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Darksun Item Transfer

List of how items are transferred from Shattered Lands to Wake of the Ravager

Darksun Item Transfer
gibberishh, Mar 27, 2023
    • WickedPrince
      Some of the items feel misplaced, though I'm only vaguely aware of the Dark Sun setting and not the niceties. Specifically why is the Belt of Might(str) replaced with +1 leather and Drake Armor replaced with coin? Based on the name of the belt I'd assume it was similar to either the Ogre Gauntlets or the Giant Strength belt - or perhaps a protection ring variant? Also the Grey Scale armor; the leg armor is replaced with arm armor, and the arm armor is replaced with leg armor? There might be others that missed my notice.
    • gibberishh
      @WickedPrince No, the items are not misplaced. Items do not transfer exactly between the two games -- which is why such a list was required in the first place. The depictions above are correct (except for spell effects with ?).

      Some items are not present in Darksun 2, for which the game simply gives you money. Some other items are transformed into different things (like a helm or belt being changed into chest armor). The arm and leg armor are inverted too, though in combination Tanelyv's give you the same AC but Grey's Scale gives you 1 less AC.

      If you are wearing the helm or belt on the transferred characters, you can benefit from the chest armor AC as long as you do not attempt to move it. The moment you lift them out of their slots, you cannot re-equip them.

      Almost all of the fruit spells in the second column are wrong. I haven't updated the image for them because frankly it's a pain to do so.
    • WickedPrince
      Ok, I was just checking. I'm guessing there might be trait bonuses for things like the greyscale where the bonuses got swapped or something. But then I'm only really familiar with the original tabletop game setting.
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