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Age of Decadence - September Update

Discussion in 'Game/SP News & Comments' started by RPGWatch, Sep 10, 2015.

  1. RPGWatch

    RPGWatch Watching... ★ SPS Account Holder

    Jul 28, 2010
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    [​IMG]In the September update for Age of Decadence we learn that the last location has been made available and that the game is now feature complete and story complete.

    First and foremost, as of this moment the game is feature- and story-complete and is fully playable from start to finish, i.e. from 8 vignettes to 13 endings. What started more than 10 years ago as a dream has finally became a distinctive role-playing game, which will be released on Steam, GOG, and Gamers Gate on October 14, 2015.

    During the next 5 weeks we'll work on the balance, visuals, flavor text, and bug-fixing. As always, your feedback is important and will be taken into consideration, so try the update and let us know what you think.

    If you're just curious about the game but unsure if it's for you, try the demo. It's been recently updated and gives you access to the first 'chapter' and over 30 quests split between different factions.

    As for the update:​
    • The final location (an ancient ziggurat - a resting place of one of the Gods who fought alongside men in the Great War but vanished after the collapse of the Empire)
    • 13 different endings, dictated by players' choices, deeds, the items they've obtained, and even what they have witnessed during the game.
    • Improved combat AI: until now the enemies used 3-4 different attacks based on their to-hit-chance and your armor; the new and improved combat AI includes all attacks, use of alchemy, and quick switching from melee to ranged when needed.
    What's left to do:
    • Music for Ganezzar (almost done, should be added in the next update)
    • Faction, character, and personal endings (where you end up after the events of the game if you stick with a faction; maybe you'll end up on top, maybe you'll be sent to keep Centurion Bass company)
    • Expanded dialogues (flavor only) and personal stories
    • More death descriptions
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 11, 2015
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