This is basically a zipped copy of the Portraits folder in my BG folder. I'd like to think I've picked portraits as close to the style of the original BG portraits, but som might disagree. Naturally they've been shamelessly poached off of many different sources on the internet (as everything else these days), but some honorable mentions are in order.
Douglas Schuler
... and various others, the names of which either escape me, I haven't been able dig out or simply could not determine properly, seeing that many of these pictures have been shared to hell and back online, thereby making finding the true artist a bit of a pain. And here I am doing it too. Shame on me.
Suffice to say that I found every picture by googling "Portraits BGEE style" and then cropped some of them to a 210x330 or similar aspect ratio.
The files themselves follow a very simple naming procedure. Gender, race, profession and succession. Ex. MHUFI1. The way I prefer it. Feel free to change that. I could assume that people know where to put them, but these things aren't always clear to everyone, so this is the path on my own computer:
C: \Users\Me\Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition\portraits
Or in the BG2:EE folder, since they're compatible to BG2 as well.
There are many portrait packs out there, and now you've got one more. Enjoy.
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[Portraits] BG(2):EE styled portraits 2019-04-21
Portraits cropped etc. as per EE standards.
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