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Folko Brandyback & Friends (SoA)

Discussion in 'Creativity Surge' started by Modjahed, Sep 12, 2001.

  1. Modjahed Gems: 14/31
    Latest gem: Chrysoberyl

    Jul 30, 2000
    Likes Received:
    Thanks for the support guys.

    KJ: You seem to forget that Folko's party consists of a Fighter, Berserker and Fighter/Thief. Thus, no skeletons or Wizard Eye either.

    I know that in SoA Beholders targeted the summons with melee attacks, and up to now I have Spider Figurine and Iron Horn of Valhalla, but I have ToB installed, and the two summons are dead in seconds.

    P.S. After I beat JA2 for the ..th time, I might finish up my solo MC/RC or think of some other roleplaying party.

    I have read quite a few good books, so I already have another idea :heh: :idea:

    *shhh...* Nobody has to know... It might be a Stalker (Male) + Specialist Mage (Female) + Bard (Male) + Archer (Female) + Evil Fighter (Male). All humans, except the Archer - Elf. The only problem is healing, so I am not decided yet. :hmm:
  2. Kailynne Johanne Gems: 10/31
    Latest gem: Zircon

    Jul 28, 2001
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    Modjahed - At least two staves (staff plural) are available for use to your party....the Staff of Earth +2, from a merchant in the Underdark, and the Staff of Fire +2, form a Demon in the Planar Sphere (outerworld) would have proveided summoned creatures.

    I know you didn't like summoning creatures, however, these were possibilities that might have been explored. Remember, in reading the story, most of us are not totally aware of what any PC/NPC is carrying at any particular moment in his inventory.

    Also, remember that my comments were not a criticism...just comments.

    As I said, I enjoyed the story you wrote.
  3. Modjahed Gems: 14/31
    Latest gem: Chrysoberyl

    Jul 30, 2000
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    :1eye: You know, KJ, I have studied English since I was 7 years old (it makes 17 years now), I have spent a year in the US and graduated from an American High School with a High Honors Diploma.

    Wolf - wolves,
    mouse - mice, - I know the stuff. :square: :holy:
  4. Big B Gems: 27/31
    Latest gem: Emerald

    Feb 22, 2001
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    And English will always through you curveballs :grin:

    Fox and Foxes. Sure.
    Ox and Oxes? Nope. Oxen.

    Goose and Gooses? Nope. Geese.

    Deer and Deers? Nope. Just Deer.

    :p Fun stuff :p

    Since it's hard to wait on people to reply before typing the next installment, I think I'll write my Bard's tale in Word and send it to Tal to put on the site under the Fantasy Stories Section.
  5. Kailynne Johanne Gems: 10/31
    Latest gem: Zircon

    Jul 28, 2001
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    Well Mo, I am a native English speaker myself, so theoretically I have been "studying"/using this language for 40+ years... Yet, I only recently learned that the plural of staff was staves. So, if you took insult, please rest assured that none was intended.... I figured others might be like myself.
  6. Nobleman Gems: 27/31
    Latest gem: Emerald

    May 8, 2001
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    [​IMG] Its cool to share wisdom. I don't think anyone gets offended by that Kailynne. But better save than sorry. So I hope Modjahed will share the story of Folko with us soon. :)
  7. Mr.Clean Gems: 1/31
    Latest gem: Turquoise

    Jan 22, 2002
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    awsome so far keep it up
  8. Modjahed Gems: 14/31
    Latest gem: Chrysoberyl

    Jul 30, 2000
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    Mr.Clean, you're one lucky man. I thought for a long time of continuing this story, and now I have found the time and willingess to do so.


    Day 12

    ... before entering the graveyard we stopped by the Promenade. While the dwarves were drinking thier beer, I went to see Ribald – I wanted to buy a couple of scrolls that I saw in his inventory the other day...

    ... despite the fact that we arrived to Athkatla yesterday, we dared not go to the cemetery in the evening, so it was an early 7 o’clock in the morning when we entered a Graveyard district. We had quite an exploration to do, killing a skeleton warrior here and there and helping some poor folks. Thorin was about to lose his temper when we finally found a stair down into the large crypt...

    ... we found a mage and a huge golem right where Aran told us, and we entered the vampires lair. We each read a protection scroll upon ourselves, so we were pretty confident. Those scrolls definitely helped us against the vampires, but those half visible spectral warriors were able to see and attack us anyway. Nevertheless it was not a very hard battle, and soon the level was clear. Only one thing remained – it was an image (or some kind of a vision) hanging in the air in the middle of the room – when we looked closer we recognised Lassal. “Haven’t we killed this bastard?”, Thorin grumbled. Then he saw the stakes tied to my belt and grinned: “Ahhh, now we will put them to rest for sure!”. We descended the stairway and killed some more undead. However there weas no sign of Bodhi. Suddenly something like a quiet wind blew in my face, and I understood that our protection from undead has ended. When we came upstairs, the vision of Lassal addressed us...

    ... with delight Thorin shoved the stake into Lassal’s body. He was drained, restored, and now he was plain tired. As soon as the vampire’s spirit disappeared, Bodhi showed her ugly face...

    ... we were standing in front of Aran and I could barely hold off the dwarves. “What do you mean we cannot set sail?”, I asked. “Western storms are now ravaging in the bay. You were a bit late – the last ship passed to Brynnlaw four days ago. You will have to wait until the weather calms down. No sane person would take you there now.” So ended our conversation with Aran. We needed to decide what to do now, so we headed to the Sea Bounty to discuss our plans...

    ... we still had quite a number of things to do: the bridge and its skinner, the windspear quest. Then Strori remembered Nalia’s proposal – and we decided to help her run the keep as long as we were in town, so that’s where we headed in the morning...

    Day 13

    ... One cannot express Nalia’s joy when we appeared at the front door of the Keep. After an enormous dinner, during which we discussed all the necessary details, we came to the following: we cannot stay in the Keep all the time, because we also have other obligations. Thorin wanted to talk to Cromwell and maybe work together with him, Strori suddenly told us that he was not only a locksmith but also an engraver, and that he has been offered a job at the Promenade, and I, finally, has been long asked by Samuel Thunderburp (proprietor of The Five Flagons) to take a position of a cook there. We then decided to rent a room in Five Flagons, and live there. An errand boy should run see us if something of importance comes up in the Keep...

    Day 14

    ... we headed to the Government District to register in the city, because we were about to become not merely passing-by adventurers, but residents and *sigh* taxpayers...

    ... we were not so stupid as to give a promise to do something without knowing the matter, so we politely told Tolgerias to leave us alone...

    ... we put our pipes away, tapped Jan on his shoulder, wished him and Viconia luck and headed each their own way...

    ... in the evening, when we were sitting in our room at Flagons, Thorin said: “I’ve been at the Cromwell’s, and we agreed to work together. By the way, he saw that Mace we got from the vampires’ lair and said he could upgrade it with illithium. Now what is left is to find this metal”...

    --- more to follow ---

    If someone would please reply to the thread so I'll not have to edit it all the time or double post

    [This message has been edited by Modjahed (edited February 06, 2002).]
  9. Taluntain

    Taluntain Resident Alpha and Omega Staff Member ★ SPS Account Holder Resourceful Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) New Server Contributor [2012] (for helping Sorcerer's Place lease a new, more powerful server!) Torment: Tides of Numenera SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) BoM XenForo Migration Contributor [2015] (for helping support the migration to new forum software!)

    Jun 11, 2000
    Likes Received:
    You can't double post for some time now. :D
  10. Modjahed Gems: 14/31
    Latest gem: Chrysoberyl

    Jul 30, 2000
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    A reply is still a reply - even from a moderator ( :) j/k), so here it comes:

    Day 15

    ... today was the day when we decided to check things in the Bridge District. Since we were now living here, people recognised us and shared some information...

    ... while searching for clues, we stumbled on one dark cellar. The air there was heavy, walls were covered with weird paintings, which in there turn were lighted by magic lanterns. A huge sarcophagus was standing in a middle of the room. We were standing quietly, not knowing what to do. Suddenly Strori touched my hand: “I remember where I saw all this. In the similar cellar in the Docks, remember, where we talked to that weird Golden skull. I think this is the place where we will find some part of his body...” Well, he was absolutely correct. The “thing” that appeared after we tried to lift the lid was as two drops of water the same as the one we killed at the Gates. I still had one Protection from Undead Scroll left from the graveyard, so I cast it on Thorin, while me a nd Strori ran in the opposite corner...

    ...A word here, a peace of leather there, and all the evidence pointed to the tanner’s house...

    ... after providing lieutenant Aegisfield with all information and evidence about the murders, we went back to our place. Home, sweet, home...

    Day 19

    ... That day the messenger from the keep arrived. We were a little bit tired from the big city anyway, so we decided to take a week’s leave from our work and after sorting out things in the Keep, go see how things are in Umar Hills and Windspear...

    ... sorting out the matters with the merchant and the guard was quite easy, so we decided not to delay our journey and headed to Umar Hills right away...


    I must make a small comment here. I actually deleted the savegame with my previous run-through with this group, so I had to do it again. This time I was able to do it 5 days quicker, and in order to keep the timeline of a story straight, I had to condense 2 weeks into one, so I made it look like I did two sequential stronghold quests at the same time

    --- more to follow ---
  11. total Guest

    Great story! I always wanted to read story that was made from gameplay!
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