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Favourite party compositions, races, class and kit for IWD-2, Part-2

Discussion in 'Icewind Dale 2' started by Ragusa, Aug 7, 2002.

  1. Rolsuk Fryulee Gems: 13/31
    Latest gem: Ziose

    Apr 12, 2002
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    Well heres my first one, I might edit it (although I've started playing):

    Borax Ironhammer-chaotic good, male, Gold dwarf, Fighter/Barbarian.
    Neesuk Irliarn- chaotic good, male, Ghostwise halfling, Barbarian
    Rolsuk Fryulee- chaotic good, male, Strongheart halfling, Rouge/Bard ;)
    Limi'nay Ti'ar- chaotic good, male, Moon elf, Sorcerer
    Elisian Eliana- Neutral good, female, Wildelf, Druid
    And a half-elf monk(forgot his name :rolleyes: ) chaotic good, male, Half-elf, Monk

    This company is pretty good, but the monk isn't that good (yet).
  2. Sir Belisarius

    Sir Belisarius Viconia's Boy Toy Distinguished Member ★ SPS Account Holder

    Jul 7, 2000
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    [​IMG] Here's my party:

    Belisarius - Male Human Paladin (currently Lvl 6)

    Balin ThunderAxe - Male Gold Dwarf Fighter (6)

    Bronwyn - Female Human Ranger (3) / Fighter (3)

    Eowyn Elfhelm - Female Half-Elf Battleguard of Tempus (6)

    Nimbul Alewine - Male Strongheart Halfling Rogue (6)

    Circe Anthalas - Female Moon Elf Conjurer (6)

    So far they've been a pretty strong party. Nimbul is easily my favorite dual wielding Sorrow's Tear (dagger) and the Thy-Dunag Blade (kind of a stiletto-looking short sword)...His sneak attack is deadly!

    I'm beginning to enjoy playing a rogue more than a paladin these days! ;)
  3. Orkrist the Cleaver Gems: 13/31
    Latest gem: Ziose

    Jan 31, 2001
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    For my first run, I have the following:

    A Shield dwarf Cleric of Selune.

    A Human Ranger/Cleric.

    A Human Bard

    A Human Paladin

    A Human Fighter (should have done Barbarian)

    A half-elf Rogue/Wizard.

    So far, things have been good but I'm in the Goblin fort and I wish I had more spell casting power.
  4. deBhaal Gems: 11/31
    Latest gem: Bloodstone

    Oct 15, 2001
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    My party

    Shield Dwarf - Fighter(5)
    Human - Pally of Helm(4)/Fighter(1)
    Human - Cleric of Lathander(5)
    Elf - Ranger(4)/Wiz(1) [damn poor planning!!, I need to raise her Int ... :mad: ]
    Strongheart hlafling - Rogue(4)/fighter(1)
    Aasimar - Sorcerer(4)

    Not doing too bad with them, getting my ass handed to me in the begining of the Fort though ....
  5. newfiesailor Gems: 1/31
    Latest gem: Turquoise


    Sep 9, 2002
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    Here's my combo

    Paladin/Fighter Aasimar(Fighter until level seven to collect rewards in town with high charisma)
    Half Orc Fighter(not Barbarian)
    Elven Ranger(max your dexterity)
    Shield Dwarven Cleric of Helm
    Ghostwise halfling rogue/barbarian
    Tiefling Necromancer(may want to add some fighter class levels)

    Worked for me
  6. Lord Arion IronCross Gems: 1/31
    Latest gem: Turquoise

    Sep 11, 2002
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    I'm currently in the middle of my first game with my second party and this one's a keeper.

    Leader/Tank: Human Paladin 5 / Cleric 5

    Sniper/Guard: Human Ranger 5 / Druid 5

    Commando: Shield Dwarf Barbarian 5 / Rogue 5

    Medic/Morale: Wood Elf Bard 5 / Cleric 5

    Hvy Wpns: 2 Moon Elf Monk 5 / Sorceror 5

    I've been able to advance pretty rapidly with this "Tactical Assault Team" (er..oops! I mean "Adventuring Company") in levels because I discharged my original party of Aasimars, Teiflings, Svirfneblins, and Drow because of gross insubordination (not to mention high ECL's!). Do yourself a favor, keep most of your A.I. scripts on "Anti-Caster" with your Medic on "Guardian" and your Commando on assasination missions against High-Threat targets like spellcasters and leaders, in that order. As for your Heavy Support Unit(s), Keep them at range with spells or missle weapons. Anything stupid enough to close melee with them won't survive long against their Hand-to-Hand combat attacks! Your Tank should be the most heavily armed and armored for absorbing the attentions of your adversaries and your dual-weapon Sniper makes an ideal bodyguard to watch their immediate back.

    Anyway, I'm sure you've read some of this before, but redundancy is a word never lost on the military so if it works for them, it should for anybody.

    As for a party name; I'm partial to "Rainbow-Six". Hmmm... I wonder if that's been taken...

    [ September 12, 2002, 19:09: Message edited by: Lord Arion Ironcross ]
  7. Christian Gems: 7/31
    Latest gem: Tchazar

    Apr 17, 2001
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    [​IMG] My party is

    1 fighter
    1 monk / rogue
    1 cleric (lathander)

    worked fine so far :)
  8. Mathetais Gems: 28/31
    Latest gem: Star Sapphire

    Apr 5, 2001
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    I finally have it loaded and got a chance to play it awhile ... here is my first level party, with projections of some multiclassing ...

    Leader: Aria, an Aasimar Paladin. Sword & shield fighter with skills in diplomacy.

    Tank: Fenor, a human Fighter (might take some barbarian levels). Right now using a great axe with power attack and cleave, he'll be my main tank.

    Healer: Namiura, a drow female cleric of the Stormlord (Loth wasn't an option)

    Rouge: (I forgot her name) Thiefling rouge. She'll probably take some levels in Bard. She'll probably keep with her bow until the front three are well engaged, then help with any big thugs by slipping in for a few sneak attacks.

    Druid: (what's his name?) I love IWD druids, their spells rock. I'll probably give this human a ranger level so he can fight a bit more effectively (can you dual weild shelelighs?)a

    Sorceress: Acacia, a wild elf sorceress who plans to use her long bow and spells from the back. Her goal in life is to never get with in melee range of a goblinoid.
  9. griffin1987 Gems: 4/31
    Latest gem: Sunstone

    Apr 29, 2002
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    i see some of you used Hector for your fighters names...did you get that from hammerfall? ;)
  10. big metal nerd Gems: 1/31
    Latest gem: Turquoise

    Aug 30, 2002
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    i really dont get your taste in picking a party, but hey everybody has different tastes, i got the game about a week ago, and im impressed to see how mutch dungeons&dragons has improved since BG1 and after playing with one party till chapter two i realized that picking a perfect party with every class you need does not pay(eg. fighter, thief, mage, cleric) so i tried something different:
    Gray Dwarf-Fighter all the way(concentrate on two weapon fighting, no charisma, chaostic evil, male)
    Gray Dwarf-Fighter all the way(concentrate on two weapon fighting, no charisma, chaostic evil, male)
    Gray Dwarf-Fighter all the way(concentrate on two weapon fighting, no charisma, chaostic evil, male)
    Drow-Druid all the way(male, chaostic evil)
    Drow-Dreadmaster of Bane all the way(female, neutral evil)
    Drow-Sorcerer all the way(male, chaostic evil, the one who has the highes charisma, diplomatcy and etc..)
  11. Ragusa

    Ragusa Eternal Halfling Paladin Veteran

    Nov 26, 2000
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    [​IMG] After making a few mistakes and sub-optimal choices, this is the party I'll gonna play through IWD-2 for the first time ;)

    My final party for my first way through IWD-2:
    • Lord Belmen, aasimar paladin of Helm, focusing in l'swords and b'swords and flails - melee only char
    • Alobar Steelfist, gold dwarf Battleguard of Tempus, focusing in Axes and hammers, ranged weapon of choice is the heavy crossbow
    • Orkan Stormwind, half orc barbarian-fighter using greatswords, spears and longbows - probably the most powerful melee char in my party
    • Milla Cloverleaf, Strongheart halfling monk-rogue of the Old Order, fighting unarmed or using sling and darts, later maybe daggers too
    • Gnosper Gnorkel, deep gnome illusionist-barbarian - odd combo but fun to play - he's using staff, dagger and a light crossbow
    • Barbarella, human bard-fighter using shortswords and longbow - she is my parties frontface for all those occasions where my pally is too honourable ;)
    Till now this party is great fun to play, only the xp penalty for the aasimar and the deep gnome really hurt, on the other hand the innate advantages do indeed pay off .... oh well ...
  12. Faragon Gems: 25/31
    Latest gem: Moonbar


    Oct 15, 2001
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    Okay, so I finally have a copy of IWD2.

    My party:

    Faragon, Aasimar, Paladin of Ilmater. (MC to Cleric, has the conversational skills, so party leader)
    Galveron, Tiefling, Paladin of Mystra. (MC to Wizard)
    Maelloth, Tiefling, Paladin of Mystra. (MC to Wizard)
    Allanna, Moon Elf, Ranger. (Archery and Hide in Shadows recon)
    Drathes, Moon Elf, Ranger. (Archery and Lockpicking)
    O'Lahr, Shield Dwarf, Battleguard of Tempus. (Axes Galore :) )
  13. neemo Gems: 1/31
    Latest gem: Turquoise

    Sep 10, 2002
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    the party i use now is

  14. {LDU}stealth Gems: 2/31
    Latest gem: Fire Agate

    Sep 14, 2002
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    My Party-

    ...Leader half-orc Barb
    ...Palidan half-orc
    ...Ranger half-orc
    ... cleric can't remember race (one of the human ones)
    ...Rouge half-elf
    ...last Wizard (for the race same as the cleric)
  15. TheNovak Gems: 5/31
    Latest gem: Andar

    Aug 26, 2002
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    Here's the party I've started with:

    Sir Eric Brightblade -- LG Aasimar Paladin of Ilmater (going to keep him "pure", since I'm a big fan of healing spells and want him to get as many as possible. On an IC note, he has 18 Constitution, and tries to soak up as much damage as possible so his comrades won't be hurt :D )

    Grigor -- CG Half-Orc Barbarian (might take four levels in Fighter for the axe mastery, but dunno. He has a decent Wisdom, and I may take a couple levels of Cleric. See above :p )

    Rashala Goldforge -- LG Dwarf Cleric of Helm (most likely going to keep her single-classed, and specialized in a few different weapons)

    Li'anne -- NG Half-Elf Ranger (right now, she's all about bows, and has been keeping my sorceror company in the back row. She'll probably stay a ranger through the whole game, too)

    Maz'niflan -- LG Drow Sorceror (he's the spokesman for the party, with 18 Charisma. Up close he gets slaughtered -- duh, he's a mage -- but he's pretty decent with a crossbow, even with the drow's sun blindness. Question: does anyone know if Blind Fighting cancels Sun Blindness?)

    Rinald -- LE Halfling Thief (Basically, he's my excuse for breaking into houses and stealing stuff :D IC, he considers everyone else in the party insane, but sticks around because they're good at drawing fire. He's actually a close combat guy, with dual-wielding. I'm thinking of making him a Wizard (he has 15 intelligence, soon to be 16), though that may mean one less front-row fighter. I dunno. He's cool, though :D )

    Eh...I went into that much detail, and likely no one cares. Ah well.
  16. looserboy Gems: 2/31
    Latest gem: Fire Agate

    Sep 15, 2002
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    My party is

    Moon Elf Ranger
    Drow Sorcerer
    Aasimar Palidin
    Lightfoot Halfling Rogue
    Aasimar Cleric
    human Druid
    I figured i wouldn't have a fighter because I have a pally and a ranger. In 2nd rules, fighters were much worse than pallys and rangers. I think this time the fighter might be better though, but Ill just try this way.
  17. Shura Gems: 25/31
    Latest gem: Moonbar

    Aug 9, 2000
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    LG drow?
    Drow are supposed to be evil, dammit, evil!!!

    Originality is very rare these days...coughDrizztcough


    My party:
    Arkados Blackmire, Lawful evil male human sorcerer. Going to put a few fighter levels in later. Party leader with 18 charisma.

    Ander Lolias, Chaotic evil male human Barbarian using axes.

    Katherine Blackmire, Chaotic evil female human Ranger/Rouge using weapon finesse with short swords.

    Kalvairn Levensrau, Neutral evil male drow wizard

    Shura, Neutral male human with 1 level in ranger and the rest in fighter. Scout and melee,

    Serenia, Lawful Neutral female aasimar cleric.
  18. Harkle Gems: 16/31
    Latest gem: Shandon

    Aug 11, 2002
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    My first IWD2 party will be:

    Leader: Aasimar Paladin, LG. Weapons: Bastard/longsword

    Tank: Shield Dwarf Fighter, LN. Weapons: axe, warhammer, heavy crossbow

    Healer: Human or Half-Elf Cleric of Lathander(?), NG. Weapons: mace, flail, morningstar, light crossbow

    Assassin: Lightfoot Halfling Rogue/Ranger, NE. Weapons: short sword, short bow. Favored enemy: Humans :evil:

    Archer: Wild Elf Sorcerer/Fighter, CN. Weapons: Scimitar, rapier, composite long bow.

    Mage: Human Wizard, LE. Weapons: Quarterstaff, Dagger, Sling.

    Still over 20 days until I get IWD2 :( (it comes to Finland October 11)

    [ September 19, 2002, 13:53: Message edited by: Harkle ]
  19. Big B Gems: 27/31
    Latest gem: Emerald

    Feb 22, 2001
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    [​IMG] Well here's my IWD II debut party and I'm determined not to restart. I want to beat the game with this group first. (Haven't thought of a corny/catchy party "name" yet):

    Karak Oakwood, *THE* Ranger/Druid, oh yeah baby look out IWD II. Half-Elf nature lovin' son uva gun.

    Eve Stillwater, beautiful elven Silverstar of Selune/Ranger. Did I mention she was beautiful? :grin:

    Lady Norah Rosehart, honorable strongheart halfling Paladin of Helm. Don't judge her by her size.

    Joshua Stoutworth, brave strongheart halfing Cleric of Lathander/Fighter. A kind, but showing no mercy towards evil, kind of fellow.

    Kyp Miventoe, smooth-talking, mischief-making strongheart halfing Bard. He's out to make Kyp Miventoe a household name, at least in his house.

    Natalia Capustina, mysterious human Monk of the Old Order/Rogue. She seeks justice though and awes the group with her subtle, yet impressive channeling of ki. Like any woman, don't make her mad :p .
  20. Beren

    Beren Lovesick and Lonely Wanderer Staff Member Distinguished Member ★ SPS Account Holder Resourceful Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) New Server Contributor [2012] (for helping Sorcerer's Place lease a new, more powerful server!) Torment: Tides of Numenera SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!)

    Jun 5, 2002
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    Much like 2ed, the 3ed rules 'seem' to encourage a mix of single and multi-class characters together. A brief description of my party and how I develop them.

    1st - Aasimar Paladin of Helm, picks up a few fighter levels for the extra feats.
    2nd - Gold Dwarf Morning Lord of Lathander. Only skill he really needs is Concentration. So I poach intelligence and turn him into a powerful cleric who can also bash away on the front lines.
    3rd - Human Monk, party scout, All ability bonuses gets poured into Wisdom. This simultaneously improves his A.C. and the DC class of his Stun power.
    4th - Drow Ranger/Wizard. Somehow I just can't resist a fighting character who can also layer himself with defensive spells (e.g. mirror image). The 2 level penalty will be overcome by a tome found in the Black Raven Monastery. Short Sword of Brilliance +5 (bypasses armor and shield bonuses) combined with Expertise Feat is an awesome combination. Somewhere down the line there will be a Chain of Drakkas just for him.
    5th - Half Elf. 1st level rogue. Every level after that, Druid. When you get down to it, I really only want one character in leather armor. This becomes almost a two for one deal. The only crucial Rogue ability is disarming traps. My remaining skill points I alternate back and forth between concentration and Open Locks. Shapeshifting, Druidic spells, and a few 'rogue' feats adds up to a character with a wide array of effective combat methods.
    6th - Human Wizard. Intelligence 18 from the word go. Every ability bonus point added onto Intelligence. Combine this with Spell Penetration and Spell Focus feats, and you have someone who can do pretty much what he wants to pretty much anything.
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