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Greece goes insane

Discussion in 'Alley of Dangerous Angles' started by ArtEChoke, Sep 4, 2002.

  1. Earl Grey

    Earl Grey Mmm... hot tea! Veteran

    Oct 26, 2000
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    [​IMG] I think probably every poster here on SP lives in a country that censors you. The Greek case has just taken it to extremes. If you think the Greek law is stupid, now is a good time to compare to our own laws. Where do you draw the line?
    - In Germany there are laws which are very prohibitive about war depiction in games (can any of you germans, confirm or add to that?).
    - We had a discussion recently about how restrictions on what you can kill in a fantasy role playing game are being imposed.

    Someone mentioned privacy.
    You have no right to privacy wherever you live. For example every country has laws which restrict which two people are allowed to love another and in most cases how they may make love.

    For some of you, probably the majority, since the laws are still around, this is just fine. :rolleyes:
  2. Sirdan Gems: 7/31
    Latest gem: Tchazar

    Apr 11, 2002
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    [​IMG] I read that law on last week's newspaper. This law doesn't allow the use of coin-ups, PC-games, consoles Internet cafe's etc. etc.

    You have to understand the reason of creating a law like that. Months ago a big scandal, with politicians from the goverment into it, was revealed. It had to do, with coin-ups, that could be changed to gambling games with a simple button.

    After that the goverment had to do something to change its public icon. For that reason, they made a law, that is not functional. That's how things work here... The politicians just don't care about the country. They do what they do just for their public icons. To bring another example, we are the only country in E.U. where diesel cars aren't allowed.

    If you want my opinion, noone will give any attention to a law like that. The only thing I hate is that things like that make our country (and us) sound like an idiots (we are not, at least not all of us.)

    I think that if i came to England (or U.S.) and took some photos of a military airport there, I would receive the same reaction from the English goverment. Sure we ARE a f*cked up country, but not as f*cked up as you think :rolleyes:
  3. Z-Layrex Gems: 21/31
    Latest gem: Pearl

    Jan 22, 2002
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    @Earl Grey, no i will not apologize and i have no intention of making people like me, i don't really care about what people i've never met think about me.

    @Damona, i see your point but i meant without reason.

    @BOC, I know many government that dosn't suck. I personally think the US government, is VERY inteligent overall, it's just Bush i don't like. Almost every other person i see seems to be doing a fine job. I don't think Britians goverment sucks either. True we have had agricultural problems, but the country has been doing alot better overall with New Labour.
    I have just noticed that the general feeling from people is that Greece puts tourists before it's citizens.
    And you just understand, that because i think a country is fu**ed up, it dosn't mean i hate it. I absoloutley loved Corfu and thought it was a lovely place (in some parts). It's the government that's all wrong, nothing wrong with the people, by what i've seen of them. YOu have the best waiters in the world, that's for sure.

    [ September 05, 2002, 22:35: Message edited by: Z-Layrex ]
  4. Thanos Gems: 5/31
    Latest gem: Andar

    Oct 1, 2000
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    Bush government? Don't get me started on that one. Sometimes it looks like Powell is the only person in the administration with his brains intact. I would say that this is a government that DEFINATELY sucks. I mean, what have they done, successfully, in the past 2 years? Only bombing afghanistan, and the aftermath wasn't as successful either (they still have troops there, right?)

    British government? I can't really say since I don't live there, but I read the Independent every day and it doesn't seem that it's as great as you make i sound.

    BTW, the 'waiters' comment can be insultive. I hope you didn't mean it that way.

  5. Z-Layrex Gems: 21/31
    Latest gem: Pearl

    Jan 22, 2002
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    Oh jesus, waiters, yeah i see. No please don't get me wrong on that comment. I meant at the hotel restaurant, they had the best waiters i've ever seen. No insult whatsoever intended.

    [ September 05, 2002, 22:36: Message edited by: Z-Layrex ]
  6. BOC

    BOC Let the wild run free Veteran

    Sep 4, 2002
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    Are you serious? American goverment does not suck? A goverment, which bombs innocent civilians and then says "oops, sorry wrong target" does not suck? A goverment who bombs cities and farms with uranium does not suck? A goverment, which is ready to start a war for oil and for testing new weapons (and all these under a hypocritical humanistic cloak) does not suck? Sorry, but in my opinion not only it sucks but it sucks very bad. As for the British goverment, I have lived in England for one year, I have had four English flatmates and all of them believed that their goverment sucks (no one of them was a supporter of the conservatives).Also, have you watched George Michael's "Shoot the dog" video? The song is awful but the video is fantastic and it shows what really the British gaverment is.
  7. Earl Grey

    Earl Grey Mmm... hot tea! Veteran

    Oct 26, 2000
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    [​IMG] @Z-Layrex
    You sir, are a rude person and you broke the forum rules in more ways than one with that short statement. I think you owe an apology.

    [ September 06, 2002, 01:51: Message edited by: Earl Grey ]
  8. Z-Layrex Gems: 21/31
    Latest gem: Pearl

    Jan 22, 2002
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    BOC, we're not conservative anymore, we're New Labour.

    Earl Grey, i'm stil not apologizing, he was still rude in the first place.
  9. Aikanaro Gems: 31/31
    Latest gem: Rogue Stone

    Sep 14, 2001
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    Oh, here we go, an argument with everyone against Z. Anyway, you have good points, but as none of them realy have anything to do with the topic on hand, I'm going for Z. The thing about 'children' been to stupid to have an opinion has realy pissed me off.

    To the topic. What a F*cked up law. You poor Greek people. Revolt against the government I say, seek to bring them down!
  10. Z-Layrex Gems: 21/31
    Latest gem: Pearl

    Jan 22, 2002
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    Finally, someone who hasn't just flamed me. BOC, i have no wish to argue with you, so i'm gonna shut my big mouth now, ok?
  11. Shadowhunter Gems: 6/31
    Latest gem: Jasper

    Aug 15, 2002
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    [​IMG] Something is REALLY F***ED here.

    See, there you go BOC with your bashing against Z; you Z against BOC; everyone gets pissed off and everyone suddenly forgets that HERE we are all FRIENDS (at least before we actually meet face to face).

    I mean USE YOUR BRAIN and NOT YOUR STUPID NATIONALISTIC OR PERSONAL PRIDE. We're bashing stupids, not ourselves.

    What's wrong with you: A kid can't think?, Being utterly rude without a reason? Defending a government that would surely put you in front of the firing squad for no other reason that being an annoyance? And I mean every goddamned government on this planet will certainly kill anyone they think is a nuisance.

    The point is that we're acting just like the idiots we're supposed to hate. We're all mad but facing each other here is not the solution. In fact, it shows how you people can be so much like you're telling the world you're not and it shows you how quickly you forget to be civilized before being a**holes.
  12. AMaster Gems: 26/31
    Latest gem: Diamond

    Jul 26, 2000
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    BOC, BOC, BOC. You get upset at Z because he insults your country. Then you turn around and insult America. And Britain. Doesn't that seem just a little hypocritical to you?

    to use your words about Greece to describe America:

    "sure it is not the prefect country, it does mistakes...Read a history book and then talk"

    take your own advice

    Oh, yes, I'm 17, so you can feel free to discount my views based on my age.
  13. Aikanaro Gems: 31/31
    Latest gem: Rogue Stone

    Sep 14, 2001
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    And so chaos ensures once again. Ah well, its interesting to see people flaming everyone else.

    BTW: 'Children' are usually those 12 and under. 13 to 17 are generally called 'teenagers' and may possibly have half a brain in their heads.
  14. deBhaal Gems: 11/31
    Latest gem: Bloodstone

    Oct 15, 2001
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    zak, yes children are generally 12 and under, but you also have to take the context of everything he said, he didnt just say that children dont have the right to have the metal capisity to base an opinion on something like this. But he also said that only a mature adult does have the metal capisity, and ability to have and state an opinon on this.
  15. Blackthorne TA

    Blackthorne TA Master in his Own Mind Staff Member ★ SPS Account Holder Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) New Server Contributor [2012] (for helping Sorcerer's Place lease a new, more powerful server!) Torment: Tides of Numenera SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!)

    Oct 19, 2000
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    *sigh* Stick to the topic people...
  16. BOC

    BOC Let the wild run free Veteran

    Sep 4, 2002
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    When did i say that a child or a teenager has not the right or the mental capacity to express an opinion? All that i have said is that a teenager/child has not the knowledge and the experience of an adult upon some matters. Who do you think is more capable of expressing a right opinion about world politics for example? You or your father? I am 28 years old and when I look back to the period of my childhood, I see how my opinion has changed about many things. When I was 16 years old I was a football hooligan and I just wanted to hurt the fans of other football teams and in then it seemed right to me. Now I consider this as one of the most stupid things I have ever done. To end this misunderstanding, just wait to grow upand then you see how the experience and the knowledge gained with the passing of years will make you to change your mind about lot of things.
    I have not insulted countries but goverments.I did not say about american or british people but about their goverments.Did I say something about the american goverment that was not a fact? Is the british goverment the only european goverment that follows US goverment to whatever they do?

    I am proud of my country but not in the way you mean it. This does not make me less open minded or unable to see some things. It would be about stupid nationalist pride if Z-Layrex had writen that UK is better country than Greece and then I would have answered that Greece is better country than UK.
  17. Z-Layrex Gems: 21/31
    Latest gem: Pearl

    Jan 22, 2002
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    BOC, i never insulted Greece either. I meant it's government too. The actual Greek people seemed lovely when i went.
  18. Shadowhunter Gems: 6/31
    Latest gem: Jasper

    Aug 15, 2002
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    [​IMG] See... We have a common a**hole to bash! Long and painful death to politicians!

    Glad you could recover your senses... and realized who the a**hole really is!

    I TRULLY expect to see more government bashing instead of bashing amongst ourselves... It would be a shame if Tal had you banned... or I your butts kicked (literally)... I really like to see you have some brains; unlike the politicians we're supposed to attack.



    And if any politician read this... a BIG F**K YOU! TO ANY AND EVERY ONE OF YOU!

    You're the worst scum of the human race... You strive for nothing but power, you lie to get it and murder to maintain it, you would sell your own mother as dog-food if that would bring you votes, people's confidence or more money or power. And on top of this you have the nerves to show your puny little faces in public speaking as if you were the next Mesias... You know no shame, piety or decency; you're treacherous, decievious and devious!

    And DON'T tell me I'm wrong... You and I know that this is the way you build your stinking riches and your nefarious corruption networks... All you love is money and the power the public service brings you!

    I SINCERELLY hope you get what you desreve at the hand of the criminals you pamper so much as aides, advisors and bodyguards!

    And know this you little m*th*rf*ck*rs!:

    Your little riches and conspiracies will get you no forgiveness or salvation in the end!

    You're the Devil himself incarnated!

    You deserve no more than eternal damnation!

    [EDIT] You have costed mankind as much as the Apocalipsis and have sent to their deaths many more in stupid wars!... You and you alone costed the lifes of so many people and friends I personally knew!... I have even my own life at stake thanks to your ambitions in my former jobs!... Even the car accident I was involved was linked to you!

    Don't worry... I don't flame people; in fact I'm quite personnable when you meet me one on one and I believe one can't have too many friends... But politicians... they owe me friends and many more... [EDIT]

    [ September 08, 2002, 09:51: Message edited by: Shadowhunter ]
  19. AMaster Gems: 26/31
    Latest gem: Diamond

    Jul 26, 2000
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    *smacks self* BOC, sorry, I overreacted. Whenever I see someone saying kids are incapable of thought, I get annoyed, and I took your comments to Z to mean just that, and made an ass of myself. Sorry

    though your criticisms of the US still don't work for me-but that's for another topic. I'll leave it at that
  20. Morgoth

    Morgoth La lune ne garde aucune rancune Veteran

    Jul 21, 2002
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    Shadowhunter is right about some things but not all politicians are scum of the earth.
    Saying that is the same thing as saying that all Germans were nazis and all Afganistans were Taliban.

    Most politicians are corrupt and deserve to be lynched, tortured, etc (live your sick imagination :D ) but not all.

    What would a world be without politicians: complete anarchy, just remember that
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