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Non-RPG General News - Monster Hunter Wilds Preview

Discussion in 'Game/SP News & Comments' started by RPGWatch, Dec 5, 2024.

  1. RPGWatch

    RPGWatch Watching... ★ SPS Account Holder

    Jul 28, 2010
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    [​IMG]A Monster Hunter Wilds preview on RPG Site:

    Monster Hunter Wilds is brilliant - and it might be the most full-on RPG the series has ever been - hands-on

    When we write about Monster Hunter on this website, inevitably the comment comes: "that isn't an RPG!" And, you know, though the defining lines are fuzzy and honestly who really cares, I totally get where people are coming from. But Capcom has always called these games Action RPGs - it's just that there has always been a greater emphasis on the Action. With the latest entry, however, Monster Hunter might just be more of an RPG than it has ever been before.

    When I sit down to play a generous six-hour preview of the upcoming Monster Hunter Wilds, there's a curious wrinkle to the setup: there's no co-operative play available. This isn't some strategic play by Capcom to show off the single-player chops of the latest entry, I'm told. I and a handful of other media are playing the game a good two and a half months before release, and the truth is getting the preview machines running non-final versions of the game linked up for co-op proved a logistical nightmare - so each hunter had to go it alone. Capcom representatives were apologetic - but this is the sort of thing that ultimately proves to be a happy accident.

    You see, playing Monster Hunter Wilds like this really really underlines some of the subtler changes made to the game that make it feel more like a 'traditional' RPG. You can feel the influence of something like The Witcher 3 in its structure - and the result is compelling.

    Don't get me wrong. Under the hood, this is the same old Monster Hunter. To dip into cliché, if you played Monster Hunter World, you'll be right at home in Wilds. Everything about Wilds is a continuation of the brilliant groundwork laid out in World, which in 2018 served as a dramatic audience-expanding soft reboot of sorts; the perfect entry point for newcomers. Millions of newbies dutifully joined the hunt. Now, the parameters remain largely the same - but everything has been ever so slightly stretched to draw full potential from the concepts.

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 5, 2024
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