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Blackguards - Full Character Creation Confirmed! [Update]

Discussion in 'Game/SP News & Comments' started by RPGWatch, Dec 19, 2013.

  1. RPGWatch

    RPGWatch Watching... ★ SPS Account Holder

    Jul 28, 2010
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    [​IMG]Fresh out of the news pipeline:

    Daedalic sent out a German language PR with details about their Blackguards Early Access campaign. The most important point is that based upon player feedback they will implement full character generation in addition to the 3 archetypes you can choose from now. A patch will add this functionality before release.

    More details when the English PR arrives.

    Edith says: Here's the English PM:

    New features to be added to upcoming RPG Blackguards

    Player feedback via Early Access shapes game development

    Hamburg, Germany 19th December 2013 - Hamburg based adventure game specialists Daedalic Entertainment today announce new features will be added to the upcoming turn-based RPG Blackguards following community feedback received via the Steam Early Access program.

    "Launching on Early Access three months ahead of release has been a really beneficial part of the development process for us," senior producer Kai Fiebig explains. "The community have provided detailed feedback which is allowing us to add and modify features where viable prior to the official release in January. How the community feels about the direction we're taking with the game is incredibly important to us, and we appreciate and take what they have to say seriously"

    One of the new features the team are implementing is an advanced character system mode. "Currently players can choose their character from three archetypes allowing people unfamiliar with the source material to access the game with more ease." Fiebig explains. "After the first chapter was released on Early Access the community expressed a desire to build their character from scratch and we are happy to fulfill this request!' The feature will be added to the game via a patch at release in January 2014.

    Launched via Early Access in November, the first three chapters of Blackguards are currently available with the final two planned to release in the coming weeks. Three different packages of Blackguards are available through Early Access, all of which include the final version of the game upon launch. Players are also able to buy additional extras exclusive to the Early Access, more information can be found here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/249650

    A new video incorporating the community feedback can be viewed here: http://youtu.be/pFLPdVIKyCM

    Blackguards will release in full in January 2014 on PC and Mac for £29.99.​
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 29, 2017
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