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Blast from the past: Overpowered FTR/BRD/RDD solo-build

Discussion in 'Neverwinter Nights 2' started by Spliff Krieger, Mar 25, 2021.

  1. Spliff Krieger Gems: 5/31
    Latest gem: Andar


    May 25, 2005
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    Well, this has been a long time! So happy to see the SP community still active!

    Playing the BG3 early access, it made me long for the good ol' days of BG, IWD and NWN. So I decided to do another NWN2 run.
    I remember doing my last NWN2 run with an overpowered solo-build, and had a lot of fun tbh. I want to do it again, unfortunately I can't remember which build I used... I got it from the forums here somewhere, but I can't find it anymore. Hopefully you guys can get me on the right track again!

    I think it had a Bard level, 10 levels of Red Dragon Disciple and the rest Fighter levels. But I already might be mistaken on that...
    It must be from an expansion, because I remember building the character up to like level 20 or 30 before strating the run.
    And I do know that I had a multitude of familiars, pets and summons to my disposal. A dragon, 1 or 2 golems, a familiar, and some others...
    It had excellent survivability and massive 2-handed damage.

    I've searched the web, and found hundreds of these RDD builds, but somehow I don't think I've found the correct one. Would anyone be able to help me please?

    Which race? Which class for the first level, which for the second, and so on. Which feats to choose?
    Thank you so much guys!!
    Taluntain likes this.
  2. Spliff Krieger Gems: 5/31
    Latest gem: Andar


    May 25, 2005
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    Taluntain still roaming and guarding the boards, like time stood still on this little eternal plane. And he probably will, for an eternity to come.
    I suspect him to be at least a 1.000 years older than his avatar...

    "I mean no harm, old friend. I merely seek information."
    Taluntain and dmc like this.
  3. SlickRCBD Gems: 29/31
    Latest gem: Glittering Beljuril

    Resourceful Adored Veteran

    May 7, 2005
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    Starting at a high level is an important distinction. There are tons of builds on the boards that are good for starting in MotB at level 15, but would be horrible to play through the OC as the builds aren't good at lower levels.
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