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Zoria: Age of Shattering - Kickstarter: 50% achieved

Discussion in 'Game/SP News & Comments' started by RPGWatch, Oct 1, 2022.

  1. RPGWatch

    RPGWatch Watching... ★ SPS Account Holder

    Jul 28, 2010
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    [​IMG]The Kickstarter for Zoria: Age of Shattering has passed the 50% mark:


    Secret goal has been achieved! - What does it mean?

    Hey everyone!

    Congratulations! The secret goal of 50% has been achieved; let us present you with the reward!

    Brand new class - Nightwardens

    Nightwarden will be available to join your team - they will bring new skills and possibilities in combat!

    Let's sink into the lore:

    The world of Zoria is, while full of magic and wonder, also full of dark nightmares and horrible, unnatural things. It is, therefore, quite understandable that some of those who have experienced the horrors of Zoria's darkness and have stood face to face with monsters, demons, and the undead, now seek a way to make sense of this dreadful world they find themselves in and somehow cast some light into the darkness. And that is how the Torchbearers of Miedden, a semi-religious order, came to be.

    While not outright worshiping any deity, the Torchbearers hold to a creed that mixes the teachings of Athy and Amaldir and considers themselves heralds of balance and the natural order. Anything outside what they believe to be "natural" must be exterminated. That isn't to say that the Torchbearers are a military order either. Most of their activity revolves around bringing solace to those that have suffered at the hands of monsters and the people who make use of them. However, the Torchbearers are most famous due to the very small and well-trained group of warriors serving them: the legendary Nightwardens.

    Masters of weapons and alchemy, the Nightwardens travel the roads of Uram, usually under cover of darkness, and seek out humane and otherwise monsters. Armed with serrated blades and lethal one-handed crossbows, Nightwardens hunt and execute their prey without mercy and care little about honorable combat, employing, when needed, even deadly alchemical bombs that choke, maim and burn. But fearsome, Nightwardens are often seen as good omens passing through villages and small towns. It is customary in remote settlements around Elion, especially those bordering forests, that mothers say to their children, Nightwardens watch over you when they put them to bed.

    Nightwardens perform their hunts for free, as they believe it is their duty above all else, relying on the fat coffers of the Torchbearers for their day-to-day costs. Some of them, however, offer their skills up for hire and act as mercenaries when their interests align with their employers.

    We're already super excited about the new class; seeing it in action is just a pleasure.

    Almost $20 000 has been raised, and we're not stopping; more updates are coming soon! Once again, thank you for your investment in the project; we can't express how grateful we are for your support!


    Team Zoria
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2022
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