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ALFA adventures

Discussion in 'Neverwinter Nights (Classic)' started by Gothmog, Jun 19, 2003.

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  1. Gothmog

    Gothmog Man, a curious beast indeed! ★ SPS Account Holder Veteran

    Jun 30, 2002
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    Hope you can get back soon Frosty. :thumb:

    I'm thinking about retiring my Roshnak. He's a pure muscle, almost nothing more than that. All the fun i have with him is when he gets tricked becouse of his inteligence :D (8 int, wis, cha)

    There were some quite good jokes made on his account :D

    But thats all there is great about him. Beating lizzies and monsters alone in the wilds is no fun at all. You get xp, but that started to matter less and less these days. I guess i'm finaly morphing into RPer :grin:

    And i'm thinking of my Jacha Lomong. Female human rogue1/wizard1 who i retired for Roshnak.
    Dripping with sarcasm she was. Even looked evil, most of the times :evil: . She was lawful neutral though. She was not strong at all... If Roshnak and she were to duel she'd die in the first round.
    But she was fun! And i got three (!) complements on her :cool:

    Whatcha think?

    Edit: Please post something more productive than me to the topic in NwN forum about ALFA. ;)
  2. Frostbite Gems: 16/31
    Latest gem: Shandon

    Apr 22, 2002
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    Bwhaha! I'm Back!

    My ranger Analia Silverhart at level one. but I don't mind! After being ALFA'less for over a week I'm a happy girl now, I can rest in peace.

    @Gothmog: It really depends on what game play style you like.

    Roshnak is a very simple character if you don't mind me saying, :p

    Jacha, Your previous character was more complex, and would make for harder, but perhaps more pleasing roleplaying,

    Heh, just my thoughts on it.
  3. Mr Writer Gems: 8/31
    Latest gem: Skydrop

    Oct 7, 2001
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    Well I've been in the dale for a few days, helped a few people on their quests and am generally enjoying it. Making the usual noobie mistakes and getting many a helping hand :p

    I've met probably most of the regulars, dont know who if any are from here. Anyone mind doing a quick rundown of whos who from sp?

    Unfortunatly, last night I logged off in White Chalk, due to the bad lag. Logged on this morning and I was teleported to an area with no entrance and no exit (the the Tesh Valley) no dm's about at the moment I'll have to try and find one as its rather annoying and although its got a nice view its quite boring :p
  4. Gothmog

    Gothmog Man, a curious beast indeed! ★ SPS Account Holder Veteran

    Jun 30, 2002
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    Have a look at the ALFA Characters topic Mr. ;)

    I just heard ALFA is upgrading this weekend. I'll have to buy SoU after all :heh:
  5. Mesmero

    Mesmero How'd an old elf get the blues?

    Mar 3, 2001
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    This is something that I also could have asked in the ALFA forum, but didn't want to bother visiting that place. Do you have to buy SoU to continue playing on ALFA? Or is it enough to get the 1.31 patch?
  6. Mr Writer Gems: 8/31
    Latest gem: Skydrop

    Oct 7, 2001
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    I was wondering that as well
  7. Mathetais Gems: 28/31
    Latest gem: Star Sapphire

    Apr 5, 2001
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    I think it is 1.31 & SoU required on Monday.

    Check THIS out.
  8. Frostbite Gems: 16/31
    Latest gem: Shandon

    Apr 22, 2002
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    @Mr Writer - There is definately something fishy going on round White Chalk. That might be why you character was ported to a different place when you logged on.

    Tried to get in there this morning to sell some ant shells, but the place is locked tighter then... something tight. The door guards aren't there, doors locked. According to some friends of mine, a family was murdered on the other side of town and they've all gone and lcoled themselves up and not talking to anyone.

    Hmm. Analia had her first encounted with the demoness a few days ago. Wasted a few arrows on her too. Even though I already knew she couldn't be harmed, it seemed the IC thing to do.
    Hit level 2 a few days ago. :)
  9. Gothmog

    Gothmog Man, a curious beast indeed! ★ SPS Account Holder Veteran

    Jun 30, 2002
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    I have a full character already made for the time when Roshnak goes in retirement. Someday.
    For a while i'll continue playing Roshnak still.

    Well, he'll be a human monk with a small sorcerous gift. I'll give him 1 level of sorcerer. The portrait suits him perfectly. A bald guy, sitting on his heels, with his right hand emblazed in fire. :cool:

    And psyhotic voice :D

    Lawful neutral, so he wont be all goody-twoshoes. Perhaps a little less "evil" than Jacha. Sarcastic perhaps, maniac possibly too :)
  10. Frostbite Gems: 16/31
    Latest gem: Shandon

    Apr 22, 2002
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    On the fateful day when Analia decides to die on me, I think I might have a slightly mad mage, with a love of fire. I've been trying it out on the single plyer campaign, and its fun to say the least. Of course, not having fireball will be a pain. On the the sinlge player I've taken to blowing doors and the all the people bhinf them away with a well placed fire ball, but burning hands would do just as well.

    Hmm, Anyway, I heard/read that ALFa won't ba back up till monday, will I need SoU to play? Or will I need to have version 1.31?

    Or will I need both?! I can plead with father to order SoU through SP I guess :D , could someone please explain?
  11. Sir Belisarius

    Sir Belisarius Viconia's Boy Toy Distinguished Member ★ SPS Account Holder

    Jul 7, 2000
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    [​IMG] Yes, you'll need SoU to play after Monday. I'm not sure about 1.31...But I'm guessing you'll need that too.
  12. BigStick Gems: 13/31
    Latest gem: Ziose

    May 2, 2003
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    I should hope so. There were so many fixes made in 1.31 for things that went wrong in SoU... I especially didn't like the firing into combat penalty for missile weapons. 1.31 fixes that.
  13. Sir Belisarius

    Sir Belisarius Viconia's Boy Toy Distinguished Member ★ SPS Account Holder

    Jul 7, 2000
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    [​IMG] Actually...A penalty for firing into combat sounds more realistic. Or actually, they should have made a percent chance to hit an ally.
  14. Blackthorne TA

    Blackthorne TA Master in his Own Mind Staff Member ★ SPS Account Holder Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) New Server Contributor [2012] (for helping Sorcerer's Place lease a new, more powerful server!) Torment: Tides of Numenera SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!)

    Oct 19, 2000
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    I believe that it was intentional, but there was supposed to be a feat (Precise Shot) that would negate it. I think the feat didn't make it...
  15. BigStick Gems: 13/31
    Latest gem: Ziose

    May 2, 2003
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    That's what I read on the Bioware formus. If they get Precise Shot to work correctly for HotU, I'd wager that they'll bring back the penalty. The original problem stemmed from them adding in the penalty, not getting the Precise Shot feat to work correctly, and then forgetting to remove the penalty.

    I'm curious as to how that will work for existing characters who suffer the upgrade. Do they suddenly get worse with their ranged weapons?
  16. Frostbite Gems: 16/31
    Latest gem: Shandon

    Apr 22, 2002
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    Oh gawd. I hope not. My ranger is a wuss, she'd better wtill be able to shoot properly...

    battle sequence

    *fires bow a few times*

    *enemy runs toward her*

    *runs back*

    *fires bow*

    And this goes on till combat is over. Very slow, but risk free. I like my new ranger, Old school style. I wonder how many new dragon familiers will be popping up...
  17. Gothmog

    Gothmog Man, a curious beast indeed! ★ SPS Account Holder Veteran

    Jun 30, 2002
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    [​IMG] Yeah!

    I finaly got my SoU copy today. Now a Monk's coming to kick everyone's butt!

    Until he dies of an unlocky throw, that is ;)

    And when/if prestige classes are allowed he can even take a level of Shadowdancer. Would most certainly suit him nicely. RPwise and otherwise(kicking butts :D )
  18. Mesmero

    Mesmero How'd an old elf get the blues?

    Mar 3, 2001
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    I'm glad to hear, I'm not the only one who is a bit late with buying SoU. I had time and opportunity to play yesterday (which isn't often lately), but realised that I couldn't. I'm probably going to buy SoU this weekend.
  19. Sir Belisarius

    Sir Belisarius Viconia's Boy Toy Distinguished Member ★ SPS Account Holder

    Jul 7, 2000
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    [​IMG] Have you downloaded the new hakpaks yet? If not, you may want to start now...They are HUGE!
  20. Frostbite Gems: 16/31
    Latest gem: Shandon

    Apr 22, 2002
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    BWHAHAHA! Yes! I have the power of broadband! I have the power of not one of those hak packs taking more then 17 minutes to download...

    A few days ago, Analia was resting under an ancient tree at the entrance to River gate, listening in on the conversations of three men. Gathered round the fire to warm their bones, their demonic looking red and black armor gleamed menacingly in the fire light. But she was at ease. The evening breeze blew gently across the open ground, and as the last of the pleasent sunlight dipped lazily below the horizen, the stars, the lanterns of the Gods began to twinkle in the nights sky.

    Hearing the crunch of footsteps on gravel, Analia leavered herself up, and turning her back on the drunken soldiers, truned to meet this new person. She was facing a tall, rugged elf. Dressed in a proud green garb, with a long green cape, flowing and billowing in the air behind him. His dark skin betrayed the fact that he was a wild elf, feathers in his hair and braids, mixed with the subtle grace of a proud elf.

    He told Analia that he was Falling-Leaf, a name that she had heard many times, but had never met. He was far more imposing then shed thought, standing a head taller then herself, older as well. Smiling, he bid her welcome, and asked if he would rest under her tree for a while. Complying, she sat down next to him, looking questioningly, as too why an elf so well know around the dales would come to her. He asked of her religion, And Analia confessed to not having that much to do with those higher beings. Nodding wisely, Falling-Leaf told her of something that he had confided with none else (yet)

    He told her, of how he had eaten the heart of a dragon, and how later that night the elven deities had spoken to him through his dreams. They had told him to gather those true elves, and take them home. Where ever that may be.

    True elves, those untainted by the other races, those such as the humans, and the dwarves. Listening with interest, she told him, that she would listen upon what he had said, and would return to him with an answer...

    ooc: Hmm... what to do, what to do. I think I will accept, it seems the IC thing to do for Analia. Shes a your elf, barely 100 years of age, and is... curious. Perhaps she'll follow this Falling-Leaf, after all... when the worse comes to the worse, she can always come back to the Dales. Besides, she has no other arrangements, all the DM run "clubs" are too late for me, and I'm not a member of the circle, yeah, Analias a rebel. And you thought that everyone made rangers and druids to get into the circle these days, eh?

    Well, Shes 1200 exp of level 3, A lot I know, but I'm working hard, Besides, going with Falling Leaf will give me lots of interesting stuff to add to Analias ever growing tab of back ground. :)

    Gawd, that was a long post...
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