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Solasta - The Paladin Class

Discussion in 'Game/SP News & Comments' started by RPGWatch, Feb 5, 2025 at 8:12 PM.

  1. RPGWatch

    RPGWatch Watching... ★ SPS Account Holder

    Jul 28, 2010
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    [​IMG]Learn more about the Paladin class:

    Dev Update #07 - Class Spotlight: The Paladin

    For whom the blade smites, It smites for thee.

    Hello, faithful readers!

    From Rogues straight to Paladins, what a trip! It is no secret that those two classes can easily clash due to how they are typically represented - with Rogues often being depicted as thieves and used as an example of Chaotic Neutral characters, and the Paladin formerly being locked into the Lawful Good alignment in previous D&D editions with a strict moral code to follow lest they lose their power. Buuut when there's a will, there's a way - it's up to the players to figure it out!


    It is by smiting that one becomes a Paladin
    Fun fact, we French don't say "Practice makes perfect", but "It is by smithing that one becomes a smith" - and it's surely by smiting that one truly becomes a Paladin, for Divine Smite is most definitely their most well known power. A huge burst of guaranteed radiant damage that you can decide to add after you hit your target - and up until the 2024 ruleset, usable multiple times per turn for free, making them the terror of bosses (and DMs) alongside high-level monks spamming Stunning Strike.

    For the Paladin comes with a fairly strong fantasy - a holy warrior following a strict moral code of conduct and, in return, being empowered by that very same oath they swore. They are durable frontliners with access to divine magic and great damage output, whose only weakness lies in their fairly limited mobility and range options.

    Another class-defining feature is their Aura, granting incredible boons to their party members. Even just the base Aura of Protection boosts Saving Throws to such amounts that it easily breaks the concept of bounded accuracy when compared to parties without Paladins - prompting some to say that if this feature never existed and was instead revealed today in an Unearthed Arcana supplement, many would consider it too powerful.

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2025 at 3:57 AM
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