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What is your fav animation?

Discussion in 'BG2: Shadows of Amn (Classic)' started by Tancred Dragonslayer, Feb 28, 2002.

  1. Tancred Dragonslayer Gems: 1/31
    Latest gem: Turquoise

    Feb 26, 2002
    Likes Received:
    [​IMG] Hi all
    Dont you think that the animations for the party members are a tad dull? i almost always use SK to alter the image to make it a bit more interesting. My current assassin uses the shadow thief one, and i am rather pleased with it as it has a lot of action and thief like movements to it. So back to the question, what is your fav animation and why?
  2. C'Jakob Guest

    I usually don't enjoy doing that, as it can screw up the game and changes the character's rate of movement. However, I like the Jon Irenicus animation, as well as the dragon's and the lich's.
  3. Lord Sarevok Guest

    How did you change your apperance to a Shadow Thief? I tried doing that with my Assassin/Mage but when I loaded it my game crashed :(.

    I enabled the console so I can do control + 1 to change what armor type it looks like he's wearing. My F/M/T has the apperance of wearing leather although he's really wearing nothing. Downside is that it gives you some false faith in your defense, I find myself charging into battle more often.

    I also hate the way male elves look in plate/full plate so I change it to look like they're wearing chain.

    Oh, and for Human Mages or Sorcerers, I always change my apperance to a Monk(I.E Cowled Wizard, or the Monks at Candlekeep). Looks much better IMO.

    [This message has been edited by Lord Sarevok (edited March 01, 2002).]
  4. Tancred Dragonslayer Gems: 1/31
    Latest gem: Turquoise

    Feb 26, 2002
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    It wont crash if you modify it in the character thing in SK and start a new game, you cant alter the appearance and then load, it will always crash. So you can start a new game if you want, i like the shadow thief one, but has anyone noticed that few of the animations have paper dolls, but the lich does
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