. The ringing of metal clashing with metal, the whizzing of arrows, and the booming voice of wizards and priest drawing power to their command, swirled in a chorus grim death.

    Finally, as we edged toward the Southernmost chamber, our quarry appeared. The blue wizard was upon us. The party did not stop to bandy words with the foe, as he was wreathed in magical protections. Arrows and bolts bounced of this proctective shell like a childs ball as it hits the ground. Anysha unleashed wave after wave of her arcane power, as Malek and Dain closed to melee with him. Our attack was fierce, and it finally wore down the lone wizard’s defenses, as he fell in a heap. Relief washed over us as we neautralized yet another threat to the Dale. But our elation was short lived.

    As we continued down the hallway, the wizard appeared again. “You fools! You have no idea what you are up against! You feeble mortals cannot possibly destroy me! You will pay! You will ALL pay!” He bellowed as he faded from sight. Undaunted, we gave chase after the evil minion. Finally, we reached a storeroom at the Southernmost area of the Storehouses. Dain, feeling confident, rushed ahead of me to look inside the room. Dozens of orcs, and several minotaurs crowded the room, and attacked Dain on sight. Again, the battle was on!

    The beasts’ terrible onslaught pushed the majority of the adventurers back out into the hall, leaving Dain, Thark, Emon and I to finish those in the room. My crossbow sang as I tried to keep the rushing defenders off Dain, the others moved out of the room to assist our companions. With a huge swipe of his greataxe, the last Minotaur felled Dain, he crashed to floor in a heap as my bolt slammed into the monsters’ chest. Dain cried out for assistance. Thinking quickly, I reached into my pack a used a medicine bag on the fallen dwarf. I bandanged his wounds to the point he was able to stand, and he completed his healing by calling on the power of his god.

    As we exited the stroreroom, we found another party member was not so lucky. Sir Charles lay dead on the cold stone, yet another victim of the Tower. The party, weary and battered, wanted to return to the surface. I asked them to help me with the remaining foes in the room, because I saw something strange in there. We were able to defeat the remaining orcs quickly, and we all gazed in wonder at the reason for their staunch defense. A glowing portal!

    Not daring to press our luck by using the portal, we decided to return to the city to inform Lord Morn of what we found. We gathered our fallen, and returned to the Freedom Fighters’ Headquarters. After taking a collection, we were able to restore Sir Charles to life, but Lord Morn was not to be found. I thanked the party for their bravery and assistance, and went to my office to write my report on the nights’ events. It seems we found more questions, and little answers.
    Current ALFA Persona: Rem Stoneybrook

    "If I show up at your door, chances are you did something to bring me there."

    Upon meeting Rem for the first time, Mariel said: "Your deeds are well known in the Dale...But, I thought you'd be taller..."
  5. Mesmero

    Mesmero How'd an old elf get the blues?

    Mar 3, 2001
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    It's nice to read the story from another one's point of view. It makes things a bit clearer. If I may post a few comments:

    1. I didn't yell “It’s Colderan! The Blue Wizard!”, I remember calling him the mage king, but it was something like that.
    2. I'm a half-elf
    3. I called this Belesaria his girlfriend, to bully him a bit, and to provoke a fight. I even thought about just shooting an arrow at him to start the fight, but decided not to do this.
    4. On what day (real time) is five days later (ALFA time)?
    5. Now that I think of it, the whole story makes a bit more sense, and I'm even understanding, what I didn't understood before (see above for details).

    I and two others went to look for Rem in the temple of Lathander and they went to the Freedom Fighters HQ. They should have came back for us, so we could travel with them. I was kind of upset about this. I could see next to the party pictures, that they were fighting, and they suddenly left the party. If there was a fight, I would have liked to be present.

    In the beginning, Aendhiir was a coward, but he is evolving into someone who is looking for a fight, especially when he is in a larger party. He is the one in the front line, trying to score some kills, and often trying to take the lead. Maybe it doesn't fit in his personality as a bard, but I like him better this way. He may even have some sort of suicidle tendencies, I haven't decided yet.

    I'll be online again tomorrow, looking for kicking some Colderan butt.
  6. Sir Belisarius

    Sir Belisarius Viconia's Boy Toy Distinguished Member ★ SPS Account Holder

    Jul 7, 2000
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    [​IMG] Silverblade...you are quite the editor. I was just going by memory. Think of my stories like the Lord of the RIngs movies...Not exactly like the books, but good enough to give you an idea of what the books were like.
  7. Mesmero

    Mesmero How'd an old elf get the blues?

    Mar 3, 2001
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    I wanted to edit more, but the story captured the base idea of it all, so I decided not to. Whenever I experience something like this, I usually take a lot of screenshots, which is often usefull for remembering names (I can name everybody who was on the cross road at that time). When we went to the dwarves after meeting Colderan, I was able to recite the entire message, because of a screen shot I had printed. To stay IC, I told them that I remembered it word by word, because I was a bard and depended on perfectly remembering stories to make some money.

    And besides, good editing skills are needing, to make sure I find all my spelling mistakes, in the posts I make here.
  8. Mathetais Gems: 28/31
    Latest gem: Star Sapphire

    Apr 5, 2001
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    [​IMG] Well, I sure had a lively evening. First, I did not fight a single creature. The whole night was spent role playing ... which was really fun.

    Galen Malenhyst, paladin of Lathander and emissary from Evermeet, sent a courier to Daggerfalls and requested and audience with Lady Arien of the Grove. She graciously condescended to meet with me, and I traveled the long road to her village.

    Galen was fresh from his previous evening's battles with lizard folk, and was even wearing his new, golden lizard folk armor, a gift from the noble counselor Rem. Thinking back, however, Galen can not be sure if the twinkle in Rem's eye was generosity, or the beginnings of a practical joke.

    As Galen exited the River Gate of the main town, Elzerek asked him if he felt comfortable going out in public dressed like that. Confused but bold Galen replied affirmatively and traveled onward.

    At the village, Azarkiel first turned his nose up at the idea of lizard armor, then began to chuckle and make minor comments about the masculinity of the armor. When "Da" Babras and Kerrick showed up, the conversation began to be littered with little comments questioning Galen's sexuality. Soon it became apparent to the noble but naive paladin that this golden suit of armor made him look like a Waterdeep Dandy boy.

    Knowing when to laugh at himself, Galen enjoyed the jest, though he did hint that Babras could remedy the situation with a set of minthril field plate, similar to what he wore .... but that did not even warrant a reply.

    Galen left the evening awe-struck by the peaceful soul of Arien, and driven to win himself a new set of armor. Lets see if he lives to capture either treasure!
  9. Sir Belisarius

    Sir Belisarius Viconia's Boy Toy Distinguished Member ★ SPS Account Holder

    Jul 7, 2000
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    [​IMG] I always forget to take screenshots...

    Math - It's better to look like a sissy...and be well armored, than to be a bloody blob of goo on the end of an orc's lance!
  10. Blackthorne TA

    Blackthorne TA Master in his Own Mind Staff Member ★ SPS Account Holder Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) New Server Contributor [2012] (for helping Sorcerer's Place lease a new, more powerful server!) Torment: Tides of Numenera SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!)

    Oct 19, 2000
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    Besides, what better armor for a Paladin of the Morninglord (that's right isn't it? Or is it some elven god?) than one that's golden?

    Anyway, Dagger Falls is the main walled town, Dagger Springs is where Arien is.
  11. Mathetais Gems: 28/31
    Latest gem: Star Sapphire

    Apr 5, 2001
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    So I'm a sissy now?!? :mad: (j/k ;) )

    Seriously, it is indeed good armor and I won't replace it until I have better.

    BTA, he's a paladin of Lathander, but holds the Elven Pantheon in high regard, mentioning them frequently.

    So, until I'm goo ... thanks for the heterosexual support!

    Some of the more notable comments on the armor:

    "I hope it resists fire, because it definitely won't resist ridicule!"

    Tell to Babras as he is scolding Arien, "Is there an emote for a good spanking?"
    Babras' reply, "I wish you hadn't asked while wearing *that* armor, now leave me alone b*tch!"

    Kerrick, "Don't change your armor Galen, it brings much laughter to a troubled Dale."

    Edit part 2

    They actually made a post about it on the AFLA site.


    [ July 16, 2003, 22:01: Message edited by: Mathetais ]
  12. Gothmog

    Gothmog Man, a curious beast indeed! ★ SPS Account Holder Veteran

    Jun 30, 2002
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    [​IMG] Yoha, guys :D

    I've been on my holiday for the past week. Hoped that i'll finaly see some live PnP being played. Too bad i didnt. Just spoke to one guy who plays it :(

    And i've played some NwN on other servers than ALFA (A guy here wanted to have 1.30 patch so i couldnt login). And really they're quite boring !
    Its fun for some time to have a half-orc barbarian (20 12 16 6 8 6 :rolleyes: ) Lvl 20 with 320hp dealing about 35 damage every hit with any weapon. :nolike:
    But then you come across some REAL powerplayers with their lvl20 monks with 60 AC.
    And you cant even hope to hit the guy unless you throw a natural 20!

    As i said it gets really boring. :nono:

    Gotta love getting back to ALFA :D

    Way to go with that armor! ;) :thumb:
  13. Lokken Gems: 26/31
    Latest gem: Diamond


    May 15, 2001
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    [​IMG] By Bane's mercy! *laughs so he could die*

    Are you seriously running around in that outfit Math? I'm still laughing :D lol. I hope I get into ALFA just to see that live!
  14. Mathetais Gems: 28/31
    Latest gem: Star Sapphire

    Apr 5, 2001
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    For the record, I've changed my armor ;) In fact, I'm about half way to being able to buy some trusty full plate!

    Now, Bel, please give us a page from your journal as to what happened last night. There was a major event going down, and due to my low level and some family stuff, I had to bow out. *gets some coffee anticipating a great story*
  15. Sir Belisarius

    Sir Belisarius Viconia's Boy Toy Distinguished Member ★ SPS Account Holder

    Jul 7, 2000
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    [​IMG] I can't tell it. I died right in the middle of it! I didn't see anything after Colderan unleashed the chain lightning bolt!
  16. Gothmog

    Gothmog Man, a curious beast indeed! ★ SPS Account Holder Veteran

    Jun 30, 2002
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    [​IMG] Rem is dead?!?! :aww: :sosad:

    You're a mid-level rogue, you should have improved evasion by now, no?

    How could you! You were cool.

    EDIT: Damn me, i bet you have lots of money by now and could rezz yourself. Even if not surely others will lend you enough to rezz :D . Pehaps even the city will pay?
  17. Blackthorne TA

    Blackthorne TA Master in his Own Mind Staff Member ★ SPS Account Holder Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) New Server Contributor [2012] (for helping Sorcerer's Place lease a new, more powerful server!) Torment: Tides of Numenera SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!)

    Oct 19, 2000
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    Of course Rem was raised. I believe he said he was within 800 XP of 7th level though, so the poor guy lost on the order of 7700 XP.
  18. Sir Belisarius

    Sir Belisarius Viconia's Boy Toy Distinguished Member ★ SPS Account Holder

    Jul 7, 2000
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    [​IMG] AYe...Rem is alive...But severly weakened...BTA is right I lost in the neighborhood of 8000XP! And I won't be able to make it back up for like a week.... The Horror!!

    I missed my save and was already down like 10hps...I took 54 damage from the lightning bolt...Which took me down to like -20 or something....Instantaneous death!
  19. Gothmog

    Gothmog Man, a curious beast indeed! ★ SPS Account Holder Veteran

    Jun 30, 2002
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    Yo people why dont you update your characters up here in the right topic?

    Its nice to meet a SPer on ALFA

    And dont tell me you are living for a month without dying, leveling or anything ;)

    We were heading to light the way... no problems there. Then we went to search for the goblin camp... in Dagger Hills. First area was fine, killing two groups of bloody dagger tribe goblins (IIRC). Then in the second area it started to get waaay worse.
    As soon as we got in (myself and another guy first) i saw a dead body. I ran to it hoping it hasnt been looted yet :rolleyes: Sure its been

    The problem was that others started a war against another goblin group killed all but one goblin elite (you know how strong those are :( ). And in addition a Dire wolf (!) came around from the corpse attacking me :mad: . Almost bite my head off that one... was left with 2hp and convinced i'm already dead. Luckily folks started to shoot him and it didnt attack me again.
    The goblin fell then and we were left with the wolfie. Yashin Hamir as with us (only guy above 1lvl :eek: 3rd he was) and he took the beast on. They fought and both were really badly hurt. Then finaly a lucky throw of my axe finished the beast off.

    After that we just went straight back to the city.

    P.S: I just screwed up 4 static quest rewards :bang: :bang:
    I didnt exit the party before i received it. Just got 10gp and 20XP for each!
    Sure its RP wise to do so but i'm still sad :(

    [ July 25, 2003, 22:03: Message edited by: Gothmog4230 ]
  20. Blackthorne TA

    Blackthorne TA Master in his Own Mind Staff Member ★ SPS Account Holder Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) New Server Contributor [2012] (for helping Sorcerer's Place lease a new, more powerful server!) Torment: Tides of Numenera SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!)

    Oct 19, 2000
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    Oh, well, I'm back to level 2 AGAIN because that crazy Hin Rem has a knack for getting me into serious trouble.

    Went to the Elemental Tower with Rem, Yuki (a powerful Cleric) and Galen (Mathetais). Everything was fine and dandy until we go to the place through the teleporting doors. Something I had never seen there before just happened to be there this time: the Elemental Sorcerer himself!

    First I realized he was there was when I was hit with the first Fireball which took 25 out of my 29 hitpoints. I ran forward and avoided the second fireball that killed Galen (I think, unless it was the first one that did him in).

    I then went on the total defensive, just trying to avoid the Sorcerer and the Water Elementals, but I got tagged for 9 hitpoints of damage from an Elemental Pulse Attack.

    So there I lay bleeding to death, the Sorcerer was gone (not sure who killed it) and there were only two normal sized Elementals left. Rem got put to sleep before the Sorcerer was killed, so Yuki was the only one in any position to prevent me from heading straight to the Fugue Plane.

    Well, I guess despite my dying groans and pleas for help, it was more important to Yuki to finish off those last two Elementals than to cast a quick heal spell on me.

    At least she and others pitched in to raise me, so I'm still alive, and my body wasn't looted, so it could have been much worse. But I lost my Rapid Shot for the second time, and I was again within inches of 4th level! Gaaah!

    I think I'm cursed, or maybe Rem is my curse :) He comes around when I'm close to 4th level to make sure I don't make it ;)
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