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Blackthorne TA
Last Activity:
Feb 6, 2025 at 2:06 PM
Oct 19, 2000
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Dec 5, 1967 (Age: 57)
San Pedro, CA, USA
SW Engineer

Blackthorne TA

Master in his Own Mind, Male, 57, from San Pedro, CA, USA

Staff Member ★ SPS Account Holder Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) New Server Contributor [2012] (for helping Sorcerer's Place lease a new, more powerful server!) Torment: Tides of Numenera SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!)
Blackthorne TA was last seen:
Feb 6, 2025 at 2:06 PM
    1. Disciple of The Watch
      Disciple of The Watch
      You were right regarding the Homing Missiles. I usually prefer the Multifire, but I gave 'em a shot, and after three upgrades, DAMN, combined with the Disruptor, I tear through nearly everything like a plasma torch through a metal sheet. Has the sweet side effect of preserving bombs for boss fights, too...

      BTW, just noticed your post count chings in at 7,777 as I write this. Time to hit the casino, maybe? :lol: :shake:
    2. Disciple of The Watch
      Disciple of The Watch
      Homing missiles are a separate weapon, and I haven't found them really useful, TBH... a maxed out Thunder or Disruptor can pretty much annihilate everything before it even appears on the screen. Yes, Thunder is the blue streaming weapon... I like how it progresses from straight ahead shots to a deadly spread. With two Multifires, it's a dream. I haven't yet reached the later stages -- I haven't got my hands on a Turbografx16 yet, so still playing emulators... call me old-school, but I prefer to play the real deal on the real console.
    3. Disciple of The Watch
      Disciple of The Watch
      Blazing Lazers is awesome... but it's also kicking my ass big time. I especially hate it when the game spawns gun I or IV when I got the Disruptor or Thunder maxed out and I accidently grab it while trying to survive...
    4. Fly2tHeSkY
      I keep trying to get the money bags surrounded by oil slicks :( BAD idea
    5. Fly2tHeSkY
      Silly BTA, trying to get a high score in crazy cars ;)
    6. olimikrig
      Damn you...
    7. 8people
      when you buy it you get a code, so the cost of the creature is deducted from the cost of the final product :)
    8. 8people
      Yay! Spore! Good man! :D have you got the trial or the complete version of the creature creator? I've made a fair few things until Salamander decided to see if he could make all the pokémon...
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  • About

    Dec 5, 1967 (Age: 57)
    San Pedro, CA, USA
    SW Engineer


    Who put the rapist in therapist?
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