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What are your party design motives?

Discussion in 'Icewind Dale 2' started by lefuet, Mar 20, 2014.

  1. lefuet Gems: 3/31
    Latest gem: Lynx Eye

    Resourceful Veteran

    Jun 11, 2011
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    - I like synergy and efficiency a lot. (it's one reason why i cannot get rid of Rogue1/WizardX)
    - Often I'm just to fond of something, that I try to make it work. (monk with shogun soundset I used in all my games and modded him until he worked, The LOS Bow: I try to have a character who uses range mainly is strong enough and is not crippled by a ranger level, ..) (I often have a female Drow wizX and male Drow clerics and use DK to switch their favorite class around - I think it's stupid that gender plays a role here)
    - Not too many redundancy if possible (not 2 Pal and 3 Bane mix ins for more chars with quest boni, different weapon specializations, different races even if drow or DG might be more ultimate in the end)

    After many iterations and reading I now design each party member around a single most important stat:

    Party leader, diplomat, decoy(with expertise), arcane, thief, skills, .. (12,20,18,18,5,1)
    DG Rogue1-2/Illusionist20+ 1* (later some 1 level mix ins for more talking options and other boni - but no Pala or monk because they deny questboni)
    improves Int mainly
    uses knives, swords, BS (dual after ranger1)

    Tank, decoy, Assassin, .. (16,20,14,3,20,1)
    DG monk26+ (maybe as last Druid 13+ for interesting spells and heal if lvl40)
    improves Dex mainly for AB (fists count as axes, mindchild's focussed weapons are finessable) and AC
    uses fists and maybe some throwing axe for emergencies

    Battlecleric, DD, .. (20,16,18,1,18,1)
    HO TalosX/Barbarian1
    improves Str mainly for damage
    uses twohanded weapons (+1.5xStr) with x3 crit: Axes (Black death for range), Polearms (and maybe greatswords if I find a nice one, because in his picture he is wieding one ..)

    Bombardier, arcane, sniper, trader, .. (16,18,18,3,3,18)
    H SorceressX (pala1 for Devine grace, cera sumat and quest, ranger1 for LOS-Bow, monk1 for evasion)
    improves Cha for DC and bonus spells (and with mix ins for ST and evasion)
    uses staff and sling (later Longswords (CS), and LOS-Bow)

    Devine, Shapeshift, Battlecleric, .. (16,18,18,3,18,3)
    H DruidX/monk1/bane1 (maybe DruidX/monk1/BaneX in end if lvl40 for double bonus spells)
    improves Wis for DC, Bonus spells, AC
    uses Polearms (druid) and axes (after monk1)

    Dwarf 2*, .. (18,14,20,3,18,1)
    GD MaskX (o.a. for Mirror Image and better tanking)
    improves Con
    uses (melee and range) Hammers (modded dwarfs to be proficient in hammers) and maybe axes (if I have a feat to spare or fighter1 mix-in)

    1* it used to be a drow with a bow. But always wanted to try a DG as thief because of the many race boni that augment this role. After realizing that not all skills are that important to maximize I'm now trying the DG with just int 18 to start.
    2* no real need for him except I think every party needs a dwarf and who better to wield the many nice hammers introduced by mods :)
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2014
  2. Blades of Vanatar

    Blades of Vanatar Vanatar will rise again Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!)

    Nov 20, 2008
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    For the most part (with exceptions to the very small groups of Drow that follow gods other than Lloth...) Drow live in a Matriarchal society, dominated by the religion of Lloth. All of her clergy are Females, hence Females having a Fav Class of Cleric. Males fill in the ranks of Warriors, Wizards, Rogues and Slaves(along with humanoid fodder...). So Wizard or Fighter make perfect sense for Males as Fav Class options, in which Wizard also follows the PnP rules for the Forgotten Realms for 3rd and 3.5 editions concerning Drow males.

    Synergy is a very Bad word, mostly used by Corporations when explaining a merger or buy out of a company to the employees that will be effected. It usually relates to the employees having to bend over and take it in the rear.... So stop using it!... just kidding of course..... :D
  3. coineineagh

    coineineagh I wish for a horde to overrun my enemies Resourceful Adored Veteran

    Jun 6, 2008
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    These are my priorities, in decreasing order:
    1) versatility - i don't like units that can only do 1 thing, because there are always situations where their skill is useless
    2) powergaming - the game allows for it, and that's why i love it
    3) synergy - ties in with powergaming, for an efficient use of the resources you have
    4) inclusiveness - more classes means fewer item restrictions
    Mati and Stuntman like this.
  4. claudius Gems: 5/31
    Latest gem: Andar


    Jan 10, 2007
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    It's very important to me to have all the skills needed for the party.

    It's important to me to have not all casters so I don't have to micro-manage as much.

    It's important (fun) for me to design different roles and brainstorm each character.


    What has been a successful character in the past I might repeat in the future. For example I think sorcerer's are awesome. I like my bard, but haven't experienced their casting power much other than buffs like ghost armor. If I ran a bard again I would maybe stop at 5th level and then add warrior levels. Or 11th.
  5. Blades of Vanatar

    Blades of Vanatar Vanatar will rise again Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!)

    Nov 20, 2008
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    I believe that is was Marceror here at SP who was using a Half-Orc Bard/Barbarian build that was quite successful. I like using the LoS version of the Ranger as a Bard Mixin.
  6. Darion

    Darion Resident Dissident Veteran BoM XenForo Migration Contributor [2015] (for helping support the migration to new forum software!)

    Feb 6, 2002
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    Choose a party theme. Then:
    Role-Play first. Functionality second.
  7. Paracelsi

    Paracelsi Distinguished Member ★ SPS Account Holder Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!)

    Apr 7, 2011
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    Class synergy (hah! it means a different thing now), convenience, power. The order is irrelevant.

    My most successful party started out as a Human Bard, Human Bard, Human Druid, Drow Rogue/Wizard party, after an idea I got from reading one of the posts here. Over time I added a Swirfneblin Cleric and some random 6th character. I think it was either an Aasimar Paladin/Sorcerer or a third bard.
    I like adding new people over time (and not starting with 6) because of the early game XP advantage. It also just makes more sense for me.

    At the core of the party are the two bards. Tymora's Melody x2 on a full group of 12 = screen is shaking constantly due to the sheer number of criticals being confirmed by the luck bonus. Because several spells scale to your level in IWD2 the bards are also capable of summoning some really nasty creatures with the Shadow Conjuration spell (level 30 summons cornugons/glabrezus). This goes well with their buff/debuff spell selection, with Wail of the Banshee as a kind of wild card nuke I occasionally use to try and clear the field. For the most part I focused on improving everyone's spell DCs, with a few feats dedicated to feats like Greataxe Proficiency/Rapid Reload/Power Attack. Each bard wields a throwing greataxe and does respectable damage on his/her own with Power Attack/Rapid Shot.
    The druid is mostly there for his early game value and for key nukes like Sunscorch and Smashing Wave, while clerics have some of the strongest spells in the game so I had to bring at least one.
    Their overall spell selection/number of spells available to everyone in the group + weapon choice/feats covers power/convenience. Decoys and tanks are unnecessary when everyone has at least 6 summoning spells, each lasting for more than a turn, and at least 2 copies of every buffing/debuffing spell. Class synergy manifests itself in how this party can start a battle completely without the benefit of class spell buffs/debuffs and be fully buffed several seconds later after while keeping each other alive. This is because each character can fulfill any of the required roles for a summoning party - each character has access to powerful buffs/debuffs/summons, defensive spells like Invisibility/Mass Invisibility/Mirror Image (except the druid) to keep enemies busy while other spells are being cast and the bards can even insta-cast Shadow Conjuration if necessary using the Viol/s of Hollow Men.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2014
  8. dogsoldier Gems: 7/31
    Latest gem: Tchazar

    Apr 19, 2009
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    I typically build a party that I could finish the game with and immediately go into HoF and perform fairly well. Therefore they are typically min-maxed, and not particularly clever or unusual.

    Tank: Half-orc Fighter 4/Bbn X. Sometimes this is a dwarf, once or twice gone with a human or aasimar Fighter 4/Pal X in this role. Sometimes throw in a few levels of Ranger, too. Beginning stats look something like 20/15/18/3/12/3. Sometimes dual-wielder, sometimes use two-handed weapons (typically a greataxe in the hands of this character--there are a lot of good axes, especially, in this game, but few good greatswords or pole-arms until pretty late). This guy is extremely important in normal mode. Not particularly important character in HoF mode, however, where monsters deal so much damage so quickly that purely muscle- and armor-based tanks are at a disadvantage.

    Battle-Cleric: Dwarf Fighter 6-8/Cleric X. Have also used half-orcs in this role, probably a human or half-elf too. Often of Tempus. Beginning stats looks something like 18/13/18/3/16/3, with follow-on points going into Wis, Str, and Con. Generally outfitted with a battle-axe & shield, plus the best heavy armors, currently using a dwarf battle-cleric (of Lathander) with bastard-sword and shield. Especially with buffs in HoF mode, this is a good tank.

    'Archer'/battle-cleric: Elf Fighter 4/Ranger 4/Cleric X of Helm, Selune, or Lathander. Stats look something like 14/16/14/3/16/5, with most follow-on pts going into Dex. Uses long-bows with most feats going to maximize the effectiveness of those weapons,* in melee typically a dual-weilder going with something like long-sword & short-sword. Points go into Con and/or Dex, sometimes a couple into Wis to ensure ability to cast high-level spells.

    Healer/back-up battle-cleric: Human Pal 1/Cleric X of Ilmater or Lathander. Stats are something like 14/10/14/3/16/16. (Obviously) her main weapon is typically a greatsword but I generally also try to maximize her effectiveness with a bow (as much as possible, which isn't generally too much). Put points into Wis. The strength of this character lays in healing, buffing, summoning, and also, moving fast and being a decent second-tier fighter-type.

    Back-up caster, trap defuser, scout: Human/elf/drow/half-elf Rog 3/Wizard X. I have gone with Fighter 4/Rogue 4/Wizard X in this role too--which is, generally, a pretty strong character by the time the party is in HoF mode and he's something like Ftr4/Rog4/Wizard16, armored in the chain that has no caster check penalties found at the end of the game (can't remember what it is called, "Drakas' Chain" or something like that), using buffs to offset his weaknesses as well as to maximize his damage-dealing capacity in melee (that is, lots of Gedlee's Electric Loop, Malavon's Rage, Seven-Eyes, Fire Shield, Death Armor, plus the ol' Cat's Grace, Bull's Strength, Mirror Image, etc). [Currently playing a svirfneblin Rogue 3/Illusionist X in this role...not impressed with the character, as the Illusionist spell list is kind of weak and furthermore he's far behind the party in relative power. My first svirfneblin character]. Stats something like 14/18/14/14/3/3, putting points into Int.

    "Talker" & magical bomber: Human (sometimes aasimar, have used tiefling in this role, too) Sorceror X (in HoF sometimes multi-class into Ftr for the hp, save bonuses, and THACO boost). Focus on damage-dealing & area-shaping spells (not just Fireball and Cone of Cold but also Grease and Acid Cloud), plus will take Stoneskin, Improved Haste and Executioner's Eyes as soon as possible (those are the best arcane buffs available, in my mind--and critical to success in HoF mode); as far as feats go, focus on Spell Focus plus Spirit of Flame, Aegis of Rime, etc. Stats typically start out at something like 10/13/14/14/8/18, putting points into Cha.

    * The Light of Selune mod really helps me maximize the effectiveness of these characters. There are really superb bows, ammunition, and archer-type items in that mod, so my "archer-battlecleric" is maximized, plus there are additional armors, shields, and weapons in the mod that aren't present in the basic game. A couple of really good bastard swords, for instance.

    Played a few evil parties, which are fun, say: a drow Wizard-Fighter, a drow Dreadmaster, a drow assassin-type (fighter/ranger/rogue), plus a duergar tank and a half-orc tank, generally throw a human in there to do something else like back-up healer.

    I think my next party is going to be very different. We'll see.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2014
  9. Blades of Vanatar

    Blades of Vanatar Vanatar will rise again Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!)

    Nov 20, 2008
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    Try the Cleric Domains mod for IWD2. Clerics of Corellon get Precise Shot and WF:Long Sword. Plus a nice array of Domain spells. It would be very fitting with your Archer Battle Cleric.

    Many people have stated they have trouble getting the mod to work. It is rather easy. Make sure it is your last mod you will be utilizing(as I have had it not work once adding any mod afterwards.).

    Extract the files to your IWD2 folder.

    Open the cleric-domain config.exe folder, not the cleric-domain.exe folder, then open the file inside with a notepad.

    Once opened, replace one of the current Cleric choices with a new choice. There are five new gods to choose from. Replace Selune(or any other god you want ot replace..) with Corellon_Larethian.

    Save the folder. Hopefully your IWD2 directory is not in your Program files files folder, if it is you need to run as Admin to save it.

    Once saved, double click the cleric-domain.exe file, not the folder to load the mod. (***DO NOT run the cleric-domain config.exe file as you already made the changes with notepad.***).

    Start your game and create a cleric and see what the deity choices are. Corellon should be showing...
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2014
  10. Tharlok Gems: 5/31
    Latest gem: Andar


    Jan 6, 2010
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    Since I just play on "Normal Mode" and never go to HoF, my choices are probably somewhat limited. However - it is enough for me and it's how I enjoy my game. I see myself as a somewhat decent player - maybe even good - but that is as far as I wanna go. I still love this game and have played it on numerous occasions (and actually finished it on a recordbreaking three times...) For me there are a few things that is really important:

    1) Team composition - I have to like EACH member of my six man/woman team or else I will restart.
    2) It has to be fun!
    3) Some sort of story has to be there (see my all drowparty for a better understanding of my playingstyle).

    However - I will admit that I'm somewhat in favor of certain classes and tend to play them each time - with races as the changing factor. I usally have:

    1 tank (warriortype of some kind...) - Orc barbarian/Dwarf barbarian or something like that. It's not optimal but for me - I need someone who can charge the enemy, last long and beat Battlesquares!
    2 clerics - it's just important to be able to buff, heal and summon hordes of undead...
    1 arcane caster - used to be a sorcerer but in my latest games - I tend to favor the Wizard. And usually an enchanter! I don't need Magic Missiles and Fireballs (there are potions which can do the job) and I really like the versatility.
    1 bard - fun, good and one af my favorite classes regardless of which game I'm playing.
    The last spot is the one that keeps changing - druid, another cleric, F (4)/R (x)...

    I realize that this isn't exactly powergaming but it is what I enjoy playing and what keeps me coming back for another game.
    Stuntman likes this.
  11. Stuntman Gems: 5/31
    Latest gem: Andar


    May 22, 2008
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    For me, ease of using my party through the game is one of my design motive. I've only played normal mode, so for the most part I can get away with just using weapons for most of the battles. Occasionally, I would fire off some spells.

    My first group had 3 melee characters and 3 ranged characters. Melee characters tend to get in each other's way, so I only had 3. I had a paladin, barbarian and cleric as my melee character. My rogue, wizard and sorcerer were my ranged characters.

    I'm going through the game the second time now. This time, I'm more experimenting with characters with LA. This time, I'm going with 4 melee characters, 2 with reach. The other two are ranged. My front line are my aasimar paladin and deep gnome monk. Second rank are half-orc barbarian/fighter and duergar cleric with reach weapons. Back line are tiefling rogue/wizard and wild elf sorcerer. I also chose these races to have 6 different races. Diversity is also something I decided to go for with this party as I was trying different options.

    I wanted a monk to get through the monastary area where you have to solo certain quests. This second party, I decided to have a deep gnome Ranger 1/Monk X. I'm experimenting with a high AC character to draw most of the attacks. Ranger 1 for the Weapon Finesse feat at level 1 and be able to dual wield short blades for most of the game. I have to deal with the -20% XP penalty, but I figured this will help the rest of the party level a little faster.
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